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In This Issue
Thank you Fair Volunteers
All Island Garage Sale
Recess Monkey COncert
Candidates' Night
FICRA Survey
Garden Tip
Events Calendar
Crime Watch
Contact the Board
Jan 2012 Calendar
Click for the FICRA Events Calendar



What a great summer we've had on Fox Island! It's hard to believe that Fall is just around the corner. Local kids started school today (teachers, we know you have been back a while now, thank you!) and any apples that the deer haven't already eaten will soon be ready for picking.
It was a fun summer for FICRA; the annual Fair was a great success and people came from all over the area to join in the good times. The FICRA Fair raffle alone raised around $2000.00 for the FICRA Building Trust, which maintains the Old Schoolhouse (Nichols Community Center). What a success! And we sold out of Fox Island t-shirts so fast that most volunteers didn't even get a chance to buy any! The good news is that we have more on the way and they will be available for sale at the All Island Garage Sale on September 8th. 
NONE of this could have been done without the amazing amount of volunteer work put in by Islanders.  Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do. If you have an idea or a few hours to spare, we would love more help to continue these great events. Contact us at info@FICRA.org, there is room for everyone! Now on to the upcoming events...
Thank you Fair Volunteers!
We couldn't have done it without you!
FICRA would like to say a huge *thank you* to everyone who pitched in and made this year's Fair so much fun! Your time, talents, and hard work made it possible to FICRA to host this fun and FREE event for the Island community. We are so grateful for you all!
All Island Garage Sale!
September 8th from 9-4

Garage Sale sign Saturday, September 8th is the day for the annual All-Island Garage Sale! Get a map for only $2.00 at the Alliance Church, Fox Island Museum or the Nichols Center and start shoppin! All proceeds from map sales go to Crime Watch, an invaluable part of keeping our Island a safe and fun place to live.


FICRA will have lost more of our awesome Fox Island shirts in many sizes, just $15.00 each, for sale at the Nichols Center as well. The Historical Society will be selling hot dogs at the Museum, keeping shoppers happy and well fed. Plus, the Fabulous Fox Island Market will be at the Nichols Center, along with many more Garage Sale sellers, so plan to shop all day!

Get your Tickets for
October 13th 4:00 at the Nichols Center
690 9th Avenue Fox Island
Recess Monkey FICRA is SO excited to be hosting another AWESOME kid's band at the Nichols Center. If you heard about Chris Ballew last year, you know the Old Schoolhouse can really get rockin'! You and your kids will love the Recess Monkeys!
Tickets are only $8.00 each and all proceeds go towards the Nichols Center Playground, keeping our little Island oasis safe and fun for kids for years to come.
Tickets are limited, so get yours today. Last year's Caspar Babypants (Chris Ballew) was SOLD OUT and we expect that this year as well - grab your tickets here today:

Candidates' Night
September 25th 7-9 at the Nichols Center
690 9th Avenue Fox Island
FICRA is pleased to host a Candidate Forum at the Nichols Community Center on Tuesday, September 25th at 7:00 PM for candidates seeking election to the following offices:
  • 6th Congressional District
  • 26th Legislative District (Positions 1 & 2)
  • Pierce County Executive
  • Pierce County Assessor/Treasurer

Come meet the candidates.

For additional information, contact:

Nan Feagin (253 549-2358)

Terry & Carolyn Wall (253-549-2599)

FICRA Survey for all Island Residents 
Survey will be open until the end of September
FICRA is Conducting a Survey of All Fox Island Residents. We wish to take the pulse of the community and get your opinions and suggestions on current and/or possible future FICRA activities and projects.
Thank you, in advance, for taking time to complete the survey. The FICRA Board, committees and members, will consider the completely confidential and anonymous results as they make choices on future projects, events and improvements. We value YOUR input. Please go to the following web link and complete the survey. It should take less than 10 minutes.   
September Gardening Tip of the Month

Now that Fall is here, Summer has arrived on Fox Island! :)


The wait is finally over and our gardens are full. 

See what Master Gardener Linda Dodds suggests for picking, pruning and getting ready for canning in her September Garden Tip on the FICRA.org Blog.


Click HERE for September's Tip!

There's quite a lot going on this summer and into Fall at the Nichols Center and at FICRA sponsored events.  Click here to check out the calendar! 

* FICRA Board Meeting Sept. 6th. Coffee Social starts at 7, meeting begins at 7:30. Come meet your neighbors!
* All-Island Garage Sale September 8th! Maps available at the Alliance Church, Museum and the Nichols Center

* Candidates' Night: September 25th 7:00 at the NCC

* Recess Monkey! Concert for Kids on October 13th! 

* Oktoberfest Members' Potluck at the Old Schoolhouse October 19th

* Men's Coffee Group: Come on inside, have a cup of coffee (or 4) and see what's new in the world with the guys every Wednesday morning at 9:00 am at the Nichols Center. Free and open to all!


* Game Night: The last Friday of the month at the NCC. Come join in, everyone has a great time! 7:00 at the NCC.


* Mom and Me: Starting again this Fall! Bring your kiddos 4 and under for some social and learning time. Free and open to all!
Crime Watch 
Crime Watch

In Case of An Emergency, Call 911

To Report a Crime on the Island, call

Crime Watch at 549-7744

or Click HERE to submit a

 Crime Incident Alert 


Summer weather is still with us (hopefully for a while!) and with it residents have been opening doors and windows to let in the fresh air. Just remember to shut and lock them when you leave. There have been an increase of burglaries on the Island and some have gained access to homes through open doors and windows.


Crime Watch is a very important part of the FICRA organization and helps to keep Fox Island the great safe place we love. We strive to keep Islanders updated on events of concern to residents. At this time please know that all Crime Watch alerts must be sent to the above link or they are not published online. Currently FICRA does not list events that are posted in the newspaper or through police reports. FICRA is working to include this information in the future. Additional information about crime in and around Fox Island is always discussed at the monthly meetings. Stan Westin does a great job in working closely with the Gig Harbor Police Department and Pierce County Sheriff's Department.  A summary of his report is available in the meeting minutes on our Blog at FICRA.org: Board Meeting Minutes Stan has initiated a process to improve communications between all parties and the reporting system so FICRA will have all current and reportable information.


Thank you to the hardworking Crime Watch committee and to all the Island Residents who help to keep this area safe!

How to contact FICRA and Board members

If you would like to reach the FICRA Board, please email info@FICRA.org or you may email them individually at:


President: Jim Braden president@FICRA.org

Vice President: Jeffery Goodwin vicepresident@FICRA.org

Secretary: Patty Metzger secretary@FICRA.org

Treasurer: Mimi Miller treasurer@FICRA.org

Director: Tony Moore director1@FICRA.org

Director: Hal Goodell director2@FICRA.org

Past President: Lynne Goodwin pastpresident@FICRA.org
