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ejoy! weekly newsletter                                                 January 22/23, 2010 
In This Issue
In Worship
Missions Potluck
Dinner with the pastors
Food Drive
Women's Day Apart
Feed My Starving Children
 Thought for the Day:



Be the change you want to see in the world.


-Mahatma Gandhi





You Were Once Strangers

Leviticus 19:33-34; Matthew 22:34-40



There are a number of social issues that are of interest to congregational members.  In these three weeks we will explore three issues:  health care, the economy and immigration.  In our United Methodist tradition, we will take a look at how to think about these issues theologically and biblically.


This week we wrap up our sermon series with the topic of immigration. It is interesting that the three topics the congregation desired the most for the pastor to preach on are all related. Indeed you cannot talk about immigration without talking about healthcare and the economy as well. Each one has an impact on the other two.


In the text from Leviticus we see the biblical mandate to treat resident aliens (immigrants) with respect and dignity. This particular verse is part of a larger section of scripture that is referred to as the Holiness Code, which lays out regulations for the Jewish people for living a holy life. In fact, the Old Testament speaks about Israel's obligation to the welfare of aliens, widows and orphans no less than thirty six times!


In the New Testament, we hear Jesus tell us that we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. And who is our neighbor? The resident alien, or immigrant, is certainly counted in that category. No matter how you feel about the immigration laws of this country or your political persuasion, as a Christian, you must recognize the obligation to care for and love your neighbor, even the illegal immigrant, and to show mercy. This is a challenging topic to discuss, and we will all certainly not agree, but lets take a look at what the Bible has to say about the issue and reflect on our current situation with honesty and integrity.


Don't forget to invite someone to join you in worship this weekend and I look forward to seeing you!

Pastor Wiley Gladney               








Missions Potluck

Thursday, January 20th 

6:30 PM, Fellowship Hall





EVERYONE interested in the Missions Ministries of our congregation is invited. As Disciples of Christ, we are called to serve in the world through missions, local and abroad.


If you want to learn of ways to get involved in the many missions opportunities of the church please attend. Bring a dish to share and let's see how we can be faithful in our calling to Love God, Care for each other, and Serve in the world! Check church website for more information. RSVP to Pastor Wiley at


Dinner with the Pastors

Sunday, January 23.

5:30 PM, Walnut Room


Are you new to our church? Do you want to get connected but not sure how? If so, you are invited to join us for Dinner with the Pastors. 


Childcare is available. Questions or to RSVP please contact Carleen Sook at 964-2424 or  




Third Week of the Month Food Drive

Through Sunday, January 23.



Supporting United Methodist Children's Services 


Donate canned goods and nonperishable food items. Your donations may be dropped off in the Jones Narthex anytime during the week.   






Saturday January 29, 2011


    9 am - 2 pm


The Women's Ministry requests the pleasure of your company on this special day.  Come and relax with yoga, mini-massage, and a delicious lunch.  Refresh and renew your spirits with fun and interesting workshops.  Invite a girlfriend or two to join you for this rejuvenating day in January! 
Please pick up a brochure at the Women's Ministry table or Visitor Brochure rack. For a more complete list of guest speakers & presenters and to register click here. 






Feed My Starving Children

 Feed My Starving Children Registration Now Open 

Feed My Starving Children Mobile Packing Event 2011

April 28 - 30, 2011



Last year, our church participated in a mobile packing event. This year we have committed to hosting a pack event on our own. We need 500 volunteers and $19,000 to pack 100,000 meals! Help us achieve our goal by volunteering for a two hour block of time to pack these meals or make a donation to support our efforts. People of all ages, children and adults, are welcome to participate.


With your help, we will show how God works through this event. We hope that you will be able to join us in this extraordinary project.

Register now to reserve a spot for the shift of your choice!


Click here to learn more about FMSC.




