Issue: #33 February 10th, 2010
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The top picture is Taz's regular cheesecake. She makes a chocolate version with fudge topping too!

The bottom picture is her chocolate truffles coated with real cacao powder!
The X Gym manual on fitness, nutrition and brain training!
X Gym Biggest Loser after

Order some Valentine chocolates or cheesecake for your sweetheart that won't make them fat!
You can place your rush order today with Taz for special chocolate that will make your valentine fitter instead of fatter! Or you can poison them with the regular sugar filled stuff and watch them balloon up and get sick. Your choice. Contact Taz through her email by clicking here.

Not All Nuts Are Fattening!
Nuts often get a bad rap because of all their fat, but not all nuts are created equal, so some are super good for you and offer little chance of storing that fat. My favorite blend is 1 part organic Tamari almonds, 1 part organic walnuts, and 1 part "spicy punks," which are roasted spicy pumpkin seeds. I mix this combo at the West Seattle PCC, and it is already listed for you in the X Gym online food journal as "X Gym Mixed Nut Fiber Blast."

Check it out and you will see the fiber is sky high, as well as the protein. Compare these ratios to macadamias or cashews, and you will see the difference. Besides, almonds and walnuts have amazing nutritional benefits, so they are great for you!

Time is Running Out to Sign Up!

Everyone has started training for the Big Climb coming up next month, so join the X Gym team today! This climb will fill up soon, so hurry and sign up! If you don't want to participate or can't make it this year, please consider donating by clicking here.

The first stair climbing bootcamps went great last weekend too, so click here to check out the info on the ones that are left!

Train Your Brain Today:
Did you try sitting down, breathing slowly and meditating on relaxing words and images when you found willpower in short supply? This clears out your prefrontal cortex (PFC), the part of your brain that gives you willpower, so it has plenty of energy left to help you make the right decisions!

Have you ever had a rough day or stressful event that made you binge? This is what an overloaded PFC feels like. If you de-clutter it, you will give it more resources to help you think ahead and resist temptations.

For your next assignment, write down three ways that you see how getting fitter and healthier will make you grow as a person. This will help link pleasure to your goals, which I will explain in more detail next time, but for a preview peek, check out the bottom research study below.


PJ Glassey, CSCS
X Gym (www.xgym.com)
Author, Cracking Your Calorie Code (www.crackingyourcode.com)
Fitness blogger: www.pjfit.com
Fitness tweeter: www.twitter.com/xgym
Email: pj@xgym.com
P.S. When you are looking up foods and recipes in your food log that are on the X Gym recipe page, be sure to type "X Gym" in the search box to see if it has already been entered for you! There are tons already in there!

Is Obesity in Your Genes?
The risk of becoming obese is 2.5 times higher for those who have double copies of a particular gene called FTO. However, a good diet neutralizes the harmful effects of this gene, which means that the critical factor is what you eat, not what you inherited.

What is the Key to Happiness? Money, Fame, Power, of Growth?
In a study, college students who spent their first 2 years out of school pursuing materialistic goals (i.e. wealth, looks, and fame) were far less happy than students who achieved more intrinsic personal goals like getting involved in their communities, nurturing close friendships, and working on inner growth.

Today's Quote: "He who dares nothing need hope for nothing.
~ Unknown

Next issue: New brain training tips, interesting research, and more!


  • Do you have a friend who needs the X Gym?
  • Would you like your spouse to be healthier and fitter?
  • Are you mad at someone, and want to see them suffer through some really hard workouts?
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