Issue: #58October 6th, 2011
Quick Links
Vote for X Gym

Click the picture above to  vote for X Gym. It only takes a minute!    

The X Gym manual on fitness, nutrition and brain training - now available on Kindle too!
X Gym Biggest Loser after
Take the X Gym workout with you on the road or give it to a friend!


Contest Ends Sunday! 

Please vote today for X Gym in the Best Personal Trainers category of the Best of the Northwest contest. Just click here to cast your vote (be sure to vote for BEST PERSONAL TRAINERS and not "Best Gym"). It's quick and easy and you get a half off coupon for the X Gym DVD when you vote!


Are We Really What We Eat?

Click the video below to see just how true that really is. Do it while you still can however, because the video is only free to view until October 8th! 




Train Your Brain Today 

Did you request the free e-booklet from PJ on how to break the holiday weight gain cycle? It's not too late! You can still ask him for it via his email, pj@xgym.com.

For your next brain train, check out the new technique PJ has developed. Just click here to see the video.
After you watch it (and cast your vote for X Gym), just send PJ an email (pj@xgym.com) with your mailing address and he will send you the "magical" card he refers to!  



PJ Glassey, CSCS
X Gym (www.xgym.com)
Author, Cracking Your Calorie Code (www.crackingyourcode.com)
Fitness blogger: www.pjfit.com
Fitness tweeter: www.twitter.com/xgym
Email: pj@xgym.com
P.S. Remember watch PJ's new brain training technique and vote for X Gym to get your "magical" card and 1/2 off coupon for the X Gym Workout DVD!

How addictive is wheat an starchy foods?
As addictive (or even more so) than drugs, according to researchers! There is a chemical in the fast carb foods that turns your brain into a junkie for those foods. The good news is this can be reversed with brain training, so get on it!

7 exercise myths that won't go away.
Why are there so many myths out there and why are they so pervasive and persistent? Mainly because the mainstream media has perpetuated them, but also because people just don't know any better, since they haven't seen the recent research. For more, click the title above and read the blog.

Today's Quote: "We should certainly be level-headed - but with the heights, not the depths." ~ Rabbi Shraga Silverstein  

Next issue:

New brain training tips, interesting research, and more!






  • Do you have a friend who needs the X Gym?
  • Would you like your spouse to be healthier and fitter?
  • Are you mad at someone, and want to see them suffer through some really hard workouts?
Then forward this newsletter to them so they can receive 2 Free Intro Sessions with the coupon below! Our normal offer now is one free session, so this is a bonus deal because they know you!
  2 Free Intro   Sessions!
Personal Training Gift Certificate

$75 value!

The X Gym is Washington's premier one-on-one training facility specializing in unique and exclusive exercise methods requiring only 20 minutes, twice a week for the best results in the industry. Come see how you can achieve 2-3 X the results in 1/4 of the time at the largest and most successful training center in the Northwest!     
Alki: 206-938-XGYM (9496)
Kirkland: 425-822-XGY
M (9496)

Call before the X-piration date of 07/21/11 to set up your two free visits!
(New members only. Not good with any other offer. Not redeemable for cash.)