Issue: #62January 11th, 2012
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Did you make a New Year's fitness resolution? Find out a NEW success plan in the next newsletter! 

The X Gym manual on fitness, nutrition and brain training - now available on Kindle too!
X Gym Biggest Loser after
Take the X Gym workout with you on the road or give it to a friend!


Eat this fat to burn fat off your body!
Virgin organic coconut oil is what I call a "negative fat" food, meaning when you eat it, you burn more fat than you take in. There's even scientific studies to prove it! I eat it all the time. I even have a new recipe for it posted on Just scroll down to the bottom to the "Snacks" section on that page.

X Gym wins 56 floor WaMu climb!

I know, no surprise, but remember last year when we lost by 10 seconds to the US mountain running champs (mainly because one of our climbers was sick)? Well, this year we won it by such a margin, it looked like we cheated. We blew away the all-time record too. Why is stair racing X Gym's sport of choice? Because there is no harder sport and it's a great example of our fitness results from our training style. Crossfit gyms talk all the time about how intense they are, but they never come close to us when it comes to performance. For the whole story, click here.  


Mainstream food pulls another one over on us... 

Or at least they are trying to. Check out this horrendous new step from the poison makers at the Splenda company. They are adding vitamins to their toxic sweetener now to try to suck more people in. Stay away from this and all artificial sweeteners or you will pay dearly later! There are plenty of healthy options that won't kill brain cells or give you cancer. Just stick to Truvia, Stevia, Erythritol and Xylitol and you'll be fine.   


Train Your Brain

Remember the meditation video? Well research now proves it effectiveness! So much so, that the instructional video deserves a re-post, so click here to watch it today.  



PJ Glassey, CSCS
X Gym (
Author, Cracking Your Calorie Code (
Fitness blogger:
Fitness tweeter:
P.S. Remember to start training your brain today! Click the links above to get started.

Age really doesn't matter
I've been saying it for years and science backs me up. No matter what your age, you can build strength just as fast. It truly is the only real "fountain of youth." If you want to stop the clock ticking on your metabolism, energy and ability to enjoy life, make sure you are strength training!

Forget everything you thought you knew about lactic acid...
Aaron, our Alki X Gym trainer, discovered some amazing research that uncovered some assumptions everyone made about lactic acid that are wrong. It turns out lactate isn't the limiting factor once thought, or even responsible for the burn we feel when we train! Click the title above to find out more.

Today's Quote: "Man is what he believes." ~ Anton Chekhov, Author   

Next issue:

New brain training tips, interesting research, and more!






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The X Gym is Washington's premier one-on-one training facility specializing in unique and exclusive exercise methods requiring only 20 minutes, twice a week for the best results in the industry. Come see how you can achieve 2-3 X the results in 1/4 of the time at the largest and most successful training center in the Northwest!     
Alki: 206-938-XGYM (9496)
Kirkland: 425-822-XGY
M (9496)
Call before the X-piration date of 08/21/12 to set up your two free visits!
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