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In This Issue
Game Night!
PSD Forum & Board Meeting
Holiday Thanks
2012 Dues
January Garden Tips
Ongoing Events at NCC
Thanks Men's Coffee!
Crime Watch
Rent the NCC
Your Ad on FICRA.org
Jan 2012 Calendar
Click for the FICRA Events Calendar



Happy New Year! It has been one busy year for the FICRA Board and Island Community. We are excited to see everyone at events, volunteering their time and talents, and helping to continue the tradition of community on Fox Island.


FICRA would like to welcome John Joilibois as as the second Trustee on the Board. Welcome, John! We look forward to his insight, ideas and knowledge as a long-time Fox Island resident.


A lot has been happening at the Old Schoolhouse these days and the FICRA Board is excited to share it with the rest of the Island. FICRA will be hosting a very special event for all paid members this Janaury 28th. Our second annual "Wine and Cheese Night: an Auction and Membership Event" is open to all dues-paying FICRA Members.  Need to pay your 2012 dues? You can easily do this online! Click Here: 2012 FICRA Dues  


We wish you all a very happy and peaceful New Year and hope to see you at an event soon!

Game Night! Tonight at 7:00 at the Nichols Center
Come out to the FICRA Game night this Friday for a fun evening of trivia and games. Holiday break is going strong and the NCC is decorated for the season. Maybe you need a fun reason to hang out with your neighbors? Or just an excuse to get away from the kids and grandkids for the night? Join other Islanders at the NCC at 7:00 for an evening of fun and check out all the recent renovations to the Old Schoolhouse.

Grab some friends or come alone and the Game Night volunteers will make sure you have a team to join and that you have a great time.

Coffee is provided, but please feel free to bring other beverages and snacks. A $1.00 donation towards prizes is appreciated (and makes things even more fun!)
Peninsula School District Levy Info Forum and FICRA Board Meeting: Thursday, January 5th at, beginning at 6:30 pm
Peninsula School DistrictThis month, before the FICRA Board Meeting, Peninsula School District Superintendent Terry Bouck will speak to Fox Island residents about the Educational Programs and Operations Replacement Levy that is coming before voters on Tuesday, February 14, 2012. The forum will begin at 6:30.

The January Board meeting will follow at the Nichols Community Center (690 9th Avenue). The meeting starts at 7:30, with a coffee social beginning at 7:00. Come early and meet with your neighbors!  A free-will donation for coffee and cookies is appreciated.  

Tree Lighting, Santa and the Wickline Family - What a way to start the holidays!



December 4th was a fun-filled evening at the Nichols Center! The old schoolhouse was decked out in holiday decor and tons of Islanders who all came out for the annual Tree Lighting event. 
Thank you to all the volunteers who made this event such a great success! To the folks who decorated and set up trees, trains, sleighs, and lights, brewed coffee and kettlecorn and made things merry; the Turnbull Family for donating the tree; Suzie Vendetti for leading songs around the fire;  
Herm and Barbara Botnen, our treasured residents and official tree lighters; the Fox Island Fire Department for transporting Santa and Mrs. Claus (who loved visiting our Island and can't wait to come back next year!), the fabulous Wickline Family and Friends for their amazing concert and to so many more individuals who made this event sparkle!
If you didn't get to the event, we have lots of pictures for you to see right here: TREE LIGHTING PHOTOS 



And to learn more about the Botnen's, the residents who just may have lived here the longest, please take a moment to read this great write-up by Judy Wilson: HERM & BARBARA BOTNEN

If you have images you would like to add, please email us at [email protected], we would love to see them and share them with the Island! 
 Thank you all and we can't wait for next year!


