The top picture is the pleasant expression you can have at the finish line of the Big Climb if you learn the special techniques taught at the new stair bootcamp.
| The bottom picture is the expression you will have if you miss it.
The X Gym manual on fitness, nutrition and brain training!

Renew Your Resolution with These Three Tips! Did you know that nearly half of the New Year's resolutions have already failed by now? By the end of the year, only 12% will have succeeded! Whether it's weight loss or other goals, here are a few tips to revive your resolutions and make them stick (and if you want the whole kit and kaboodle, click here to see the lecture).
1.) Change your peer group. Have you ever been to a rally and got fired up for change, only to see it seep away within days? That's because your peer groups at the rally were all on the same page, but when you went back to your own peer group (i.e. family and friends), they were on a different level. You will often only float as high as those around you, so if your goal is fitness, find some fit friends to hang around more, or be the leader and change your own peer group! Science has shown that peer groups, involving face-to-face time with others, is powerful indeed! 2.) Examine your language. Are you using self-limiting words like "try, difficult, or hard" to describe your journey to your goal? If you use words like, "I will" or phrases like, "it will be easy to..." when you think of your goal, you will be much more likely to make it happen. 3.) Remember why you set your goal in the first place. Write down at least 3 reasons how that goal will bring you pleasure. Linking pleasure to a goal is the only way to achieve long term change.
New Stair Climbing Boot Camp Starts Saturday 2/6! Are you thinking about signing up for the Big Climb, or maybe you have already, but you are wondering how to train for such an unusual event? Well, how about getting some advice from some elite X Gym racers who have already dominated some of these climbs? This is a great event to train for too, so if you need a new goal to shoot for that will re-motivate you and revive your New Year's resolution, check out the new stair boot camp info page by clicking here.
Train Your Brain Today:Did you read my blog post on what is building up in your intestines if you eat junk food? Linking that concept in your brain helps motivate you to put better foods in you! If you haven't read it yet, click the link above now! For your next suggestion, sit down, breathe slowly and meditate on relaxing words or images the next time you find willpower in short supply. I'll explain why this works in the next issue, or you can find out right now by clicking here to read my newest post. Thanks, PJ Glassey, CSCS X Gym ( Author, Cracking Your Calorie Code ( Fitness blogger: www.pjfit.comFitness tweeter: |
P.S. Be diligent in these brain training techniques! It really is a permanent solution for lasting results! Check the newsletter archives page to look back on past issues and review those techniques too!
Is protein an appetite suppressant? When compared to other types of calories, it sure is! Protein fills you up because it boosts sensitivity to a hormone that tells you to stop eating. That's why Taz's cheesecake fills you up for hours, but a normal cheesecake leaves you hungry in a short time. Another reason normal sweets make you hungry is because high fructose corn syrup actually increases your appetite - especially for more HFCS or sugar! How much sense does that make? Lots if you are the food manufacturer!
Whey protein improves heart health! Two weeks of whey protein supplementation increased blood flow in a recent study. Make sure you get clean whey though, by buying all natural whey with no artificial sweeteners (especially Sucralose). MRM brand like we sell at the X Gym, is best!
Today's Quote: "Do or do not. There is no try!"
Next issue: New brain training tips, interesting research, and more! _________________________________________________________
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