Social Media:
Connecting and Engaging with Today's Customers
by Cheryl Fabrizi
Join us for the next NAASS Webinar
Tuesday, May 24, 3:00 EDT
Dear :
How do you know if your customers "like" you and are connecting and "following" you these days? If you're like many people, you're ready to assess your current communications and marketing plans and specific strategies to assure you are successfully integrating and leveraging today's social media tools. Learn more about how to manage your time and resources, what content generates value, interest, sales and feedback from customers, how to assess results, and how to enhance your plans, both professionally and personally.
Join NAASS members on May 24 at 3 pm EST for this engaging look at social media with Cheryl Fabrizi, Assistant Dean, Admissions and Recruitment at Binghamton University, State University of New York. Her previous professional experience includes corporate branding, marketing and public relations for global companies QVC, Caesars and Gentex Corporation. In October 2010, she provided a social media presentation at The College Board's forum in Washington, D.C.
Year-round in the Binghamton community, Cheryl serves as an adjunct instructor for Continuing Education courses and Entrepreneurial Assistance Programs at Broome Community College, SUNY, where she shares her hands-on experience and assists entrepreneurs and small business owners with business and marketing action plans.
Register for the webinar at the NAASS website or check out the webinar schedule for 2011.
Hope to "see" you on May 24!
North American Association of Summer Session |
Sue Needs Your Nominations for NAASS Officers
 Email Past President Sue Day-Perroots with your nominations for the following NAASS officers for 2011-2012. President-Elect Treasurer Regional Vice President - Northeastern Regional Vice President - Southern |
Call for Submissions |  |
Bill Kops, Academic Editor of Summer Academe, and the Editorial Board, welcome manuscript submissions for the 2012 issue. The deadline is September 1. Editorial review procedures are in the Call for Proposals PDF. For information or submissions, email Bill Kops. |