2012 Dues are almost due!


FICRA dues are only $25.00 per year/per family and are due January 1st for the 2012 year. We cannot express how much we appreciate your support. Your dues are what allow FICRA to put on so many events, keep the Nichols Center up and running, and remain a central gathering place for all Fox Islanders.
Donations can also be made to Crime Watch and the FICRA Building Trust or the Nichols Center "Spruce Up."  If you would like to add a donation to your dues and would like it to go to a specific cause, please be sure to make a note of that in the "message" section.  Thank You!
Click here to pay 2012 FICRA DUES AND DONATIONS
January Garden Tips from Master Gardener
and Islander, Linda Dodds 


Don't let the cold weather and the rain get you down! Dream a little dream of Hawaii with Master Gardener Linda Dodds!
Check out Linda's great tips and advice for Northwest gardens on the FICRA Blog:

 Click here: JANUARY 2012 TIPS 
Ongoing Events at the Nichols Center 
Check out what's happening all month! 


* Wednesday Morning Guys' Coffee from 9:00 - 11:00
 All Island guys, of all ages, are welcome!  


 * Game Night! Join in Game Night at 7:00 on the last Friday of every month for a great time. 
* Mom and Me at the NCC: Mom and Me is back at the Nichols Center, each Tuesday starting January 10th. Thank you to Karrie Avak for all her volunteer hours creating this great group!


Each week there are many events that happen at the Community Center, please check our new and improving (it's always a work in progress!) Events Calendar to find out more.
For more information on any of these events, please email us at i[email protected]
Thank you, Men's Coffee! 


Men's Coffee DonationEach Wednesday, Island guys of all ages gather at the Nichols Community Center for a cup (or 4) of coffee, some sweet treats, and conversation. They "Pass the Hat" for contributions for their weekly gathering, so there is never a shortage of cream or sugar. This month, they gathered all the extra contributions and made a generous donation to the FICRA Building Trust, bringing their donations to $200.00! Thank you very much, guys!
And don't forget, anyone can come stop by Wednesday mornings from 9:00 - 11:00 and have a cup of joe and a chance to chat with your Island neighbors.
Crime Watch Updates and Information and Past Crime Watch Reports
Crime Watch

FICRA's Crime Watch site is on FICRA's new website, www.FICRA.org
Crime Watch page is here: CRIME WATCH  
Or call the Crime Watch Hotline: 253-549-7744

During the months of November and December, Fox Island saw an increase in burglaries and attempted burglaries, as well as vandalism to the Nichols Center and the Chapel on Echo Bay. If you know anything about these incidences, please contact FICRA and the authorities. For past reports, please click: Past Reports
Did you know that the FICRA Crime Watch Citizen's Patrol offers vacant house monitoring?  If you plan to be away and would like them to drive by periodically and check your house, please contact [email protected]


We thank you for your continued support of this great Island asset. It costs FICRA over $8000.00 a year to fund Crime Watch and the hiring of off-duty officers to help patrol our community and aid in keeping it safe. With increased donations from Islanders, we would be able to fund more patrols and continue with crime prevention on the Island. Through donations and the incredible work of dedicated volunteers, we are able to keep this great Island asset going, thank you! Crime Watch is in need of more people to help, if you would like to volunteer, please contact us at [email protected]
Community Center Fall 2011Rent the Nichols Center for your Next Event!

The Fox Island Nichols Center is available for your private event! And wait until you see how great it looks these days!  The NCC is available for birthday parties, family reunions, or any special event. There are discounted rates for paid FICRA dues members, too. Contact our new rental coordinator, JJ Bland for more details. Visit Nichols Center Rentals or call 253.228.8161

Advertise on FICRA.org!
FICRA logo 

Did you know you could advertise your local business on FICRA.org? Advertisements can be seen in the "Island Businesses" link for $25.00 a YEAR (yep, that's it!) and if you would like your business to rotate through the main home page, it's only $50.00 per YEAR!
All proceeds from advertising sales go toward the website costs and advertising for our local events.  Click here to see our Local Businesses page: Local Businesses
Email us at [email protected] to get your ad online!
And, don't forget, FICRA has a blog, where all new events, updates and other news items are posted.  Check it out here: The FICRA Blog  and don't forget to check the Events calendar to see what's coming up to do on the Island! Fox Island Events
If you have any question or have events you would like to see in this email, please let us know by emailing us at [email protected]

The FICRA Board