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North American Association of Summer Sessions Newsletter
In This Issue
Theresa Neil Call for Proposals
Membership Renewals Due Now
2010 Award Winners
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January 2011



Janet LangeI hope the new year is off to a good start for you.  I am pleased to be writing this first newsletter of the year as your new Executive Secretary.  President Bill McClure will bring together your Administrative Council in February to develop the steps to achieve his goals for the 2010-2011 NAASS year.  One of these goals is to retain our members and encourage new colleagues to join our organization.  You will find more details in the articles below.

Please call on me or Candy Hall when you have questions about NAASS, and we will answer you promptly.  Our toll free number is 866.880.9607 or contact Candy at or me at  Candy and I anticipate an exciting year supporting our members as they work to make a better organization. 

Warm regards,


Theresa Neil Memorial Research Fund
Theresa Neil text

Call for Proposals

Deadline March 7

The Summer Session Research Consortium has $9,000 in total available for the 2011 Theresa Neil award.  Funds will support one or two research proposals.  The Consortium invites proposals that address pedagogical or administrative issues that pertain to summer session at North American colleges and universities.

Information is available at these Consortium member websites.

Proposals must be submitted electronically to the Research Consortium Chair, Dr. Donna Shea by Monday, March 7, 2011. Funding decisions will be announced by May 2011. Prospective applicants should feel free to contact Donna by e-mail or telephone at 617-353-5124 with questions or to discuss their ideas.


NAASS Membership Renewal Due Now
Three Membership Types Available

Now is the time to renewyour membership using our new online system.  Most NAASS members choose the University/College membership, which allows up to five members from the institution.  Completing your membership renewal with the online database provides NAASS with updated and accurate information from our members while giving them a choice of receiving an invoice or using a credit card payment option.  The online database will be helpful to NAASS as we send information to our members in the future.


Go to the NAASS website for membership information or click here to renew your membership now. 

2010 Award Recipients

NAASS Volunteers Recognized

Congratulations to those who received NAASS awards at the 2010 conference in Portland, Maine.

  • Honorary Life Award - Howard Martin, Emeritus Dean of Continuing Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Distinguished Service Award - John LaBrie, Interim Dean, College of Professional Studies, Northeastern University
  • Creative and Innovative Program Award - Beth Laves, Interim Associate Vice President, Summer Sessions/Winter Term at Western Kentucky University
  • Merit Awards were presented by 2009-2010 President Sue Day-Perroots to the following NAASS members.
    Jon Neidy, Bradley University
    Jessica Madrigal, Johns Hopkins University
    Beth Laves, Western Kentucky University
2011 NAASS Annual Conference

Save the Date for November 13-16

Hilton Suites Magnificent Mile

Indoor Pool at Hilton Suites

Indoor heated pool located on the 30th floor featuring stunning views of Lake Michigan and Chicago's famous skyline, plenty of room to swim laps or relax in the Jacuzzi� and sauna.

It's not too early to mark your calendar for the 2011 NAASS Conference in Chicago, Illinois.  We will be staying in the heart of the city, just off Michigan Avenue.  Go to our conference hotel website to learn more about the amenities that await you when you visit the windy city.  More details to come from President-Elect and conference chair Cindy DeLuca.