Issue: #64February 13th, 2012
Quick Links

Cacao Power!  Read the blog to learn how REAL chocolate can ignite your Valentine's day! 

The X Gym manual on fitness, nutrition and brain training - now available on Kindle too!
X Gym Biggest Loser after
Take the X Gym workout with you on the road or give it to a friend!


The Only Food to Guarantee Valentine's Day Success

Here it is: CACAO! Chocolate has it, but because chocolate bars are so over processed, the benefits are negated. To get all the benefits from chocolate you have heard about (including boosting your love life), check out the blog. Or, just take a short cut and make the new "Chocolicious Puud'n (or ice cream)!" recipe from the "Deserts" section on  


Muscle Failure Means Success

If you train at the X Gym or have trained at the X Gym, you already know about our emphasis on muscle failure. This is the best way to get the message to the muscles that they need to change. It's a difficult concept for some to grasp, but now we have a video to explain it! Just click below.
Muscle failure is success
Muscle failure is success


Train Your Brain for Fast, Fun Fitness! 

For your suggestion this time, check out the video above. Then eat some of X Gym's new pudding recipe for brain boosting power! It freezes soft enough to be great ice cream too, so be sure to try it ASAP! 



PJ Glassey, CSCS
X Gym (
Author, Cracking Your Calorie Code (
Fitness blogger:
Fitness tweeter:
P.S. The video above can totally change your paradigm, making real fitness finally achievable, so be sure to watch it today!

Is the China Study really "all that?"
The book is no doubt popular and it's quote by thousands who are on the side of vegetarianism, but you should read this first before citing it as reliable science. If you run into a real scientist without this information, you may end up with egg on your face.

Chocolate as a weight loss aid?
I sure think so. But not the chocolate you might be familiar with. Real chocolate, AKA cacao (not cocoa) is high fiber and low carb. It also has protein, so the macro nutrient ratio, coupled with the fact that it is anti-inflamatory, makes it a weight loss food! Chocolate bars however, are a weight gain food, so stay away from those! What are your options? Just read the blog to find out.

Today's Quote: "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." ~ Shakespeare.     

Next issue:

New brain training tips, interesting research, and more!






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Alki: 206-938-XGYM (9496)
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Call before the X-piration date of 08/21/12 to set up your two free visits!
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