Your Kirkland X Gym Lands in a Better and Brighter Spot!
It's just 3 doors down from where it was, but it is a better location with more light via 2 nice huge skylights, better space and new construction, so come check out the improved vibe! Our new address is 120 Central Way, Kirkland, WA 98033. Stay tuned for info on a fun grand re-opening party soon!
A Solution to the Recent Allergy and Food Intolerance Epidemic?
Have you heard of leaky gut syndrome? That's when small holes in your gut let undigested food out into your bloodstream, causing your immune system to attack it, leading to allergies and intolerances. Guess what causes leaky gut? You might already know the culprit is GMO foods.
If this concerns you, it would be worth signing the petition at one of the locations listed here. This will give you the right to know if the food you are buying is GMO or natural. As it stands now, GMO food producers don't have to label their products as such, so you don't get to know (unless you are eating strictly organic of course).
Train Your Brain Today!
Did you try closing your eyes and keeping them closed as you do normal routine things at home or work? Doing things like that which force you to use other sensations trains your brain to be better at change, which makes old habits easier to break!
For another brain training exercise, check out this new video below:
Hunger scale |
PJ Glassey, CSCSX Gym (, Cracking Your Calorie Code ( blogger: www.pjfit.comFitness tweeter: