Serenbe Farms
  CSA Newsletter and Recipes 5-4

May 18, 2010

Enjoying your shares?  Excited for the summer bounty?  Spread the word!  We've still got a few share available so tell your friends!

 Farm News From Justin- 

Greetings from the fields!   We've had another great week of planting, harvesting, and weeding.  The weather has been nice and not yet too hot.  Broccoli and cauliflower are coming on strong.  Our tomatoes have doubled in size over the last week.  We are starting to get excited about our summer veggies!

Kitchen Arsenal
At some point you've hit the 'wall' with cooking the same veggies the same mundane way as before.  This week we are going to enlighten you with the way we keep it fresh in the kitchen.  
   Variety is the spice of life.  It also helps in the kitchen.  We have a well stocked pantry and a variety of each item.  For example we don't just have olive oil.  We have sesame, almond, canola, olive, peanut, and sunflower oil.  If you are lacking selection in the oil department expand out with sesame oil.  It makes for great dressings and can be useful in cooking. 
    We make a lot of soups and cook many different greens in chicken or veggie broth.  Buying the 'Better Than Chicken/Veggie' base is easy on the wallet and last forever.  One jar last me a few months. 
     Having different cookbooks is also a great part of expanding in the kitchen realm.  We really enjoy many different authors from Katzen to Waters and have a few friends with cookbooks.  Farm Fresh is a new cookbook by the Anthony-Masterson group.  They are using the proceeds to film a new movie about young organic farmers called 'Grow'.  Their last film 'Farm' was amazing and many of you have probably seen it.  Molly Katzen has a few cookbooks, Enchanted Broccoli Forest is my favorite.  Alice Waters cookbooks are well rounded with many types of recipes and can be found most anywhere.  Two more CSA oriented cookbooks are Farmer Johns cookbook and From Asparagus to Zucchini.  All of these resources offer a different way to cook the items in your CSA share each week.
     Good luck in the kitchen and happy cooking! 

Justin & crew
Find recipes here.
This week's share prediction:
(subject to change since we don't harvest most until tomorrow morning)

1 broccoli

1 bunch turnips or radishes

1 Chinese cabbage
 head lettuce
1 bunch cilantro or dill


1 bunch kale or chard
1 bunch of arugula/mizuna/tatsoi


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New and exciting!  Our recipes are no longer found at the bottom of each email.  You can view our latest recipes at our blog:

Notice that as we accumulate more recipes, we'll have a drop down search menu on the right toolbar on the screen.  Please, please send along your favorite recipes so we can include those as well.