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Honorary Lifetime Member Awards
Jim Fong Webinar
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Reserve Your Hotel Room for the NAASS Conference | |
The 48th Annual NAASS Conference is right around the corner!
The speakers, in combination with a broad range of concurrent sessions, promise to deliver an interesting and varied range of topics surrounding the impact ofsummer sessions on student success.
The Hilton Suites Chicago Magnificent Mile will host the 48th Annual NAASS Conference on November 13-16. The hotel currently has rooms available on all nights except Tuesday. The deadline to reserve a room at the $199 conference rate is Wednesday, October 12. The rate will increase after the deadline.
The conference is also filling up, but we have room for you. Register online now or view the preliminary schedule.
October 14 - Deadline for Creative & Innovative
Program Award Applications | |
Each year NAASS recognizes member schools that offer creative and innovative programs. Through these awards, NAASS seeks to highlight the importance of curriculum development, give credit to summer session administrators who make outstanding contributions to the operation/management of summer session, and provide a forum for members to learn from each other.
To submit your program, please complete the Program Data and Program Narrative forms. The deadline has been extended and entries will be accepted until Friday, October 14. Questions? Email committee chair Cathy Evans.
Awards are presented in three categories: credit, non-credit, and administrative. Each program is judged on the following criteria: creativity, uniqueness, benefit to students, your institution, and/or community, etc., and adaptability to other institutions. You may submit more than one program in a single category. However, you may not submit a program for consideration in more than one category. More information is available online. |
NAASS Conference Highlights | |
The September newsletter featured our keynote speakers and the New Administrator Workshops. Here are a few program topics and activities to anticipate at our 48th annual conference.
Monday, November 14
Hear Dr. Bill Savage, lifelong Chicagoan, distinguished lecturer at Northwestern University, and co-editor of Chicago: City on the Make, share a Chicago perspective.
Concurrent Sessions
Scheduling the right classes
Using data to move to a demand-sided summer model
Marketing strategies and tactics
Tuesday, November 15
Creative and Innovative Program Awards
Lunch with Seasoned Professionals:
Bill McClure, Bill Kops, Loy Lytle, Ken Burrows, Karen Heikel, Allyson Morris, Cordelia Maloney, and Sue Day-Perroots
Annual Banquet and Awards Ceremony
Wednesday, November 16
Legacy Speaker: Ken Burrows
Phase 1 Research on Administrative Organization in Summer Sessions, NAASS, WASSA, NCCSS, and AUSS members institutions. |
UIC and Hull House Tour Offered at Conference | |
3:00 pm, Tuesday, November 15
Sign Up at the Conference
The University of Illinois-Chicago campus is historically and architecturally unique in that it is a relatively young campus, built in the 1960's under the leadership of the late Chicago mayor Richard J. Daley, Sr. It was designed by acclaimed architect, Walter Netsch, in a modern style that was in vogue at the time. While there have been some inevitable changes to campus in recent years, the tour of the campus will highlight both the buildings that Netsch designed for a feel of his architectural vision and the story behind the creation of this modern urban university. This walking tour will appeal to anyone interested in modern architecture and also the history of the creation of a modern urban university.
In addition, the UIC visit will include a visit to the Jane Addams Hull House Museum, located right on the UIC campus. Jane Addams was an activist and social reformer in the late 1800's and the museum was created to preserve her original immigrant settlement house & dining hall. It's a wonderful, smallish museum that would appeal to those interested in history and in particular the history of social activism. Given that modern neighborhood activism in the face of UIC's construction in the 1960's resulted in the preservation of this museum, the pairing of the two will make for an interesting afternoon.
The tour will also include a visit to the historic Maxwell Street in Chicago, which is now part of UIC's South Campus area. The preservation of this street demonstrates yet another case of activism in the face of UIC's most recent southern expansion in 2000. |
Honorary Lifetime Member Awards Announced | |
Congratulations to Loy Lytle and John Leffler, recipients of the prestigious Honorary Lifetime Member Award from NAASS. Jon and Loy will receive the award at the conference banquet on Tuesday, November 15.
 | Loy Lytle |
Loy Lytle has served NAASS in many capacities including: president, president-elect, past president, chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee, chair of Conference Program and Planning Committee, member of the Finance Committee, and current member of the Quality and Research Committee.
Loy has been a frequent presenter at the conferences. Loy created the Legacy Series (since renamed the Michael U. Nelson Legacy Series) which asks retired or soon-to-be retired colleagues to share their recollections and view about summer sessions, past, present, and yet to come. He was selected as the Michael U. Nelson Legacy Series Speaker in 2010.
Under Loy's tenure, UCSB won three Most Outstanding Administrative Program Awards and four Awards of Merit from the Creative and Innovative Awards Committee.
 | John Leffler |
As Assistant Director of Continuing Education at Newark State College (now Kean University of New Jersey), John Leffler received his initial exposure to summer session along with adult continuing education responsibilities (1969-1974). In 1975, while working in Summer Sessions and Special Programs at Montclair State College, he became active with a loosely affiliated group of New Jersey college administrators responsible for summer session operations and was responsible for bringing Montclair State College (now University) into NAASS.
John has been active with NAASS and the Middle States Region throughout his career, and Montclair State University continues its membership today. He served as interim vice president and subsequently vice president for the Middle States region from 1995 to 2000 and was involved in joint meetings with the Northeastern Region in Charlottesville, New York City, Toronto, and Pittsburgh during that period. The joint meetings proved to be worthwhile and helpful to the attendees, and the tradition continues.
John Leffler served on the Research Committee, chaired and served on the Creative and Innovative Awards Committee, and assumed responsibility for the Middle States Membership Committee as vice president. He has been a recorder, discussion leader, panelist, and presenter at numerous plenary sessions of the national and regional conferences over the years. John wrote, "All of my experiences with NAASS helped me with my career and professional development. I made friendships that continue today because of NAASS."
Next Webinar - Market Research with Jim Fong | |
Register Now!
 | Jim Fong |
Market Research
Jim Fong, Founding Director
Center for Research and Consulting
University Professional & Continuing Education Association
October 27, 2011
3:00 p.m. EDT |
Renew Your NAASS Membership | |
Your NAASS membership is a bargain at $250 for five members from your institution. Membership is good for the calendar year, but why not renew now as you pay your conference fee?
Renew online and request an invoice or pay immediately with a credit card. Membership details maybe found at the NAASS website.
Questions? Contact Executive Secretary Janet Lange or call toll-free 866-880-9607. |
November 1 Deadline for Summer Academe Reviews | |
Summer Academe is interested in Book and Media Reviews for the first issue of the "rebooted" journal anticipated in early 2012. If you have read an interesting book or media report related to summer session or higher education administration, please consider sharing it with others by providing a brief, clear presentation of the subject matter and commentary on its relevance to summer session administration or pedagogy (400-800 words). Reviews of materials less than three years old are preferred.
Please notify Bill Kops of your intention to submit a review prior to submission. Reviews are submitted electronically as attachments (in Microsoft Word), double-spaced with one-inch margins, Times New Roman or Arial 12 pt. font to: Bill Kops, Academic Editor, Summer Academe. Please include your address, telephone number(s), e-mail address, and brief biography as a separate attachment. Reviews will be edited for clarity of presentation, including organization, syntax, vocabulary, and grammar. The submission deadline for Book and Media Reviews for the 2012 issue of Summer Academe is November 1, 2011. |
Save the Date for 2012 - Philadelphia Hosts NAASS | |