Chow These Three Foods to Eat Yourself Thin!
Did you know that there are certain foods that make you leaner, the more you eat them? Yep, that's right. The more you eat, the leaner you get. Even if you tried to overeat these foods, you would just get leaner faster - especially in your belly. The top three are
broccoli, and
wild or grass fed meat. If you ate only these foods (and drank plenty of clean water), you would not only get lean faster than you ever thought possible, you would also thrive in your health beyond your wildest dreams.
X Gym Finally Gets Beat in a Stair Climb!
Well we've been saying we wanted some competition, and we got it. Congrats to Joe Gray, the US mountain running champ, and his friends for beating the X Gym team at the WaMu race this year! You guys are animals! Joe set the new course record, and with the help of his friends, his team Lucy beat the X Gym by 11 seconds to take the overall fastest team award and break the X Gym's 13 straight winning streak for US stair climbs.
The X Gym still did great though. We won fastest female (Jamelah), fastest gym, fastest relay, 6 of the top ten overall for men, 5 of the top 10 overall for women, and many of the age divisions. Our fastest male (Kevin) actually got 2nd and 4th place overall, because he ran for two different teams. Sheesh!
Click here for full results.
X Gym started a new winning streak just two days later though. PJ and Brian (Kevin's twin) flew down to LA to join the WCL/X Gym team and win the 51 floor Figeroa race. Brian got first place overall and PJ got 2nd for males.
Click here for full results and
click here to see the videos.
Get X Gym Fitness Tips and Tricks Instantly on Your Phone!
Want to know the best food tips and exercise tricks as soon as PJ does? Well, you can get PJs latest tips immediately just by following following X Gym on Twitter. Here's how - follow @xgym, and select text updates on your settings. Go to to see the kind of tweets that are going out today!
Twitter is a great way to connect with PJ too. He finds the best tips from Twitter "followers" and X Gym members, so be sure to tweet him your ideas, recipes, challenges and suggestions! If it's a food you are looking for, or a substitution for something you know you shouldn't be eating, PJ might know the solution - but even if he doesn't, the knowledge pool of his Twitter followers probably do!
Train Your Brain Today
From last time, did you notice how fast you can snap out an angry state when you pretend you are answering the phone from a friend? Remember, you have that control available always, and you can use it any time you want to create a fat burning state in your body. That's right, good thoughts release the hormones and chemicals that burn fat and bad thoughts do the opposite!
Have you ever wondered why you decide to make a change and then regress or sabotage that change? It's human nature and we all do it, but to find out how to stop this cycle once and for all and welcome real change, check out the latest post at the PJFit blog.
PJ Glassey, CSCS
X Gym (
Author, Cracking Your Calorie Code (
Fitness blogger:
www.pjfit.comFitness tweeter: