Pictured top is the towers in Bellevue we will get to race up for our next climb!
Pictured bottom is the new wellness site offering amazing discounts on wellness products you are already paying for! be one of the first 5000 to sign up and get special treatment!
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The X Gym manual on fitness, nutrition and brain training - now available on Kindle too!
Take the X Gym workout with you on the road or give it to a friend!

Welcome to the First Issue of our New Newsletter!
Sorry it has been so long since the last issue, but we have been having "issues" with our migration to the new system. It's done, and here it is!
Soon You Can Buy Your Wellness for Half Off! Check out this new site! It features premium wellness service providers and products at 50% off or more! Each day, a different deal is offered from local merchants (Seattle area), who are all pre-screened for quality and rated on how "green" they are. The first 5000 who sign up get a special "charter membership" with special treatment. It's free, easy, and no strings attached! www.myurbanwellness.com. Sign up today! Just click the Register/Login button at the top of the page (and notice the amazing merchant featured as the sample coupon). If you are a Facebooker, you can join the fan page by clicking here.
X Gym Wins Another Stair Climb! The Bennington monument in Vermont was no match for the X Gym traveling stair squad. Check out the details here: www.stairsport.com
Cracking Your Calorie Code Now on Kindle! Yep, it true. You can now order the X Gym manual as a book or a Kindle reader. Check it out on Amazon.com!
New Bellevue Stair Climb! Now you have another option for a local stair race. It's the Bellevue Towers, and the date is October 23rd. You can choose between the 45 floor race, the 91 floor course, or the 182 floor hike, making it the new longest urban stair climb in the world! Check it out here: http://bit.ly/BellTowers
Train Your Brain Today
Did you try the eye-roll breathing from the last newsletter? If not, or if you forgot (because it's been so long). Here it is again:
Next, try this exercise: 1.
In a lying down, relaxed
position, close your eyes and breathe in slowly through your nose, until your
lungs are completely full. While you are breathing in, slowly raise your eyes
up toward your eyebrows. 2.
Hold for 2 seconds.
While you are holding, keep your eyes looking up as high as they will go. 3.
Breathe out slowly until
your lungs are completely empty. As you breathe out, let your eyes relax slowly
to a neutral position. 4.
Repeat 5 times or more. The reason it relaxes you so well, and empties out your prefrontal cortex so effectively, is that the eye rolls disassociate you from your stressors, and the breathing drives it home while calming you down.
For your next exercise, try asking questions for your proclamations instead of phrasing them as statements. Jim, a Kirkland X Gym member, coined them "Askfirmations." Too good! For more details on the technique, visit the blog: www.pjfit.com.
Thanks, PJ Glassey, CSCS X Gym ( www.xgym.com) Author, Cracking Your Calorie Code ( www.crackingyourcode.com) Fitness blogger: www.pjfit.comFitness tweeter: www.twitter.com/xgymEmail: pj@xgym.com |
P.S. Remember that MyUrbanWellness.com is offering special benefits only to the first 5,000 subscribers, so grab your spot ASAP! It's free and it only takes a couple minutes to enroll, allowing you to save hundreds on your wellness costs, so why not?
Can Margarine Make You Stupid? Does Botox Make You Happier? Research suggests that it does, in a sense. First, let me clarify that I am NOT suggesting Botox treatment. Far from it. Botox is a poison that you inject into your body to paralyze muscles, which is a pretty far leap from healthy, but an interesting study showed that limiting your ability to frown actually reduces negative thoughts! Remember when I suggested in a past newsletter issue that forcing a smile, usually causes good feelings to follow, no matter what your mood? Things that make you go hmmmm....
Today's Quote: "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence therefore, is not an act, but a habit." ~ Aristotle
Next issue: New brain training tips, interesting research, and more! _________________________________________________________
- Do you have a friend who needs the X Gym?
- Would you like your spouse to be healthier and fitter?
- Are you mad at someone, and want to see them suffer through some really hard workouts?
Then forward this newsletter to them so they can receive the 3 FreeIntro Sessionscoupon below! Our normal offer now is one free session, so this is a bonus deal because they know you!