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The International eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT Forum
For Education, Networking and Business
Med-e-Tel Newsletter
September 11, 2012


Med-e-Tel Newsletter

This newsletter is your source for Med-e-Tel updates, news from the Med-e-Tel partners, sponsors, exhibitors and speakers, as well as other telemedicine and eHealth news from around the world.

Any questions? Contact us at



ISfTeH logo

Med-e-Tel is organized by the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH).

ISfTeH is the international federation of national telemedicine/eHealth associations, research institutions, care provider organizations, companies and individuals.

The ISfTeH network currently comprises members in 70 countries around the world. Its mission is to facilitate the sharing of information and experiences, to support networking among members, to expose potential synergies between member organizations and their activities, and enhance collaboration and partnerships, contributing to a more widespread and useful deployment of telemedicine and eHealth.

ISfTeH is recognized as an NGO in Official Relations with WHO (World Health Organization). 

Featured Partner   



ICN - International Council of Nurses

The International Council of Nurses (ICN) is a federation of more than 130 national nurses associations (NNAs), representing the more than 13 million nurses worldwide.

ICN has installed a Telenursing Network which aims to seek, educate, support and collaborate with nurses and nurse supporters from across the globe who have an interest in telenursing and promote nursing involvement in the development and use of telehealth technologies, with the goal of improving the timeliness, quality and access of a broad range of health care services for individuals, their families, communities and countries. The ICN Telenursing Network collaborates closely with the ISfTeH Telenursing Working Group.

Med-e-Tel works together with a distinguished academy of organizations, associations and institutions who are active in the fields of ehealth, telemedicine, and health ICT.

Click here for a full list of supporting organizations and partners. 

CME - Continuing Medical Education




Med-e-Tel 2012 was accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) to provide the following CME activity for medical specialists. The EACCME is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) -

Med-e-Tel 2012 was designated for a maximum of 17 hours of European external CME credits.

EACCME credits are recognized by the American Medical Association towards the Physician's Recognition Award (PRA).

Accreditation for the 2013 conference is being applied for. 

Thank you to the Med-e-Tel 2012

exhibitors and sponsors:



Accenture logo 


Aerotel logo   


Aerotel logo   

Aerotel logo 



Cardiocom logo    


Contec Medical Systems logo 



eWaveMD logo  



GlobalMed logo 



GlobalMed logo 


Intel logo  


ISfTeH logo  



LMTC logo 

MEDGATE logo  


Ministry of Economy - Luxembourg 


Neolinks logo    

Ministry of Economy - Luxembourg   

Orange Healthcare  




TeleSCoPE logo  




Wielkopolska Center of Telemedicine  


Featured Media



AT Today is an online magazine keeping you up to date in the world of Assistive Technology. It is published by the BHTA (British Healthcare Trades Association) and THIIS (The Homecare Industry Information Service). is a Dutch platform for professionals in healthcare, ICT and innovation. Readers are open to contribute and react to others. Subjects that are being discussed are electronic health records, PHR, ambient assisted living, eHealth, telemedicine, smart homes, health 2.0, healthcare innovation and much more.




European Hospital is a leading, pan-European professional healthcare magazine for medical directors, nursing directors, and hospital managing directors. We keep you up-to-date on trends and innovations in the healthcare market, on clinical research, and on the newest developments in medical technology.

Telemedicine and e-Health  


Healthcare IT Management is the official voice of the European Association of Healthcare IT Managers (EAHITM). Management and best-practices driven, the publication is devoted to supporting the goals of EAHITM and providing a central communications platform for key stakeholders in the healthcare IT sector.

MENA Health World

Healthcare IT News International provides monthly news on all major healthcare IT developments, trends and issues around the globe. Complete with coverage of annual international conferences such as Med-e-Tel, this newsletter is a must for all readers looking to stay current on global healthcare IT initiatives. Sign up to Healthcare IT News International updates.



Telecare Aware


Hospital Information Technology Europe (HITE) is a dedicated independent resource providing essential information and the latest news for hospital CIOs, network managers and strategic health authority IT heads across the EU. HITE delivers the latest news, technology reviews, updates on the latest developments and innovations, as well as comment on current policy and practice, both in print and online.    


