Issue: #78September
October 5th, 2012
Quick Links

Remember to buy organic to burn fat faster and live longer!  


Only two X Gym elites were able to go to LA for the 75 story US Bank climb last weekend, but Mike and PJ still dominated!  

The X Gym manual on fitness, nutrition and brain training - now available on Kindle too!
X Gym Biggest Loser after
Take the X Gym workout with you on the road or give it to a friend!


Your Kirkland X Gym Lands in a Better and Brighter Spot!          

It's just 3 doors down from where it was, but it is a better location with more light via 2 nice huge skylights, better space and new construction, so come check out the improved vibe! Our new address is 120 Central Way, Kirkland, WA 98033. Stay tuned for info on a fun grand re-opening party soon!     


A Solution to the Recent Allergy and Food Intolerance Epidemic? 

Have you heard of leaky gut syndrome? That's when small holes in your gut let undigested food out into your bloodstream, causing your immune system to attack it, leading to allergies and intolerances. Guess what causes leaky gut? You might already know the culprit is GMO foods.   


If this concerns you, it would be worth signing the petition at one of the locations listed here. This will give you the right to know if the food you are buying is GMO or natural. As it stands now, GMO food producers don't have to label their products as such, so you don't get to know (unless you are eating strictly organic of course).  


Train Your Brain Today!

Did you try closing your eyes and keeping them closed as you do normal routine things at home or work? Doing things like that which force you to use other sensations trains your brain to be better at change, which makes old habits easier to break!

For another brain training exercise, check out this new video below:  


Hunger scale
Hunger scale

PJ Glassey, CSCS
X Gym (
Author, Cracking Your Calorie Code (
Fitness blogger:
Fitness tweeter:
P.S. Please sign the GMO label petition ASAP! You can find it at many locations throughout our region, but it needs to happen before the end of November, so time is of the essence!

Study Links GM Maize and Roundup to Premature Death and Cancers
What's the big deal about GMO foods anyway? Well, considering 1.) They make you fatter, 2.) Most other countries have outlawed them and 3.) GM food manufacturers have censured the research studies proving they are bad for you, it's a bigger deal than you could even imagine. Click the title link above for one example of such research.

A Natural Supplement That Reduces Blood Pressure?
We have known for decades that the right exercise (i.e. X Gym) and cutting fast carbs out of the diet reduces blood pressure faster and more effectively than any drug, but did you know that you could take it down even more with a natural supplement called pterostilbene? Click the title link above to find out more.

Today's Quote: "Be careful of your words - they always become your feelings and your feelings always become your experience."   


Next issue:

New brain training tips, interesting research, and more!






  • Do you have a friend who needs the X Gym?
  • Would you like your spouse to be healthier and fitter?
  • Are you mad at someone, and want to see them suffer through some really hard workouts?
Then forward this newsletter to them so they can receive 2 Free Intro Sessions with the coupon below! Our normal offer now is one free session, so this is a bonus deal because they know you!
  2 Free Intro   Sessions!
Personal Training Gift Certificate

$75 value!

The X Gym is Washington's premier one-on-one training facility specializing in unique and exclusive exercise methods requiring only 20 minutes, twice a week for the best results in the industry. Come see how you can achieve 2-3 X the results in 1/4 of the time at the largest and most successful training center in the Northwest!     
Alki: 206-938-XGYM (9496)
Kirkland: 425-822-XGY
M (9496)
Call before the X-piration date of 11/21/12 to set up your two free visits!
(New members only. Not good with any other offer. Not redeemable for cash.)