Catalyst Picks
Fewer disabled babies could qualify for help (South Carolina)
By: Seanna Adcox
Associated Press
November 29, 2010
South Carolina is one of several states that are considering restricting eligibility for IDEA Part C programs that serve infants and toddlers with developmental disabilities to help prepare them for school. As states face growing need and shrinking budgets, changing program qualifications would limit the number of children who could qualify. South Carolina is exploring other options to keep the program sustainable and is seeking public input on a draft of the revisions for the BabyNet eligibility criteria by Jan 12, 2011.
Mental health care in schools at crossroads
By: Renee C. Lee
Houston Chronicle
November 29, 2010
Research has shown that students who suffer from untreated mental illness are more likely to have discipline problems and poor grades. Early intervention services in schools can help keep children and youth in school and out of jail. However, few schools have access to the resources to have mental health services, and project cuts in state budgets may force more children to go without mental health services.
...Read more on the Houston Chronicle website
Children and youth with disabilities and special health care needs from traditionally underserved communities
December 2010 Vol. 126 Issue Supplement
The December issue of Pediatrics has included a collection of 15 articles that examine ways to break down barriers for children and youth with special health care needs that are part of underserved communities. The articles explore community-based approaches to research, intervention and training. The supplement has been sponsored by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research and the HSC Foundation.
...See the full list of articles on Pediatrics website
Healthy People 2020
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
December 2, 2010
HHS has launched the new Healthy People 2020 website which includes information on the 10-year agenda for improving the nation's health. On the website you can download all the Healthy People 2020 objectives or search information by topic and objective. To view the objectives for children and youth with special health care needs go to the Disability and Health category.
...Visit the Health People 2020 website