Welcome to NAASS' New Web Site www.naass.org
Dear ,
After almost 10 months in development, the New NAASS Website is up and operational. It includes updated directories, a blog, updated news and announcements and many other added features. As a NAASS member, you are able to log in and find a wide variety of information. We've even inlcuded the last several years of listserve information which you can now search!
The first thing you need to do is to login and set your own password. In order to assist you, we've prepared a video tutorial to help you along.
Follow this link and the video will show you how to update and personalize your logon and password.
The first time you use the site, it will be important to login and reset your password. After logging in, you will have access to a wider array of information and you will also have access to the blog. If you have any problems getting logged in, please send an e-mail to John LaBrie at naasslabrie@gmail.comand he will assist you in getting logged in. Remember, only members of NAASS will be provided login access to the website.
Also, I don't want you to miss out in this week's Webinar with Dr. John Caron from Brown University. Full details are below and also available on our new website. Archives of the last two webinars are also listed on the website. Registration is open and free to all members. Remember, with the full University fee approved this past fall, up to 5 names can be listed on our membership lists and participate in the Webinars at no additional charge. Thank you for being a member of NAASS!
Register Today for Managing Risk for Pre-College Programs: Registrations Info can be found by clicking this link.
Managing Risk for Pre-College Programs
April 15, 2010 -
3:00 PM EST
Whether you are thinking about offering a summer pre-college program or
trying to grow your pre-college program, this presentation will explore
important questions, best practices, and resources for managing risk of
pre-college programs. Summer pre-college programs can be a source of
new revenue and serve as a feeder program for admissions. However,
bringing minors to campus presents a unique set of challenges that must
be considered if you want to promote a safe, positive academic
experience for students and their parents. We will explore best
practices that are used by the Summer@Brown Program and important
issues related to managing risk for pre-college student populations.
Schedule of Upcoming Webinars and Presenters: Archive Recordings of Previous NAASS Webinars are available through our web site. Click Here for Links.
NAASS 47th Annual Conference, Portland,
Maine Nov 7-10, 2010 May 20, 2010 -
3:00 PM EST Bill McClure, University of Massachusetts Amherst Registration: http://elearn.wvu.edu/info/register.php?sid=73 History of Summer June 17, 2010 -
3:00 PM EST Ken Smith, Virginia Tech Registration: http://elearn.wvu.edu/info/register.php?sid=74 Innovative Summer Grants July 15, 2010 -
3:00 PM EST Cindy DeLuca,North Carolina State University Sue Day-Perroots, West Virginia University
http://elearn.wvu.edu/info/register.php?sid=75 Revenue-Sharing - Models August 19, 2010 - 3:00 PM EST Margaret
Pinnell Registration: http://elearn.wvu.edu/info/register.php?sid=76 |
Save the Date NAASS 47th Annual National Conference
 Summer Sessions The "Maine" Event
November 7-10, 2010
The New England Region of NAASS invites you to the 47th Annual Conference of the North American Association of Summer Sessions, to be held at the Holiday Inn by the Bay in picturesque downtown Portland, Maine on November 7 - 10, 2010.