Issue: #28 December 30th, 2009
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Be sure to get your copy of the X Gym workout DVD for your home or travel routine. Send a copy to your loved ones too! It's a great way to achieve New Year's resolutions fast!
Happy New Year!

The X Gym manual on fitness, nutrition and brain training!
X Gym Biggest Loser after

Annual X Gym Biggest Loser Contest Starts January 7th!
Join in the fun and competition with fellow X Gym members to make sure your New Year's fitness resolution sticks! Your $77 fee goes towards contest prizes (like the grand prize trip to Vegas) and subsidizes contestant discounts on workshops, seminars and field trips through the duration of the contest. The info page with more details is up now on xgym.com under "Xtras", or click here for more info!

Chocolate Experiment Successful!

I'm still eating chocolate every day, and still not gaining fat! If I didn't see it for myself, I wouldn't believe it. I eat a few of the new protein bars each day (available at the Alki or Kirkland X Gym) and a few of Taz's truffles as well (available from her). It's so fun! Wouldn't it be nice to be able to keep chocolate in your diet after you make your New Year's fitness resolution? I found some other healthy chocolate as well. I think I'll throw a chocolate party next month. Stay tuned...

Use the Glycemic Load Principle to Burn Fat Fast!
The glycemic index is certainly useful, and one I use every day, but figuring out the glycemic load is even more helpful in predicting effects on your blood sugar. Spikes in blood sugar put you in fat storing mode and slow your progress toward your fitness resolutions, so figuring it all out is very helpful.

A great tool to calculate the glycemic load of most foods is to go to nutritiondata.com and enter the food you are curious about. I often go there and compare foods to see which ones will burn the most fat. Be sure to select the same amounts when comparing though. I always just pick 100 grams and look for foods that rank less than 5.

Train Your Brain:
Did you delete the word "can't" from your vocabulary and replace it with the word "won't?" How did this change the meaning of what you tell yourself? Did it point out more self-limiting language? Once you say you can't, you're right! Deleting that word completely opens a whole new world of possibilities, and replacing it with "won't" puts you back in charge, removing helpless thought patterns.

Your brain training suggestion for this issue is to read the blog and get your brain geared up for your New Year fitness resolution! Changing your identity is the only way for lasting results!


PJ Glassey, CSCS
X Gym (www.xgym.com)
Author, Cracking Your Calorie Code (www.crackingyourcode.com)
Fitness blogger: www.pjfit.com
Fitness tweeter: www.twitter.com/xgym
Email: pj@xgym.com
P.S. Signup for the Biggest Loser contest today at the Alki or Kirkland club, or go to the contest info page and check it out for more info!

Focus on one happy thought per day to increase life satisfaction.
Research shows that finding little everyday things to be glad about may be the real key to happiness. As I have said before, positive moods also put you in a fat burning mode, so this attitude makes you leaner too!

Sore joints? Try vitamin K2.
Click the link above to hear an interesting podcast on this great vitamin. One correction though: Professor Vermeer claims that while cheese is the best source of vitamin K2, it's unhealthy to eat because of the animal fat. He is right - if he is referring to cheese made from conventionally farmed animals, but cheese from grass-fed animals is GREAT for you, and is a wonderful source of K2.

Weight training reduces cancer death
Scientists found that those who incorporate strength training twice a week have a 30-40% less chance of dying from cancer! The study also indicates that the stronger you get, the more your risk goes down. This is especially great news for X Gymers, because no one gets stronger faster than we do!

Today's Quote: "Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp,
or what's a heaven for?
"  ~ Robert Browning

Next issue: New brain training tips, interesting research, and more!


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