Budd MacKenzie Founder
Education: Amherst College, 1963-1967 BA degree UC Berkeley, Boalt Law School and Haas Business School 1969-71, JD/MBA Profession: Following a one-year transition period selling cheese and wine at "Curds and Whey", a retail store started with a friend, while in law school, Mackenzie opened a private law practice in 1971. He has provided legal and business counsel to entrepreneurs since. Community Service / Recognition: President of Lafayette Chamber of Commerce 2006 Lafayette's "Citizen of the Year" 2003-2004 Acalanes High School 2004 - Selected for the Su Stauffer Friends of Education Award Served as a coach and manager of baseball, basketball, soccer, roller blade hockey, and tennis teams for seven years, until his son could take no more President of Lafayette Little League for three years Mock trial advisor for three years - Acalanes High School Member of the Board of Directors of the Lafayette Chamber of Commerce for the past six years.
Nabi Tawakali Vice President
 Nabi was born in 1949 in Kabul Afghanistan. He moved to the United States in 1979 when the Russians invaded Afghanistan. In Afghanistan, he worked as Director of Foreign Relations of the Agricultural Development Bank of Afghanistan. 1979 - 1981 worked as Sr. Negotiator/Supervisor in the international banking department of European American Bank, New York City. 1981 - 1989 worked as an international banking officer at Security Pacific Bank in Los Angeles, California 1989 - 1990 worked as Vice President of Pacific Shores Corp. in Walnut Creek, California. In 1991 he founded Pacific International Seed Corporation in Walnut Creek, California. Pacific Seed Corporation produces and exports top quality American seeds around the world. In 2006 Nabi started his volunteer work with Trust In Education and is committed to continue educating the children of Afghanistan. Nabi strongly believes that education is the best way to help the children and people of Afghanistan overcome poverty and their fears.
 Basir Ebrahimkhil Program Director
Basir is from Kabul province. He finished high school in Kabul then studied Social Sciences at Kabul University. He lived in Pakistan for ten years during the war in Afghanistan. He worked for 8 years in Afghanistan's Ministry of Health as an administration officer and now presently works full time as a program director for TIE. He's helpful in reminding us to eat.
Basir never misses a meal
Qudsia Ebrahimkhil Aschiana Student Liaison and Program Director 
From grades 1 through 9 Qudsia studied in Kabul. Then the war in Afghanistan forced Qudsia and her family to move to Pakistan. She finished high school in Pakistan. For 5 years she worked as a kindergarten teacher at "Children's House School". When she and her family returned to Kabul, Qudsia studied language and literature at Kabul university in it's English Department. She then worked at UNICEF for one year as an administrative assistant and at IRC for one year as administration officer. Qudsia is the program director of TIE's Aschiana sponsorship program whereby sponsors make it possible for "street children" living in Kabul to attend school. Qudsia is married to Basir. And the mother of 3 girls.
Sarajuddin Nemati (Maiwand) Program Director
 Education 1989 - 1990 University of Kabul (Science Department) 1985 - 1989 Habibia High School Work Experience September, 1992 - July, 1995 computer programmer at UNO/ESSP (USAID) Jan, 1996 - August, 1997 -- assistant for EPA (Education Program for Afghanistan) Maiwand is married, and has five children. His wife, Nasreen is a university graduate who now teaches at Nehrabuddin High School in Kabul. His grandfather was a leader (malik) in Lalander and was responsible for bringing the first school to Lalander. Maiwand is a program director who spends most of his time interacting with the villagers and their leaders in the Char Asaib valley (19 villages in all). He supervises many of the classes taught by TIE teachers, and works very closely with Basir to coordinate all of the programs and projects TIE supports. He has been working with TIE since the school opened in Lalander in 2005.