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"While it is well enough to leave footprints on the sands of time, it is even more important to make sure they point in a commendable direction."
- James Cabell

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Health Care Reform


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HealthCareHealth Care Reform


Autism insurance reform warrants support (Michigan)

By: Brian Calley

Michigan Live

November 27, 2010

A Michigan state legislator offers a thoughtful plea for the passage of autism insurance reform legislation. The legislation would mandate early diagnosis and treatment for children with autism in hopes of stemming the estimated $14 billion in lifetime costs to families and increasing the availability of qualified specialists.



Exchanges and advocates: Helping your state create a successful exchange

By: Christine Barber

Community Catalyst

November 29th, 2010

Community Catalyst has used its experience in state insurance exchanges to develope a list of the Top Ten Priorities for Health Insurance Exchanges. This is part of an effort to orient states on the ACA provisions to create health insurance exchanges.  This document offers detailed tips and answers to some of the most common questions.

...Read more on the Community Catalyst website

Strengthening preventive care to better address multiple health risks among adolescents

The National Alliance to Advance Adolescent Health

November 2010, Report No. 5

This report summarizes the presentations and discussions at the Adolescent Preventive Services Institute 2010 Annual Meeting. Speakers presented new information on adolescents' risk behaviors and underuse of clinical preventive services. In addition, speakers discussed strategies for improving preventive services for adolescents, methods of delivering these services in practice, and opportunities to enhance preventive interventions under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

...Read entire report on National Alliance website



Health care squeeze forcing some Mississippi kids out

By: Molly Parker

The Clarion-Ledger

November 30, 2010

Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour has taken a tough stance on financial reform and has pushed for major cuts in the state Medicaid program. The cuts are increasingly impacting children with special health care needs as they lose eligibility and face new hurdles for accessing services. The article states that to date, 305 of 575 children have been denied Medicaid. One in five Mississippi residents is eligible for Medicaid, which takes up a significant portion of the state budget.



Florida could lose more than $500 million in Medicaid money

By: Christine Jordan Sexton

Florida Tribune

November 20, 2010

Florida is anticipating a reduction in the federal Medicaid assistance percentage (FMAP) which will require the state to look for other ways to cover the cost of Medicaid or make cuts to the program. This will likely affect families of children and youth with special health care needs as the FMAP determines the funding for Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)  and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).

...Read more on the Florida Tribune website

Rising Medicaid costs mean service cuts likely (Indiana)

By: Ken Kusmer

Associated Press

December 1, 2010

Indiana will likely be cutting some Medicaid services as the state's costs are expected to rise to over $1 billion. As more people have become eligible for services, the state's share of Medicaid costs has grown by 10% each year. The state will present its Medicaid budget on December 15th and may be considering dropping some optional services. Indiana has one of the most comprehensive Medicaid programs and this is projected to have implications for children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN).

...Read more on USA Today website

How can states get federal funds to help pay for language services for Medicaid and CHIP enrollees?

National Health Law Program

January 2010

The National Health Law Program (NHELP) has released this report as a resource to assist states in evaluating best practices for setting up language services reimbursement. The report details federal funding available to states to pay for language services and describes technical requirements that vary from state to state.
...Read more on Families USA website
CatalystPicksCatalyst Picks


Fewer disabled babies could qualify for help (South Carolina)

By: Seanna Adcox

Associated Press

November 29, 2010

South Carolina is one of several states that are considering restricting eligibility for IDEA Part C programs that serve infants and toddlers with developmental disabilities to help prepare them for school. As states face growing need and shrinking budgets, changing program qualifications would limit the number of children who could qualify. South Carolina is exploring other options to keep the program sustainable and is seeking public input on a draft of the revisions for the BabyNet eligibility criteria by Jan 12, 2011.



Mental health care in schools at crossroads

By: Renee C. Lee

Houston Chronicle

November 29, 2010

Research has shown that students who suffer from untreated mental illness are more likely to have discipline problems and poor grades. Early intervention services in schools can help keep children and youth in school and out of jail. However, few schools have access to the resources to have mental health services, and project cuts in state budgets may force more children to go without mental health services.

...Read more on the Houston Chronicle website

Children and youth with disabilities and special health care needs from traditionally underserved communities


December 2010 Vol. 126  Issue Supplement

The December issue of Pediatrics has included a collection of 15 articles  that examine ways to break down barriers for children and youth with special health care needs that are part of underserved communities. The articles explore community-based approaches to research, intervention and training. The supplement has been sponsored by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research and the HSC Foundation.

...See the full list of articles on Pediatrics website


Healthy People 2020

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

December 2, 2010

HHS has launched the new Healthy People 2020 website which includes information on the 10-year agenda for improving the nation's health. On the website you can download all the Healthy People 2020 objectives or search information by topic and objective. To view the objectives for children and youth with special health care needs go to the Disability and Health category.

...Visit the Health People 2020 website



Listening sessions: Health care delivery system reform

Presented by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

Dates: Dec 6th - 16th, 2010

Join CMS, HHS and a wide audience comprised of internal and external partners and stakeholders to discuss heath care delivery and system reform at Regional Listening Sessions and Open Door Forums. The purpose of these sessions is to highlight the important work CMS is undertaking around health care delivery system reform. The Affordable Care Act has given CMS new opportunities to improve the care and delivery and payment system. The sessions will spotlight the following areas of interest: the Account Care Organization shares savings program, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation, and the Federal Coordinated Health Care Office. To view the date and times for these events please visit the CMS website.

...Read more on the CMS Innovation Center website


QuickTipsQuick Tips

How to find state legislation using the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)


The NCSL provides information about state government bodies, current legislation and reports, surveys and policies. To find a specific piece of legislation follow these steps:


1.     Go to the NCSL website 

2.     Select the state(s) you are interested in

3.     Under content area select "Bills"


The search feature will pull a list of state's websites where the information can be found.


light bulb

If you have suggestions for news items related to coverage and financing of care for CYSHCN please email Sheila Phicil, Catalyst Center Research Assistant, by 12 pm EST on Friday at

The Catalyst Center is a national center dedicated to improving health care insurance and financing for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN). For more information please visit us at or contact Meg Comeau, Program Director at

The Catalyst Center

Health & Disability Working Group
Boston University School of Public Health
715 Albany Street
Boston, MA  02118-2526

The Catalyst Center is funded under grant #U41MC13618 from the
Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.