Blow Your Own Horn and Spread the Word!
By implementing otoacoustic emissions (OAE) hearing screening, you have added significantly to the quality of services provided to infants and toddlers in your program. Most children in the U.S. do not yet have an opportunity to receive this valuable screening during their preschool years. We want to h elp you to "blow your own horn" so that you draw positive and appropriate attention to the important services you are providing to children, while simultaneously informing others about best practices in early childhood hearing screening.
Our new "Spread the Word" tools, available at, will allow you to send an e-mail blast to individuals you want to tell about your hearing screening program, generate media attention, or get a spot on a meeting or conference agenda. They are designed to help you "lead by example" and inspire other early childhood and health care professionals to adopt OAE screening practices. By taking advantage of these tools, the investment you have made in implementing quality hearing screening practices can have a far-reaching influence beyond the children and families you serve directly.
To initiate your own "Spread the Word" campaign, use this simple e-mail link to quickly provide basic information to colleagues about your OAE screening practice.
On Thursday, December 1st, we are offering a 'Mini-Webinar' on this topic, and encourage you to attend. Click here to register, or see specific information in the 'Look for Us' box on the left. In addition, look for next "Spread the Word" steps in upcoming newsletters!