August 2009                                        Volume 4, Issue 7

        Regency Reflections
by Inspirational Romance Author
 Linore Rose Burkard

timothy dalton

Speaking and Vacationing on the East Coast
book signing Recently my family and I went on a combined vacation/business trip. The vacation part of the traveling was fun, but I have to admit I really enjoyed the speaking engagements I squeezed in along the way just as much as the lake and caves we visited!

Above: Me, signing books in Atlanta's
LifeWay Book Store. (Mall of Georgia)

We made stops along the East Coast, the first in Roanoke, VA.,  where I spoke to the lovely women of the First Baptist Church. The book club had read Before the Selinore in VAason Ends and was eager to have me come and speak. After emailing for months with Book Club leader Sandi Andrews and reader Vickie McCubbin, I was just as eager to meet them! I now have some wonderful new friends.

After I spoke about "The Faith of Jane Austen," and signed many books, my whole family and I  enjoyed a beautiful luncheon the ladies of the book club had prepared.

I wish this picture could show the amazing attention to detail these talented ladies gave to this luncheon. Little white doilies bore pretty small rose stickers; same for clear plastic cups. Can you imagine? Someone actually taking the time to glue or stick a lovely little rose onto each cup, for each place setting, and the doilies? And the food was just as beautiful and tasty. Needless to say, I am sold on southern hospitality!  

roanoke ladies
Some of the First Baptist Book Club Ladies
standing: Martha and Diane  Sitting: Sue,Kathy, Marguerite, Carolyn, Vickie (holding my books--she's a darling new friend!) and Carol

While in Roanoke, my family stayed with my parents for a few days, who live near the beautiful Smith Mountain Lake. The short walk to the water is nearly all downhill, including a steep wooden stairway, and then the drop from their dock is into 40 feet of warm lake. I felt little fish touch my feet now and then, (happens every time I've been there) and the swim with my kids w
as  wonderful on a hot day.
kids in the lake

              Four of my five kids enjoying Smith Mountain Lake

 I almost had to swim to a neighboring dock to get out, since we missed seeing the ladder my dad keeps there, attached to the railing of the steps
. Said dad shook his head that we hadn't seen the ladder, but all was set to rights and I was able to climb back out on their dock.  

Next stop was North Carolina where I met up with Mimi Pearson (who runs the FirstWildCard Blog Tours). Both my books have had Wild Card tours thanks to Mimi, and as a fan of my books herself, we both enjoyed the chance to meet. (We also share a love of swimming.) Our families went together to see the Linville Caverns and waterfall. We tried to visit a lake but got lost instead! It was still great fun to be in the mountains--not to mention the beautiful Blue Ridge Parkway on the way down. 
Linville caverns
Eerie picture from inside the Caverns!

linville waterfalls
                One view of the lovely Linville Waterfalls

After saying goodbye to Mimi, we went on to South Carolina where we stayed at the home of a writer-friend of mine, Debbie Lynne Costello and her family. South Carolina is HOT--that's one thing we noticed. But we also noticed a lot more of that great Southern hospitality, and it was wonderful to meet Debbie Lynne and her family. Debbie Lynne (DL) and I "met" on the ACFW loop (American Christian Fiction Writers) and since January of this year, we've been emailing daily, sharing goals and especially writing goals. In the process, we have become dear friends. What a joy to meet and really have a chance to get to know each other better!  (Melanie Dickerson, another writer, also emails with us,and all three of us try to hold each other accountable for our goals--writing and otherwise. Melanie will feel left out reading this, but she lives in Alabama, and that just wasn't on our East Coast tour! Sorry, Melanie!)

gracie and sheltie

My youngest, and one of Debbie Lynne's sheltie pups. (They got along fabulously.)

Below: Last stop: Georgia!
timothy dalton

I got to meet yet one more sweet online friend--Nora St. Laurent, as well as the fun-loving ladies of her book club. Nora gave me the sneaky pleasure of listening in while they discussed my book--that was sooo fun! Then I spoke to the women and shared some slides with them. This is one bunch that loves to laugh,and I joined right in. The most interesting thing, however, was that one woman called Mr. O'Brien ( a character from Before the Season Ends)  a "weasel!" She did not like him.
(I consider it a personal challenge to see if she will change her opinion after reading The Country House Courtship!)

