TR Building and Remodeling, Inc. | Revered for service... Time and time again
Todd Drury
(203) 664-1303
(203) 733-1540
(866) 861-7975
[email protected]
28 Vitti Street 2nd Floor
New Canaan, CT 06840
lic. no. 0619425
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November 17, 2011

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Bathroom Rendering
The Cloudy Vision of Blueprints


I often reference the days of building my own home because I experienced firsthand, the emotional roller coaster that a homeowner can go through in the building and remodeling process. I remember the exciting days of spreading the blueprints across our apartment kitchen table and pouring over the details with my wife, Cathy. Because she loves to cook and entertain, her favorite room to design was the kitchen and I would watch as her excitement turned into confusion and fear as I tried to describe what our blueprints would look like in reality. It was difficult for her to translate the emotionless, flat lines into anything she had envisioned. She was frustrated trying to conceptualize the harmony of all the textures and colors we'd carefully chosen. She just couldn't bring them to life from that shallow, passionless piece of paper.


Bath Line DrawingMost people aren't trained to see through plans and visualize what they mean. It is hard for an untrained eye to conceive the composition. We've encountered clients who feel nervous about making decisions because they lack confidence in their ability to correctly perceive the outcome of line drawings like those seen on the left. Even CAD programs provide cartoon like 3D drawings that aren't realistic representations of color and proportions, and are very limited in accuracy. These types of drawings can't possibly allow a customer to envision height, depth or texture combinations and how they will work together. The flat drawing of the bathroom pictured here on the left, doesn't demonstrate how light is reflected in the room, what matte finishes look like against glossy enamel or how high a faucet is set above the sink. It is void of emotion and substance.  At best, blueprints provide a cloudy vision and who feels comfortable and confident investing in something you can't clearly see?


3D Renderings 

The building industry has advanced offering clients an opportunity to better understand the translation of designs into building. When using 3D realistic renderings, such as the depiction on top, clients see the likeness of a photo that is a clear-sighted image of their project. This allows the client to better understand spacial relations, proportions and how the components of a layout work together. This interactive process allows you to experiment with different pieces of inspiration that you've gathered to see if it really works in harmony together. Imagine going through a series of trial and error and finding the perfect union of textures, colors, light, depth, and space before anything is even built? What a great opportunity to view a single vignette and make a perfect decision based on clear vision.


If you are contemplating a renovation and are not certain you can foresee the outcome of your project, call TR Building & Remodeling at 203-664-1303 and let us help you interpret your dreams. To keep up with our projects or to drop us a line in the social media arena, please click here to "like" us on Facebook.   


ECH Nov Dec 2011 This month, we invite you to read a few articles featured in the current issue of East Coast Home + Design magazine.  TR Building & Remodeling participated in the Builders Roundtable for an article titled, An Ounce of Prevention and also as part of the Modern Masters spotlight.   


We wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving and know that we are grateful for your friendship and continued support of our business!  




Todd Drury

TR Building & Remodeling, Inc.