Serenbe Farms
  CSA Newsletter and Recipes 4-23

October 13th, 2009
Farm News from Natalie

"What the heck is that gnarly-looking thing?" you may ask.  We have been watching these plants grow over the course of the summer in the lowest part of the field with the same concern as a parent watching their children play near a busy street.  We've had our hands tied behind our backs recently and cannot call those plants in out of the wet earth to dry them off.  The time has come to 'rescue' the plant and it is without further ado, I present you celeriac!
Celeriac is also called celery root, which is a very tasty, celery-flavored root vegetable.  They are very popular in Europe and are increasingly gaining popularity in the U.S..  They store extremely well and are very cold tolerant, making them wonderful for season eating in the late fall.  They are wonderful for soup and can also be used in a gratin with potatoes and turnips, or roasted in a medley of root vegetables.  Grate for salads. 
A lesson learned this week:  the water test.  How do you know when not to work in the field?  When your foot sinks more than a quarter inch into the field, start pursuing rainy day tasks.  In the spirit of rescuing vegetables, Justin, Brandon and I found ourselves ever so gradually harvesting sweet potatoes to the point we were paddling the mud away from the sweet potatoes last week.  Goal: get them out of the field before they rot.  Paige, in the interest of the more long-term goal of keeping the field in good condition, found us in the 150 ft environmental slip and slide (no plastic!) hard at work and taught me about the quarter inch rule.  Result: we have a lot of clean bins and sunflower seeds ready for next year's cover cropping.

I hope you enjoy your share and if you find yourself looking for activities to do with the kids this week, I encourage you learn and teach others how to do a rain dance - backwards. 
Happy eating,
Natalie and the Serenbe Farms crew.         
This week's share:

2 small heads lettuce or 1/4 lb arugula
*2 bulbs garlic
*1 bunch cilantro
*1 bunch thyme
1 bu hakurei turnip (yum!)
*2 celeriac (celery root)
*sweet potatoes
1 lb sweet red/yellow peppers
1 melon (last of the melons)
*Highlighted in recipes below

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Autumn Soup 

 - adapted from Your Organic Kitchen by Jesse Ziff Cool

serves 6

2 tbsp. butter
1 med. onion, finely chopped
4 cups chicken or veg. broth
1 large potato, chopped
1 large celeriac, peeled and chopped
1 tbsp. chopped fresh thyme or � tsp. dried thyme
1 c. heavy cream
� c. dry white wine (optional)
1 apple, finely chopped
1 c. shredded Cheddar cheese
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

In a large pot over medium high heat, melt the butter and cook the onion until soft. Add the wine, if using, and cook a few minutes longer. Add the broth, potato, celeriac, and thyme. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce the heat to medium low and simmer for 1 hour, or until the vegetables are soft. (I have also made this soup in a hurry and just boiled the roots in the broth until tender, which takes less than half the time.)
Puree soup. Add the cream and stir until just blended. Stir in the apple and season with salt and pepper to taste. Top bowls of the soup with the cheddar cheese. (You can also serve the soup as is and offer the apple and grated cheese on the table to top the soup. It looks very pretty on top and I like the slight crunch of the apple.) 
Black Bean

2 cups black beans (canned or rehydrated dried beans work)
2 cloves garlic, chopped finely
1 lb sweet potatoes, peeled and diced in 1/2" chunks
1 c cheddar cheese, grated
4 10" tortilla shells
1 jalapeno, deseeded and minced
1/2 bunch cilantro, chopped finely
These ingredients make 2 quesadillas.

Steam sweet potatoes for 10-12 minutes until tender.  Coarsely mash the sweet potatoes and layer on your bottom tortilla. 
Add the cheese, jalapeno (to your desired spice level), garlic, black beans, and cilantro.  Top with the other tortilla shell.
Drizzle a little olive oil in the bottom of a skillet and lightly fry one side of the quesadilla.  Cover so the cheese melts (paying attention not to burn the bottom), and flip to brown the other side of the quesadilla. 
Repeat with the other quesadilla and voila!  Yummy!
Blended sweet potatoes   

 Serves 4 as a side.

1 large or 2 medium sweet potatoes
1 t cinnamon
� cup of cream
� cup of milk
2 T of butter
salt and pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 400 F, place sweet potatoes with a �" of water and place a lid on top.  Bake for 35 minutes, or until peel comes away easily.  Put cream, milk, cinnamon, butter and sweet potatoes (both peeled and unpeeled work fine here) in the blender and pulse until smooth.  Enjoy!