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Looking Forward to Fall

August 16, 2010


Vacation Opportunities

Hope this newsletter finds you well and enjoying the last few weeks of summer.   I also hope that you've been able to take some time to relax with family and friends and maybe you've even vacationed some place special.  A few weekends ago, I visited Block Island for the first time with my wife and it was great to get away and relax.  One of our favorite things to do while on vacation is go sightseeing on our bikes.  Some of the most memorable places we've biked over the years have been up in Bristol and Newport, Rhode Island, Mantoloking and Bay Head, NJ and as mentioned, most recently all around Block Island.  The great thing about biking is that you can stop and take your time to look around at the scenery whether it's a water view, beach area or local architecture.   We particularly love looking at houses and even taking photos of things that catch our eye.  My wife always has her camera handy and we've captured shots of everything from casement windows open to the fresh air in Newport or beautiful, ornate molding on homes in historic Bristol, RI or quaint tiny cottages on Block Island.  

The other day I perused through Architectural Digest magazine and remember reading this advice about vacation.  It read "When on vacation, do not buy furniture or artwork because you're in a different state of mind" and the intent of that statement was that you'd be making a mistake.  What it didn't point out is what a great opportunity you do have while on vacation to view things differently and ponder what it is that catches your eye about artwork, architecture or landscaping.  You have the time to think about what engages you and what draws you in to a piece of property.  It could be the entry way to a vacation cottage or the sunroom of a home you visited or something as simple as a brick walkway you trod upon while visiting a lighthouse.   The beauty is, there is something you are seeing for the first time with fresh eyes and it entices you.  Maybe so much so,  that you'd like to bring it back to your home.  

So take the time over these next few weeks to enjoy what's left of summer.  Take in the sights that make you happy, make you feel comfortable and relaxed and see how you can bring a little bit of vacation back into your reality.  If you have been thinking about ways to enhance your home or are thinking about making your vacation dreams a part of your everyday living, please call TR Building & Remodeling at 203-664-1303.  


Todd Drury
TR Building & Remodeling, Inc.