Please visit us at ACTFL Booth # 1923
Let us show you how to use the latest technology to teach World Languages in your School.
Learning a
new language should be:
![Across Manual pic]( |
Thomas Nelson Community College Hampton, VA
Barrington High School Barrington, IL
Barrington Middle School Station Campus Barrington, IL
Barrington Middle School Prairie Campus Barrignton, IL
East Brunswick High School East Brunswick, NJ
Redlands Unified School District Redlands, CA
Oakton Community College Skokie, IL
Marlborough School Los Angeles, CA
Ranchview High School Irving, TX
Fayette County School Lexington, KY
Barbara Bush Middle School Irving, TX
East Greenwich High School East Greenwich, RI
Your Computer Lab is the ideal environment to do your World
Language AP® Exams!
![AP Image](
For more information or to speak to a member of our Technology Resource Group please email us at or call us at 800-367-1137 ext. 16
Thinking Globally: The
Need for World Language Study
By Linda Graffitti
Our High School students
routinely graduate from high school unable to speak more than one
language. We have been inattentive to
World Language Studies in the US
and have ignored the valuable tool they can be for our children.
Being bilingual makes you a
valuable asset in many industries and professions and gives you the edge that
could set you apart from the other candidates when applying for a job. With a
second language you can reach a set of customers for your potential employer
that might not otherwise be accessible to them due to language barriers.
Many of our health care
providers face language barriers on a daily basis. When non-English speaking patients come to
the emergency room how will the Nurses and Doctors find out what brought them
in? How will they treat them if you
can't diagnose what is wrong?
Greeting visitors from
abroad would be easier if we could find a common language. Many Europeans speak 2 or more languages. How
welcome the European family would feel if the hotel concierge could speak to
them in either their native tongue or another language other than English.
World Language Teachers not
only teach the rules and words of a language to their students they add to their
roles as Global Citizens by encouraging respect for other cultures and
developing their students' cultural literacy.
Investment Bankers and
Financial Advisors must navigate the world of Euros and Yen and the languages
and cultures that come with them. They need to understand different financial
institutions, political systems, foreign cultures and of course, languages to
be effective in their jobs.
President Obama stated
during his campaign: "America's
continued leadership in the world is going to [rely on] our capacity to
communicate across boundaries, across borders and that's something frankly,
where we've fallen behind."
Seven years earlier former
President Bush said: "America's leadership and national security rest on
our commitment to educate and prepare our youth for active engagement in the
international community. I call on
schools, teachers, students, parents and community leaders to promote
understanding of our nations and cultures by encouraging our young people to
participate in activities that increase their knowledge of and appreciation for
global issues, languages, history and geography, literature and the arts of
other countries."
If you look through the timeline
presented by the Committee for Economic Development in their report: "Education
for Global Leadership - The importance of International Studies and Foreign
Language Education for the U.S. Economic and National Security" you will find
that in the US we have been writing legislation related to international
studies and foreign language education since 1946.
The need for bilingual
graduates is evident. The time for real
change toward graduating bilingual students in the United States is now. The money is available to many schools to
purchase technology to support second language acquistion as well as deliver
the professional development to learn and implement the new technology.
"The economic stimulus
possibilities included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act represents
a 'Once in a Lifetime' opportunity to make a real difference in our schools" Arne
Duncan, Secretary of Education, April 22, 2009
![Tandberg Educational, inc.](
The September 2009
Fast Forward Educational Digest is now available for viewing, just click here!
Under Consideration: Possible Uses for ARRA Funds........School Districts across the nation have been charged with the responsibility to invest their ARRA monies in the next generation of school reforms. Here are but a few ideas being considered: - Summer/extended year programs
- Start-up costs for expanded Pre-K services
- Enhanced technology to support Academic Growth
- Curriculum materials and training for teachers of English Language Learners
- Extended day services for students not performing well academically
- Provide Assistive Technology for use of students with disabilities
- Support professional development for teachers serving students with disabilities
- Improve ADA accessibility
- Equipment modernization to Career/Technical Programs
![Around the World](
"We are looking to drive reform, reward excellence, and dramatically improve our nation's schools," said US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan when speaking about the $650M Innovation Fund.