Before we even started down the Coast on our adventures, we enjoyed a family reunion of sorts in the beautiful Catskill Mountains in New York, (my side of the family, below, bottom.)

Back in Ohio, we had a wonderful time when the Burkard clan got together (below, top).  June and July were a whirlwind of traveling, meeting new friends, and stretching out my "speaking" wings. It was great!
burkard reuniongrabher reunion
 Choosing Mr. Mornay:
  Results of the Vote! 

In case you didn't have a chance to see the contenders for the title of "Mr. Phillip Mornay, the Paragon of Regency Society,"  take a peek at author Tina Dee's blog, The Homestead Heart.  The choices are still there.

Below are the top three  favorites.

elliot cowan as darcy

Elliot Cowan as "Mr. Darcy."  
Portrait #4

james purefoy

James Purefoy as Beau Brummell.    
Portrait #5

t dalton yet again

Timothy Dalton
Portrait 10C

A few late additions to the contest, suggested by readers, are:
David Rintoul (Darcy in one BBC production)
Greg Wise (the dishonourable Mr. Willoughby in "Sense and Sensibility")  and Richard Armitage Thornton from "North and South."

AND THE WINNER IS: (Drumroll, please.....)

ELLIOT COWAN! with 15 votes
Runner up: James Purefoy, with 7 votes
Third place: Timothy Dalton 6 votes

I have to confess that Dalton in the above picture most closely resembles my own idea of Mornay, but the Cowan photo is my second choice.

Thanks to everyone who voted!
And  Special Thanks to Tina Dee, for running the contest on her interesting blog, The Homestead Heart.  Check it out. Tina writes sweet romance with a western flair.
(Tina also created a lovely preview video for the contest--click the link above to view! Love that music!)
The Romance Studio Awards "5 Hearts" to Before the Season Ends 
5 hearts Note: 5 Hearts is their equivalent to a 5-Star Review. Below, an excerpt:

Linore Rose Burkard pens a unique romance. Faith in God holds more weight to our strong minded heroine, Ariana, than money, looks or connections within the aristocracy. Not so with her Aunt who's determined that her neice marry well and help ensure her own place in society. We're given some well crafted twists and turns in the tale that keep us guessing as to whether Phillip can ever live up to the expectations of the woman who enchants him with her wit as well as her looks. They find themselves in some atypical situations that bring a smile or even a chuckle to the reader.
The supporting cast is full of the kind of characters we expect in the aristocracy. The infighting, one upmanship, and partying is delightful in keeping with the tradition of Regency romances. Through it all Ariana manages to shine as a beacon who is popular while still being outspoken in her beliefs. She charms Princes and commoners as well as the reader. Great dialogue and scene building help make this book well worth the read even if you aren't usually into inspirational type fiction.

Luxurious Viewing
(August's Best Historical DVD Pick)
Buy from Amazon

If Judy Dench doesn't make you want this series, then Imelda Staunton should. Dench is especially effective and fascinating as a gentle old soul, unlike her usually tough persona that she often plays with such aplomb. You will love each and every character in this quintessential 19th century drama  based on the book by Elizabeth Gaskell. Lots of hours of viewing pleasure. If you can't get this now, at least put it on your Christmas wish list!

Readers' Choice: Who is the Real Miss Ariana Forsythe?
Last month, I posted photos and illustrations of men who I thought might resemble Mr. Mornay for you to choose from with a vote. Now it's your turn: Send me your idea of Ariana Forsythe: A link to a photo, an illustration, the face of an actress, a book cover, etc.


Next month I'll post the "contestants" that YOU send me and we'll do a vote on them. This will be fun, fun, fun, but only if you participate. Please take a moment and think: who would YOU choose to play Ariana if there were a movie made of Before the Season Ends, or, The House in Grosvenor Square? 

timothy dalton

Would you pick the model on the book's cover? Or someone else? Send me your choices. You can send more than one if you like, and we'll add it to the roster.

I can't wait to see your ideas. 

And I Quote
I have always enjoyed reading series. There is a special comfort in relaxing with characters you know in a place with which you have become familiar. Then you can also enjoy a new twist in a known environment, the continued acquaintance of 'people' you know.