Ukrainian Journal of Telemedicine and Medical Informatics

Published by Pan Global Media, International Hospital reports on medical technology news and solutions for the modern hospital. Targeting senior physicians and medical department heads, hospital management, IT specialists and biomedical engineers in Europe, Middle East, Asia-Pacific and Latin America, IHE offers a personally requested BPA circulation of over 22,000.

THIIS - The Homecare Industry Information Service

The Revue de la T�l�sant� is the only French publication that focuses exclusively on telemedicine and home care, and targets both hospitals and home healthcare providers. It provides information on technological developments, experiences from the field, and key telemedicine actors and stakeholders.

The Med-e-Tel media partnerships provide you with a look at a wide range of healthcare and medical journals, magazines and on-line news and information services that will help you to stay abreast of what is going on in the field of ehealth, telemedicine and healthcare IT and to make better informed decisions in your daily business or healthcare practice. 

Click here for a full list of media partners.
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Med-e-Tel media partners


Med-e-Tel conference proceedings (2006-2012) order forms 


Global Knowledge Resources for Telemedicine & eHealth (Med-e-Tel presentations 2002-2012)  


Previous Med-e-Tel newsletters 


Med-e-Tel newsletter subscription 

In This Issue
Med-e-Tel 2012 presentations available
Med-e-Tel knowledge resource center: over 1500 presentations
Med-e-Tel 2013 call for abstracts
Med-e-Tel 2013 sponsorship/expo opportunities
The wonderful possibilities of mHealth
netCare: pharmacies as a useful addition to basic healthcare
Global eHealth Ambassadors Program (GeHAP) meets in Lisbon
AMD Global Telemedicine helps to improve healthcare in Vietnam
Med-e-Tel 2012 presentations available
Med-e-Tel 2012 picto
Presentations of the Med-e-Tel 2012 conference program are available at Access details of the 2012 conference program and a variety of presentations that were presented on topics such as Evidence of Telehealth Outcomes, eHealth Economics, Regional Initiatives in Telemedicine and eHealth, Mobile Health, Open Source Software in Healthcare, and many more.

Med-e-Tel knowledge resource center: over 1500 presentations
Med-e-Tel 2013 picto
In addition to the 2012 presentations, the Med-e-Tel knowledge resource center includes presentations from all previous editions of Med-e-Tel, providing details of telemedicine and eHealth applications and practical experience from around the world.

Although ten years is an eternity in the land of information and communication technology, the older presentations still can provide useful insights into how things have developed (or not) over the past decade.

Click here to access the knowledge resource center. If you have questions about any of the presentations or want to reach out to some of the authors, contact us at

Med-e-Tel 2013 call for abstracts
Med-e-Tel 2013 picto
Med-e-Tel encourages healthcare providers, medical practitioners, nursing professionals, government officials, researchers, educators, and industry representatives to submit presentation proposals for the Med-e-Tel 2013 conference program.

Especially practical experiences, evidence of telemedicine and telehealth outcomes, business cases, as well as position papers, ongoing research, national/international policy guidelines and project results will be of interest to the Med-e-Tel audience.

The deadline for abstract submission is 21 December 2012.

Med-e-Tel 2013 takes place on 10-12 April 2013 at the Luxexpo Exhibition and Congress Center in Luxembourg.

Click here to go to the online abstract submission page.

Med-e-Tel 2013 sponsorship/expo opportunities
Med-e-Tel 2013 picto
Profile your company or organization as a major player in eHealth and Telemedicine and gain valuable access to a qualified audience of over 500 health, industry and government decision makers from around the world.

Be at Med-e-Tel to develop or expand your local and international business.

Benefits and marketing opportunities include:
  • stand space on the Med-e-Tel expo and catering area
  • extensive coverage in the Med-e-Tel newsletters
  • acknowledgement on the Med-e-Tel website
  • opportunity to make presentations or hold a workshop in the Med-e-Tel conference program
  • possibilities to organize client or sales meetings and presentations during the event
  • access to all conference sessions (an incredible educational, learning and networking experience!) for your personnel and invitees
  • coverage in international trade press
  • unlimited networking opportunities during the entire three days of the event, including two special networking receptions
  • and more...

For more information or to discuss participation opportunities, contact us at


The wonderful possibilities of mHealth
TeleSCoPE - Telehealth Services Code of Practice for Europe
Kate Bourdet of Orange Business Services posted an interesting infographic on their blog about the evolution of communications and collaboration, showing where mobile technology intersects with medical detection, treatment and prevention and giving a preview of what's to come.

Click on the image below to go to the original blog post and to see a larger image of the infographic.

Orange mHealth Infographic

netCare: pharmacies as a useful addition to basic healthcare
MEDGATE Swiss Center for Telemedicine
In the coming era of primary care physician shortage, involving pharmacists in conjunction with telemedicine in primary care may provide a solution to guarantee good and efficient medical access for the population. netCare is a new interdisciplinary collaboration between pharmaSuisse (association of Swiss pharmacists), MEDGATE Swiss Center for Telemedicine and the Helsana health insurance group.

The service, which was initiated earlier this year, is offered in 200 specialized pharmacies throughout Switzerland, which are equipped with video conferencing systems in order to contact a MEDGATE physician directly.

netcare video

With netCare, patients can receive a formal and documented initial consultation (triage) with a physician over a video link at a pharmacy.

The videoconference system can be expanded by incorporating additional components if necessary. For instance, diagnostic devices and an additional monitor can be connected to measure a patient's heart rate, blood pressure and temperature.

"This collaboration between pharmacists, physicians and insurers is playing a key role in helping to boost the efficiency and quality of basic healthcare delivery," said Dominique Jordan, president of pharmaSuisse.

A demo film can be seen at

MEDGATE banner

Global eHealth Ambassadors Program (GeHAP) meets in Lisbon
ISfTeH logo
The annual meeting of the Global eHealth Ambassadors Program (GeHAP) took place in Lisbon, Portugal just before the summer. GeHAP, an ISfTeH initiative with support from the Gulbenkian Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and Microsoft, aims to raise the profile of eHealth worldwide through advocacy activities.

The eHealth Ambassadors are well-known and respected personalities, with a personal interest in health and humanitarian activities, who, on behalf of the GeHAP, assist in addressing the major grand challenges in creating a repository of knowledge, in scaling eHealth interventions to suit the circumstances, in transforming health workers and citizens into eHealth savvy consumers, and strengthening national healthcare systems and thus improving healthcare outcomes worldwide.

The Lisbon meeting discussed ways forward and was an opportunity among eHealth Ambassadors, ISfTeH officials and other participants to share views and set up new activities.

Paulo Macedo, Portuguese Minister of Health, commented on how "a powerful message on the value of eHealth is necessary to convince the sceptical, the uninformed, all who are not willing to risk using something new, in areas of medical and health practice." He added: "We, at the Portuguese Health Ministry, are fighting daily for the sustainability of our health care system. We need to guarantee affordable and effective care, while paying off large debts from the past, but, from day one, eHealth was part of our strategy." Mr. Macedo provided the example of the Alentejo region with very low population density, where a policy of proximity and access was envisioned, which only telemedicine could provide. In 1998, tele-consultations were started and already in 2000, this was considered part of daily routine. From 2000 to 2010, over 135.000 telemedicine acts were performed.

