URISA Digest
August 6, 2012 
Quick Links
Are you a Young GIS Professional?
Check out URISA's Vanguard Cabinet website: www.emerginggisleaders.org and get involved!
Remembering an Amazing URISA Volunteer & Friend  

Ken Sipos, longtime URISA International and Mid-Atlantic Chapter member, volunteer and friend passed away on July 28 at the age of 72. We'll certainly miss his friendship and presence and remember him very, very fondly. 
Fantastic picture of Ken with his elaborate entry in URISA's  annual conference (Chicago) poster competition in
Al Butler's proposal re: URISA's future direction and much more in the latest issue of THE GIS PROFESSIONAL. Have you read it yet?
Interesting URISA LinkedIn Conversations 

Dan Brenner of the California DOT recently asked how members explain what they do for a living. Really great discussion and comments! Check it out:  View our profile on LinkedIn 
 Contributions to URISA - a 501(c) (3) organization - are tax deductible in the U.S. All contributions will be used to further the mission of URISA through the delivery of existing programs and the development of new programs. 

GIS-Pro 2012 Numbers Tracking Well Ahead of Recent Years!

URISA's Caribbean GIS Conference Program Details Announced!
carib 2012

2013 URISA Conferences

Upcoming URISA Connect Webinar Event

September 18 - Introduction to Asset Management  

Presenters: Allen Ibaugh, GISP and Jason Amadori of Data Transfer Solutions 


If you've missed one of our live webinars including the fantastic LiDAR series presented by Mark Stucky of Merrick, you can find most of these events archived at www.urisa.org/urisaconnectarchives.


To register for an upcoming live webinar, please visit www.urisa.org/urisaconnect.

URISA Activities at the Esri UC 



It was a busy time for URISA during the Esri International User Conference in San Diego. Great seeing so many URISA members and friends!
GISCorps logo URISA's GISCorps had an impressive display in the Map Gallery and a well-attended session during the conference. So many GIS professionals are eager to volunteer to support GISCorps missions!

URISA's booth in the exhibit hall was really busy with people stopping by to ask about membership, conferences and programs. We hosted a Special Interest Group meeting this year and introduced URISA to the attendees. We held a drawing at the booth for free GIS-Pro 2012 registrations. The entries were abundant each day. Congratulations to the winners!
  • Jeff Wielki - Tera Environmental Consultants, Calgary, AB
  • Leslie Edwards - City of Huntington Beach, CA
  • Ben McConville - City of Ames, IA
Our booth neighbor was GISCI and there was a steady stream of traffic all week. Interest in obtaining the GISP credential continues to be strong!

Greg Babinski, URISA President, had a couple of presentations during the conference. The big news was the introduction of URISA's GIS Management Initiative. Learn more and watch for much more news about this important undertaking.

Hope you're enjoying the summer!


Wendy Nelson
Executive Director, URISA


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