Regency Author Lesley-Anne Mccleod
Visit Lesley online. 

Where's the Jane Quote and Contest?

I goofed!
I can't find one half of the list of the entrants for last month's Jane Contest! If you sent me an entry but your name is NOT listed below, would you please re-send? I apologize for the inconvenience. Normally I save every single email entry until the contest is over. This time, I thought I'd work smarter and I kept a running list of each entry as it arrived. Turns out that working smarter was not smarter after all. I can't explain how I managed to lose half a list (the first page of my list) but I have put off mailing this newsletter hoping to find it, only I can't.

Please accept my deepest apologies if your entry was one of the ones I misplaced. Here is the same quote and answers as appeared last month. Again, if your name is NOT on the list below, please send in your answer again. 
timothy daltonThanks so much for your understanding
and for participating!

The Winner (who sends me the correct answer FIRST) will win a copy of the ORIGINAL, self-published version of Before the Season Ends. If your name is in the list below, don't worry, a second winner will be chosen from it.


"I would not be so fastidious as you are, for a kingdom!"

The CHOICES:  Is the above quotation from:

a) Pride and Prejudice

b) Emma

c) Mansfield Park

d) A personal letter written by Jane

These are the entries that I do have: 

The Hofers (A. Hofer)
Christa Wentt
Christine Wooten
Gail Hurt
Lori Parker
Sarah Bailey
Adriana Zardini
Linda Wagner
Rachel Rossano
Mimi Baker
LuAnn Morgan
Val ("lastnerve2000")
Sheri Fabiani
Barb Hudson
Tom Williams
Marilyn London
Christina Hohmann
Jane Squires
Valisha Houston

Is your name missing from this list? Please send me your answer again!
Send to:  Linore (@) LinoreRoseBurkard (dot) com

The "Everything Austen Challenge" is Going on, and it's not too late to join! Read about it on Melanie Dickerson's Blog HERE.
Let's Be Friends-- on Facebook
Are you familiar with Google Books? Thousands of old books in the public domain are available in their entirety, and absolutely free.
I have pages of books in my Google (online) library. These are volumes that have been digitized by Google. I used to download all the books I found through Google books, but I don't reference them often once I go through them, so now I let Google keep track of them for me. 

Take a look and start building your own library if you don't already have one. Some of these old volumes have magnificent illustrations! (And now you know a great place to go for research purposes, too.)
Take a Look at My Shelf:   HERE

Please feel free to post this on your blogs or send to  any writer's groups you participate in. 

Got a manuscript hiding in your file cabinet? Know a writer who does?

I'm raffling a full edit of one manuscript (up to 300 pages) and it only costs the price of a book to enter!  Some freelance editors or editing services can cost upwards of $500-$1,000 or more for a good, full edit. THIS IS A BARGAIN OPPORTUNITY FOR WRITERS OR FRIENDS OF WRITERS.

Anyone who sends me (via email) proof of purchase
for one of my books from Amazon or, (or any other online bookseller) will be entered in a drawing to win a free edit/critique of their manuscript (or a manuscript for someone else) by me, up to 300 pages.
The receipt must be dated from August 15th through September 15th  to qualify.

If you purchase more than one book, you will be entered more than once.
Each purchase is an entry.

For your convenience, you may use a link in this newsletter to make your purchase(s). Or go to your favorite online seller.
Kindle e-book purchases DO count.

YOU MAY ALSO ENTER by asking your friends or family
to get a book. If they are not writers, you can enter with their receipt. Just state that you are doing so, with their permission. Or have THEM send me the
email receipt with your name and email as the entering writer. 

You do not need to write romance to enter this contest. I can critique or edit any manuscript with the following exceptions:
NO gore, no horror, nothing rated R  for sexual content.

Mail your Book Receipt with the title of the book included, to:

BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION. EITHER A PHONE NUMBER OR EMAIL ADDRESS. Contest will end on the 15th, but submissions may be sent until Sept. 30. Winner will be announced on Sept. 16th on my blog, or in the next newsletter.

