If At First They Succeed, Do It Again!

     By now most of you know TIE supports classes taught inside homes, as one solution to threats posed by the Taliban.  Homes are proving to be too small to meet demand. Such was the case at Wahid's house. Therefore, TIE entered into a ten year rent free ground lease with Wahid, a year ago, and supplied the materials needed to build a classroom on his property. The room they had been using was converted to a computer classroom, and carpet, desks and a well were added. Plans are underway to build shelving and establish a community library. For reports and photos of this project click here and here. This learning center now provides classes in literacy, math, English and computers to over 150 children ( "hearts and minds").

      Down the road in a village nearby, Farzana has had to turn students away since she began teaching over two years ago. She's the teacher who, when we first met, asked me, toward the end of our meeting, what her salary would be. I was seated in her living room, surrounded by her adoring stufarzana in pink dress 8.10dents, drinking tea, and eating treats her mother had prepared. Farzana assumed the classic teacher stance, smiled politely, look straight into my eyes, and waited for my response. She had every advantage, including height. I'd been cornered.
       Fortunately, I've acquired some "slip out the back Jack" skills and successfully changed the subject, starting with "Can I have some more tea"? I've known, since our first meeting, that Farzana is exactly the role model that Afghan children need to experience. She's on the front line cornering those who would confine women to subservient roles. Farzana told Nabi and I in April that she will teach as long as there are children willing to learn. We will support Farzana as long as we are able.

      Below, is a pictorial progress report of the second community learning center project, built on Farzana's property. It was completed in August. There are two classrooms, one of which will be used for computer classes. Shelving will soon be added to hold books for a library.
     For you cost/benefit analysts, the cost of a learning center is running between $6,000 - $7,000. The value of the benefit?  Hundreds of children, particularly girls, are receiving an education they would not have access to otherwise. You understand the value of the benefit. Otherwise, you would have stopped reading these newsletters long ago.


ps  Save the date and your stuff.  Packing Party, October 24th. My porch reopens soon. Announcement to follow.


Farzana's house before construction 8.10
Basir points to a building that was removed
to make room for the leaning center.

nabi in old classroom 8.10
Nabi loves to tease. He is our oldest child and
 most effective negotiator.

Farzana Kids in old classroom 8.10
Notice the level of participation and eye contact!!! The body language improves ten-fold inside a classroom.

During Construction:

farazana learning center 8.10farzana builder 8.10


farzana standing in class 8.10
Farzana now has room to expand and students are
off her living room floor.

    farzana chalk board  class 8.10
Who installed that door! Put it on the punch list.

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