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Spotlight on OPR


Oncology Supply will have reduced Thanksgiving holiday hours:


Tuesday, Nov. 22nd

Last day to order refrigerated items.


Wed., Nov. 23rd  

Hours of Operation- 8:00 a.m.-5:00p.m. CST

Prefilled syringe orders placed before 3:00 pm CST will be delivered on Friday, November 25th only if your office is open. ( you will be required to sign a release form)


Thursday, Nov. 24th



Friday, Nov. 25th



As always, please feel free to contact your representative or customer service  at 800.633.7555 with any questions or concerns.

Visit the OPR website to learn more about the exclusive member programs:













November 22, 2011



During the month of December, OPR will be contacting members regarding their interest or need for debt collection services with our newest partner, Account Receivable Solutions Inc. A review of their pricing and services is below.


Also, included in this newsletter is Save the Date information for the annual OPR State of the Union Webinar, Annual Business Forum, and Bi-Annual MI Oncology Clinical Treatment Pathways meeting. 


Please take note of the announcements section as Oncology Supply has reduced holiday hours this week.


If you have any questions please let me know.


Have a great week.


Thank you.


Account Receivable Solutions 

Account Receivable Solutions, Inc. is a Michigan based company located in St. Johns, minutes north of Lansing. ARS was founded in 1999 as a licensed and bonded full service collection agency. They adhere to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, Fair Credit Reporting Act, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, and are licensed by the State of Michigan. ARS has 3 licensed Collection Agency Managers, and is committed to continuing education, staying on top of the trends in their marketplace, collection practices, technology, and about the specialized industries they serve. 


ARS Price Sheet


Visit ARS on the web: www.ar-s.net 


To learn more or set-up a meeting please contact OPR Membership Coordinator, Nikki Kaminski. 


Pre-Collect Rates - This is a cost effective tool, developed for the small physician office as well as larger practices, to resolve bad debts prior to them being referred to a professional debt collector.

$2.49    Per letter

$1.00    Per phone call (if desired)


Standard Rates- The goal is to recover money as soon as possible. To achieve the goal, a series of strategic telephone and mailing campaigns is utilized.

17%     All monies collected within the first 30 days of placement

25%     Paid after 30 days

40%     Forwards and legal accounts

$25      Filing fee to be imposed on Estate Filings

2%      Surcharge on payments received and processed by credit            

Pre-Paid Costs - This would be advantageous for those who prefer a campaign of letters instead of phone calls. It is a softer approach and may be desirable for some.

Number of Accounts

Number of Letters

Cost Per Account

01 - 25



26 - 49


$ 9.99

50 - 99


$ 8.99

100 - 199


$ 6.99

200 +


$ 5.99


Contingency Fee Pricing for ICG Billing- This is a complete extension of your billing office. ARS will bill and contact your patient, post and process your patient's payments. This service is for non-delinquent accounts only. This option is ideal for large practices billing 100+ patients per month.

8%          0 - 45 days from date of service

10%        46 - 65 days from date of service

12%        66 - 85 days from date of service

2%          Credit card processing fee

Save the Date 

OPR Annual State of the Union Membership Update Webinar

Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Time(s): Noon and 5 p.m.


Biannual Meeting-The Quality Imperative Creating a Culture of Improvement

Keynote Speaker: Joseph Simone, M.D.

**Meets MiBOQI, QOPI, and MI Clincial Oncology Treatment Pathways Annual PGIP/BCBSM Meeting Requirements

Date: Friday, January 20, 2012

Time: 11:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

Location: The Dearborn Inn


OPR 3rd Annual Business Forum

Date: Friday, May 11, 2012


More information will be available soon.



PHONE: 248-549-4057
FAX: 877-787-0595 
EMAIL: nkaminski@oprservices.com



28175 Haggerty Road, Suite 119
NOVI, MI 48377