URISA Digest
February 25, 2011   
Featured URISA Member Benefit

Why I Value the URISA Journal

Quick Links

Be sure to put GIS-Pro 2011 on your calendar and in your budget!
November 1-4, 2011
Indianapolis, Indiana


news cover 

The current issue of THE GIS PROFESSIONAL is now available.

 Check it out here  


URISA is now collecting data for its 2010-2011 Salary Survey. Be a part of this important publication and resource for hiring managers and GIS professionals. Take the survey today!  


Volume 22, Number 2 of the URISA Journal is posted online. 


New Esri Publication Spotlights URISA's Contribution to GIS Management Best Practices 

Fast-Approaching Deadlines & Reminders
February 28 - GISCI is inviting public comment for its proposal to update requirements for GIS Professional (GISP) certification to include a required examination. The comment period ends on February 28. http://www.gisci.org.

March 1 - Register for the URISA Leadership Academy (June 13-17 in St Louis) on or before March 1 and save $ 200! http://www.urisa.org/ula

March 1 - Memberships that have not been renewed by March 1 will expire. Hurry and renew!

March 14 - Abstract submissions are due for GIS-Pro 2011: URISA's 49th Annual Conference for GIS Professionals taking place in Indianapolis, November 1-4, 2011. Details and the online submission form are posted here: http://www.urisa.org/gispro2011

March 16 - Last day to secure discounted hotel reservations at the Radisson Fresno for the CalGIS Conference.

April 4 - Abstract submissions are due for the 2011 URISA/NENA Addressing Conference (August 15-18 in New Orleans). Details and the online submission form are available here: http://www.urisa.org/addressing/2011call
Meet URISA's Vanguard Cabinet!

URISA is pleased to announce its inaugural Vanguard Cabinet. The Vanguard Cabinet (VC) is a new URISA initiative to engage young GIS practitioners, increase their numbers in the organization, and better understand the concerns facing these future leaders of the GIS community. Comprised entirely of passionate young members selected from different geospatial disciplines, the Cabinet aims to position URISA as the center of opportunities for creative young professionals who are committed to improving URISA and the geospatial profession via innovation, collaboration, networking, and professional development. 

Applicants submitted a resume and answered questions related to the mission of the Vanguard Cabinet. A Steering Committee reviewed the submissions and selected the first five members of the Cabinet:

    * Ashley Coby - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    * Rachel Kornak - Ann Arbor, Michigan
    * Ashley Littell - Bowling Green, Kentucky
    * Carlos Silva - Richmond, British Columbia
    * Jennifer Weisser - Dayton, Ohio

Address Standard - Approved!

The FGDC Steering Committee has recently endorsed the URISA-sponsored United States Thoroughfare, Landmark, and Postal Address Data Standard! The Standard is posted online. Expect much to come regarding implementation and strategies in the coming months. 

2011 URISA Awards
The application for the 2011 ESIG Awards is available. Applications will be accepted until June 6, 2011. 

The 2011 Student Competition, featuring categories for Papers and Posters, has opened. Submissions are also being accepted until June 6, 2011.
The URISA Social Network

Find us on Facebook 


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Featured Job Postings
Advertise your opportunities, or check out what's available, URISA Marketplace.
URISA Advocacy Agenda
The outline of URISA's first advocacy agenda, developed from the Chapter Roll Call and other discussions at GIS-Pro 2010, has been posted and is awaiting your input. Get involved and 

check out the details today. 

2011 Conference News
15th Annual GIS/CAMA Technologies Conference 
Memphis, TN - February 28- March 3, 2011

2011 CalGIS Conference
Fresno, CA - March 28-31, 2011

URISA Leadership Academy
St Louis, MO - June 13-17, 2011

2011 GIS in Public Health Conference 
Atlanta, GA -June 27-30, 2011


2011 URISA/NENA Addressing Conference
New Orleans, LA - August 15-18, 2011

2011 GIS in Public Transportation Conference
St Petersburg, FL - September 13-15, 2011

GIS-Pro 2011: URISA's 49th Annual Conference for GIS Professionals
Indianapolis, IN - November 1-4, 2011


Wendy Nelson
Executive Director