John Dalli, European Commissioner for Health, commended the GeHAP initiative for its "admirable foresight". He said: "I wholeheartedly share your enthusiasm as regards the potential of eHealth - towards delivering better, safer and more efficient healthcare to citizens across the world. eHealth is indeed a main pillar on which to build our action to achieve equality in health."
Commissioner Dalli also echoed the claim of Paulo Macedo that the success of eHealth calls for a definition of new tasks, new skills, new ways of financing, cost sharing, risk-sharing, and that this will entail profound changes as regards the role of the different actors in health - "a real cultural shift" as he called it: "Health professionals have a key role to play in the uptake of eHealth. However, some may show resistance towards what they perceive as a loss of control; the need to liaise with patients from distance; or the need to acquire new skills. That is why health professionals need to be fully on board in the progressive development of eHealth."
Dalli explained that the soon to be released new eHealth Action Plan will address these issues and support EU Member States to achieve patient-centred, cost-effective healthcare in a competitive and innovation-friendly environment.
He concluded that there is no single easy path to eHealth transformation and that much value comes from sharing experiences and best practices between countries, institutions and professionals.....which exactly turns out to be the mission of the ISfTeH and the GeHAP!

For more information on the GeHAP, or to get involved, contact

Some of the high level participants at the meeting and the eHealth Ambassadors who were in attendance, are pictured below. 


GeHAP Meeting June 2012
Participants at the GeHAP meeting included (left to right): Paulo Macedo (Portuguese Minister of Health), Jorge Sampaio (Former President of Portugal, United Nations Secretary-General's High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations and Special Envoy to Stop Tuberculosis), John Dalli (European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy), Archbishop Desmond Tutu (Chair of the GeHAP), Artur Santos Silva (President of the Gulbenkian Foundation).
GeHAP Meeting June 2012 - Global eHealth Ambassadors
eHealth Ambassadors in attendance (left to right): Lord Nigel Crisp (Former Chief Executive of the UK NHS), Emilio Rui Vilar (Former Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Gulbenkian Foundation), Archbishop Desmond Tutu (Chair of the GeHAP), Peter Gabriel (Musician and Human Rights Activist), Strive Masiyiwa (Founder and Chairman of Econet Wireless)


AMD Global Telemedicine helps to improve healthcare in Vietnam
AMD Global Telemedicine
The developing nation of Vietnam lacks resources, personnel, and infrastructure to deliver enough health services - especially to the 70% of the population living in rural areas. Telemedicine offers a way to reach more patients with fewer resources.

Vietnam is a country of nearly 90 million people with a growing economy. Yet, as the World Health Organization reports, Vietnam still lags the region both in income and in expenditure on medical care. The lack of medical resources is compounded because most Vietnamese live in rural areas, where medical facilities are less available. According to the Ministry of Health - "four-fifths of health care needs in Vietnam are from rural areas, while provincial and communal health centers lack skilled human resources." Moreover, the hospitals are overcrowded and trained medical personal are scarce.

Telemedicine has great potential in this environment, so AMD Global Telemedicine has partnered with ELINCO - a Vietnamese IT and telecommunications organization. ELINCO will integrate devices such as AMD high resolution exam cameras and ophthalmoscopes with its new AGNES 3.0 telemedicine portal.

According to ELINCO project director, Do Phi Long, "telemedicine is among the top priorities to deal with the overcrowding and poor health service in hospitals and to fulfill the mission of soldiers' health at seas, in islands, and on mountainous areas." ELINCO has begun by building a telemedicine system for military hospitals and systems for Vietnam's Health Ministry.

As AMD Vice President Dan McCafferty observes, "Vietnam now joins the company of many other similar nations who are adopting telemedicine as one of the solutions to their health care issues. We applaud the initiative of ELINCO as they are on track to significantly help the people of Vietnam. Lastly, I would add that in our estimation they have made the right technical decisions with AGNES as the infrastructure to deploy to execute their telemedicine consults."

As ELINCO develops its telemedicine projects, it also plans to expand to the neighboring countries of Laos and Cambodia.

To follow are links to some interesting and recently published articles, books, studies, interviews and reports (if you would like to suggest an article for inclusion into a following newsletter, feel free to send details to 
Become an ISfTeH member
Join the ISfTeH network of member organizations from 70 countries around the world. The ISfTeH is your door to the global Telemedicine and eHealth community. Through its various activities and members, the ISfTeH can assist you in the promotion and dissemination of your research; help you to enhance your healthcare services with new ICT tools and technologies; provide ideas to broaden your educational programs and courses; or widen your international business network.

Apply now for an ISfTeH membership