Book Bytes - News from the Book Club Cookbook
Winter,  2010


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As we prepare for our next writing project, we've been corresponding with hundreds of book clubs across the country.  It's refreshing to hear stories about books and the joys of discussion from these many enthusiastic groups.  We're pleased to share some of their book recommendations with you. 

Please take a look at our newly released cookbook, Table of Contents, featuring recipes and insights contributed by today's bestselling authors, for titles such as Cutting for Stone, Hotel at the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, and Little Bee.

Check out our blog, where we highlight recipes from the book and whet your appetite for more.  And see what other creative book bloggers are saying about Table of Contents!

If you "like" us on Facebook, you'll get these updates instantly.

Please keep an eye out for our upcoming Buzzing About Books newsletter.  This winter, we're featuring The Revenge of the Radioactive Lady by Elizabeth Stuckey-French, Snowdrops by A.D. Miller, and Letters From Home by Kristina McMorris.

Radioactive Lady
snowdropsLetters from Home

Happy Holidays!

Judy Gelman and Vicki Levy Krupp


Reading Suggestions from Book Clubs

Lonely PolygamistNo Name Book Club of suburban Boston, recommends:

The Lonely Polygamist by Brady Udall  (W.W. Norton & Company), Fiction, 602 pages


The Lonely Polygamist is a tragicomic story about Golden Richards, husband to four wives and father to 28 children, who is pushed to the outer limits of dysfunctionality, heartbreak, mid-life crisis and comedy.  This book fully engaged us in the characters and circumstances they face, from the natural experiences of the human condition to the utterly absurd.  We felt both compassion and exasperation with the main character, Golden, and noted how Udall's use of metaphor could turn a tragic situation into a comic moment.  We explored our assumptions about polygamous families and how in some ways they are just like any family.  Finally, we discussed the concept of love in the context of sharing a husband and raising a family-at-large.

More New Book Recommendations


Atonement by Ian McEwan
The Cider House Rules by John Irving
Little Bee by Chris Cleave
Little Chapel on the River: A Pub, a Town, and the Search for What Matters Most by Gwendolyn Bounds


From Breakfast with Anita Diamant to Dinner with James Patterson -- A Generous Helping of Recipes, Writings, and Insights from Today's Bestselling Authors

Our newly released book - a terrific gift for readers and food lovers.

Table of Contents features over one hundred recipes from fifty popular contemporary writers -- favorites among book club members and avid readers -- who explain the connection between their recipes and their work and share exclusive insights about writing and the creative process.


The delectable recipes featured in this bibliophile's cookbook include:

  • Abraham Verghese's Doro Wot (Chicken Curry) from Cutting for Stone 
  • Lisa See's Won Tons from Peony in Love
  • Tom Perrotta's Minstrone Soup from Little Children
  • Lisa Genova's White Chocolate Challah Pudding with Raspberry Sauce from Still Alice 
  • Chris Cleave's Post-Colonial Pie from Little Bee
  • Elinor Lipman's Veal Marengo from The Ladies' Man 
  • Janice Y.K. Lee's Indonesian Ginger Chicken from The Piano Teacher
  • Sara Gruen's Salmon en Cro�te with Hollandaise Sauce from Ape House
  • Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus's Plum Torte from The Nanny Diaries series
You can visit our website and blog for more details.

Bon Appetit!

Author News
Choose a Book - Invite an Author

Our Choose a Book - Invite an Author program allows you to browse for great titles for your club and schedule author chats. Remember to visit our location directory to find an author close to home who will visit your group in person.

Welcome to new member Colleen Plimpton

She joins our existing roster of terrific writers, including Erica Bauermeister, Pam Jenoff, Alison Larkin, and many others.

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