The Children & Family Ministry Team

ask you to please join us on

SUNDAY, March 20 from 9:00-10:00 AM

In Fellowship Hall

Dear Sunday School Parent,


Why is Sunday school important?  On a scale of 1-10 how important is Christian education to your family?  What do you believe are the most important lessons your children should be learning in Sunday school?  What do your children/family like most about Sunday school at UMCWFB?  Least?  How can we (Children & Family Ministry Team) best support you and your family in growing as deeply committed followers of Jesus Christ? 


These are some of the important questions we would like to ask parents of children K4-6th grade in a "Focus Group Discussion" in order to best develop a new Sunday school model for the fall 2011.  Your input is extremely valuable and much appreciated!


We look forward to seeing you! 

A full breakfast will be served! 

Egg Strata

Fresh Fruit


Starbucks Coffee, juice and tea


Please RSVP to Dana Saxton at

or 414-964-2424 x 113