Linore (@) LinoreRoseBurkard (dot) com

Thanks and GOOD LUCK!
See you next month,
"Once in a while, in an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale"

leighton girl on balcony

Speaking and Signings
Choosing Mr.Mornay--Revisited
DVD of the Month
Readers' Choice--Choose Ariana!
Readers Write
Quick Links
Linore's Free Reader Resources OR
Free Blogger's Toolkit:
Click Here

Linore's Newest Book (The Country House Courtship) is Available for pre-order! Click Here

I share gleanings from my personal devotions on my blog, as well as occasional snippets of life as a writer.  
Click Here
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You'll also get the FREE ebook, "Fact or Fiction: Myths and Mysteries of the Regency!" following sign up

YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO WOULD ENJOY THIS NEWSLETTER! Forward it to them. ("I daresay they'll be pleased you did.")

I am thrilled by the stream of wonderful letters I continue to get from readers:

English Church
 Started it last night, and am again impressed with your sparkling, human and humourous dialogue.  :)
Christine Lindsay, Writer

Read a full review of the book from HERE.

I received the books yesterday and LOVE the cover.  I was hooked by page 10, always a really good sign for a book!  I just love the humor you weave into the story and I really love Ariana, can't wait to read some more.
Kelly Yohe, VA

I loved Before the Season Ends and was thrilled to see the sequel.  The continued adventures of Ariana and Phillip gave me many hours of enjoyment.  I appreciate your attention to detail that allows your readers to better understand the Regency period without the vulgar references so often associated with that period. 
  Please don't let your readers wait to terribly long for another fine work.
God Bless You,
    Liz Russell

From a letter to Harvest House, my publisher:

I have now read Linore Rose Burkard's second volume and commend you for finding an author who is both familiar with the Regency era and capable of writing non-preachy Christian stories.
Cathy Allison

What's It All About?
English Church
The House in Grosvenor Square

I like to say it's a madcap march to the altar for the irrepressible Ariana and
her dashing Mornay.
But here's the "official" blurb:

Ariana and Mr. Mornay, following a rocky courtship, are finally betrothed and have set a wedding date, but strange things begin to happen in the house in Grosvenor Square, and when two brothers with a grudge decide to abduct the future bride to prevent the wedding altogether, what can Mr. Mornay do to stop them;  And--if they succeed--will he ever get her back?

Got a Reading Group?  See the Discussion Questions for The House in Grosvenor Square on this page. low-price Link

Real Men Read Romance! 

Here's the big news:  I'm almost finished reading "Before The Season Ends" and am looking forward to purchasing "The House In Grosvenor Square".  I really wish I had more time to read, but I do manage to get in an hour now and then.  Linore - I loved the book!  Yes, I know I'm an uncouth male from Brooklyn, but I'm actually a romantic at heart....

Sam S., NY 

Avid Reader Curls Up in Bed with Grosvenor Square

I finished reading Before the Season Ends last night and was glad I could obtain a copy of the sequel today.  Thanks Linore Burkard for such
a pleasant read. I didn't want to put it down.  Since I am an avid fan of Austen I really connected with your characters and the time period...One of the things I appreciate about your book is the way you presented the gospel.  If someone reads this book and doesn't know
Christ and His plan for them I'm sure it will speak to their heart... 

We need more wonderful books like yours. Now after my busy day I'm anxious to get my bath and curl up in bed and get started on The House In Grosvenor Square!
Thanks again and God bless you and yours real good!

Charlene MacLellan
(Granny C's Book Nook)

FROM FACEBOOK: Reader's sister just can't wait!

"I gave "Before the Season Ends" to my sister for her birthday yesterday. Today she came up looking sad and said she was all out of books. "You finished it already?" I asked her. She shrugged. "You see, (Mr. Mornay's) soul was in doubt, and then then there was this other guy and...well...I just had to find out." LOL Originally she was going to save it to read on the flight to her friend's wedding next week."

Amy Michelle Wiley

PS: Amy's sister bought The House in Grosvenor Square for Amy for her birthday--and last I heard, was trying to save it to read during her flight!

