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New Year



January 6  

 January 17, 2012

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  Katharina Spurling-Kaffl

Happy New Year!


Whatever your goals are for 2012, the Light-Life™ Tools may be able to help accomplish some of them. Are you frustrated with not reaching them and not inviting into your life what is important to you? Let me introduce our 'Manifestation' Ring to you. It is our 1 Lost Cubit heavy copper, gold plated Light-Life™ Ring. We named it 'Manifestation' Ring after receiving many reports of associates using it for that purpose. How do you do it? Hold the ring at your heart area and speak through it what you would like to manifest. I recommend setting an intention by asking that this may be for the highest good of all.  


When I was contemplating as to why this Lost Cubit Light-Life™ Ring works so well for that, I looked at how the rings work in general. The tensor field of the ring generates a coherent field of light, which seems to attract more life force. The heavier wire creates a stronger tensor field than our standard wire, and we have a different time inside the ring than outside the ring. Slim called it time1 and time2. You could imagine inside the ring is no judgment, no worries or doubts, while outside the ring is our 'normal' life. When we are not in a high peak performance state, we may not have our full life force available, and that is when the ring seems to be really helpful. Some of us have been neglecting our needs and have drained our life force, especially over the holidays, and the 'Manifestation' Ring might be the right support for you.


Our special from today to January 17, 2012 is our
one Lost Cubit, heavy copper, gold plated Light-Life™ Ring, also called Manifestation Ring. Instead of $133, it is only $111. You save $22!


Take advantage of our Manifestation Ring and manifest miracles in your life.


Warmest regards,


Katharina Spurling-Kaffl




Introduction and Applications of the Light-Life™ Tools  


A Workshop with Katharina Spurling-Kaffl   

February 10th, 11th and 12th, 2012

near Erie, Colorado 


This is a "Hands On" workshop where you will learn many of the ways the tools are used.  This workshop is a must for healers, body workers, feng-shui practitioners, gardeners, ranchers, farmers, and the environmentally conscious. 


Click here for more information and to register! 


The early bird registration special ends 

January25th, 2012

Featured Product 


 Manifestation Ring 1 Lost Cubit heavy



The "Lost" Cubit Light-Life™ Ring is based on a discovery by Hans Becker, in April of 2000, of a previously unknown cubit length, which fills a harmonic gap between the "Sacred" and "Royal" cubits of Ancient Egypt. Research to date and calculations made by Hans Becker indicate that the "Lost" cubit may well have been deliberately omitted from ancient records. Indications are that its natural resonant frequency of 177 megacycles may, in some as yet unknown manner, contribute to the ability of the DNA to be changed at will and contribute to longevity.   Just as the "gods" decided to exclude Adam and Eve from the knowledge of the tree of life-lest they live forever and become as "gods"--- so was the knowledge of the length and function of the "Lost" cubit omitted from the records.




Field Report


One Lost Cubit Light-Life™Ring, heavy copper, 24K gold plated, the Manifestation Ring  


Some years ago, one of our associates took a workshop from Slim where he shared that the 1 Lost Cubit heavy copper Light-Life™ Ring has been used for manifestation purposes. Very shortly thereafter, she had an opportunity to see first-hand what he had referred to. She was in Houston, TX, and her car was stolen.  Fortuitously, she had the one Lost Cubit Ring in her purse, took it out, said her prayer and asked that the car be found before midnight.  


Well, about two to three weeks later, she got her car back. She was curious as to when the car was recovered. It was found shortly before midnight the day it was stolen. This is an excellent example of being clear on what you want and speaking your intentions! In this case, I am sure she would have gotten her car BACK the same day, if only she had said so in her manifestation.