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ejoy! weekly newsletter                                                   June 25/26, 2011

In This Issue
In Worship
Summer Sunday School
Vacation Bible School
Paul Webster
Taize Worship
 Thought for the Day:


"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us."
-Helen Keller


This Weekend: June 25/26

Divorce- When a Marriage Falls Apart

Mark 10:2-12


This weekend we will take a look at one of the most painful aspects of family life - divorce. While we often think of divorce as a contemporary issue, divorce has been an aspect of life from the beginning of time.  Jesus talked about divorce several times throughout the gospels.  Divorce is mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures.   The apostle Paul spoke about divorce.  There were laws governing divorce that Jesus emphasized in his teachings.  In Paul's writings, he values working hard on marriage but also says that divorce in some circumstances is inevitable


What I know from the conversations I have had this past week and the survey in JOY Notes, is that there are not very many families who have not experienced divorce.  I also know that divorce brings forth feelings of failure, fear, shame, guilt and brokenness.  In time, divorce can offer feelings of relief and new beginnings.  God promises us strength to walk through our pain and healing from our pain. 


Our United Methodist Social Principles speak about divorce.  We encourage an intentional commitment of the Church and society to minister compassionately to those in the process of divorce, as well as members of divorced and remarried families, in a community of faith where God's grace is shared by all.  As a church family we are to offer encouragement and blessing to those going through painful and difficult times.


If you know of someone who is going through a divorce or newly divorced, take a moment and invite them to come to worship with you this weekend to hear a word of God's hope.


See you in church!


Pastor Susan 




Join us in "Summer Sunday School" as we have fun learning all about the heroes of the bible including Noah, Jonah, Daniel, Esther, David, Miriam & Moses, Lydia and more! Each week will include a fun craft & activity, bible story and treat.  Summer Sunday school is at 9 or 10:30 a.m. UPSTAIRS in rooms 212, 216 and 208/221.  Parents and children will worship together first in the Sanctuary and then after the "Children's Message," they will be dismissed to Sunday school.  Summer Sunday school is for ages infant (that's right...even our youngest will be superheroes this summer!) through 5th grade.  Youth (8th -12th grade) are always welcome to join us as volunteers.  Bring a friend this summer to Sunday school and you BOTH receive a special gift!



July 18-22, 2011 Monday-Friday from 8:45 a.m. to 11:45 p.m.

Special VBS Sunday, July 24 celebration at 9:00 a.m. in worship


REGISTER BY JULY FOR AND SAVE $10 - Register online click here or visit our website to print forms  Superhero Training Camp will teach kids how they can be a hero like Jesus by having faith, obeying Jesus, caring for  others and more!  The week will be full of superhero crafts, games, music and biblical teaching.  Each child will receive a t-shirt and CAPE!  Friday family lunch, awards and celebration from 11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.  IT'S A WEEK THEY WON'T WANT TO MISS!  AGES 3 to 12 WELCOME! 


WEE BE HEROES TOO!  Superhero Training Camp for 0-2 year olds and parent on Wednesday, July 20 from 8:45 - 11:00 a.m.  That's right! Even our littlest can be heroes for Jesus! ONE DAY ONLY - registration required. 


Adult and youth volunteers STILL needed for Summer Sunday school and VBS!  Sign-up in JOY notes or contact Dana Saxton at 964-2424 x 113 or for more information.






Join us for a light supper followed by Paul's sharing of his missionary work at Mujila Falls Agricultural Centre. A carpool will be leaving from the church at 5:15 pm.  Please RSVP to the church office by Monday noon, June 27.


Click here for more info on Paul and his Ministry 



Pray for Peace Service, July 1, 7:30 pm


Join our monthly Taiz worshipers in this special service of prayer for our world, our nation, and our neighborhood.  The hour service will consist of silence, music, hymns, scripture, and readings.  You may contact Sue Stanley for more information,