What's It All About?
Before the Season Ends

Romantic woes at home send lovely Miss Ariana Forsythe to fashionable  Mayfair in London to stay with her wealthy aunt for the Season. What happens when this determined young woman of faith crosses paths with the Paragon, London's darling rogue--and scandal ensues? Ariana finds herself obliged to live a lie--but is it a lie? Will she end up betrothed to the wrong man, or could it be that all the mixed-up events are somehow leading her right to where her heart is? Her faith is turned upside down and inside out in this sparkling regency romp and only God knows how it can turn out right --before the season ends!
Purchase Links  for Before the Season Ends or, The House in Grosvenor Square
New! Buy the book in a Kindle edition!

The Country House Courtship

"I can't wait for the next book. We just started home school day before yesterday and just reading the title of your new book makes me excited that a new Regency escape will be coming along soon to rescue me from reality, LOL!
Tina Dee, Author, Mom, Homeschooler, Blogger

Thank you, Tina. This book is fully intended to whisk you away to the Regency and godly romance!

I loved your Before the Season Ends and The House in Grosvenor Square!!! I'll be glad to wait until you finish your next book so I can get it as soon as it comes out! I don't know if it's the same one or not - but I already have The Country House Courtship in my Wishlist on CBD. It says it's to ship in January. So as soon as I make an order, your book will be in that order. Again, I love your books!
Shirley Soliday

Edification: On its way! Like Shirley, you can pre-order the book from any online bookseller today.

The third book in the Regency Series:
The Country House Courtship is with my publisher (Harvest House Publishers) and I should be getting the galleys soon. All the characters you've come to love from the first two books are still at large, and Beatrice, now all of seventeen, gets her day. (Hmm--does she look a little headstrong? Hint, hint.)

Cover--Country House Courtship


If I had an award for the most outstanding reader's letter each month, it would go to reader Susan Snodgrass this time, who sent me the following:

Dear Linore,
I read 'Before The Season Ends' early this year and I just this moment finished 'The House In Grosvenor Square.'  I absolutely loved both of them, although there was so much excitement in the second, which had me on the edge of my seat...[spoiler]  Phew!
I have been a fan of Regency romance for 30 years. I used to read historical romance, only a few authors, but then the Holy Spirit convicted me of reading those books, because I felt they were not fit for a Christian to read.  Regency romances were just such a wonderful genre because I am a history buff... 
And now...inspirational Regency!  Your books bore more than just a casual mention of Scripture, too.  The characters' lives bore witness to that fact.  And they want to lead others to Christ as well.
Bravo to you! 
Really, I truly just loved the books.  On this last one, I tried to read slowly to savor it and keep it from ending and at the same time, I wanted to hurry and read it to see what happened.  Everything about the book was just wonderful.  So much excitement.  And the way Ariana and Mornay reacted with one another was so special, I could feel the love they felt for each other. 
I sort of had a feeling that maybe you might explore further some of the other characters in the books.  In any case, I certainly do hope you've another book in the works right now.  I want to read another one soon!  Please say that you do.
Another thing I wanted to say is how authentic you have made the books.  Everything about the Regency period has been included in your books, which makes them all the more interesting and readable.  Please know that you have a very devoted fan in Clover, SC, who will always snatch your books off the shelves at the book store.
May God bless your life as you bless others with the gift He has given you.
Susan Snodgrass

Thank you so much, Susan! Letters like yours make all the hours at my laptop writing, well worth it. And by now you've seen that there is, indeed, another Regency coming from me: The Country House Courtship!  (see above)
Need  A Speaker?

"Linore--Just a quick note to thank you again for your presentation at the Faithwriters Conference.  I gained so much from it... Thank you again for your inspiration!"
Leslie Schonfeld

I just wanted to send you a message thanking you for all of the wonderful information and advice that you presented to us at the FaithWriter's conference. I learned a lot from you, and I hope to be able to take your advice and use it to someday market myself and get my work out there.

."For anyone who has attended Linore's teaching [or who would like to] she is GREAT. I'm reading her handouts from Y-City Writer's Conference for the 4th time and I still marvel at her incredible resources. [She] is AWESOME!
Tiffany Colter, The Writing Career Coach

From Facebook:
Thanks SO much for coming and teaching us so much. You helped, and blessed, me tremendously.

Joanne Sher

To Learn More About Linore's Speaking Topics
see this page of her website.