Look for New Resources from the ECHO Initiative
We have good news! The Early Childhood Hearing Outreach (ECHO) Initiative has recently received funding from the Office of Head Start in collaboration with the Maternal and Child Health Bureau that will allow us to continue to serve as the Technical Assistance
Center on Early Hearing Detection and Intervention to Head Start grantees with a focus on children 0-3 years of age!
Each day, children with hearing loss attend Head Start.

How will we identify who they are?Make sure you are appropriately using Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) hearing screening methods so that children with unidentified hearing loss don't slip through the cracks. Look for new resources in the year ahead to support your hearing screening and follow-up activities.
Our future plans include:1) Ensuring that every Head Start Grantee has access to information about up-to-date hearing screening and follow-up practices.
2) Providing improved hearing screening and follow-up training materials that are even more user-friendly and that can be used in self-instructional formats.
3) Offering educational opportunities via webinars, on-site trainings, and conference workshops.
4) Establishing model programs across the country that can share their knowledge and
expertise with other grantees who may be initiating OAE hearing
screening programs.
Remember to tap into our resources at kidshearing.org, share these with others, and if you are interested in becoming a model hearing screening program, let us know.