The top picture is our darlings Kourtney (right) and Jamelah (left), who won 1st and 2nd overall in the 56 floor WAMU race.
| The bottom picture shows all the medals Kevin won (which were so many, we lost track of what they were all for)!
The X Gym manual on fitness, nutrition and brain training!

WAMU Climb Dominated by X Gym AGAIN!
Goodness gracious! We owned the WAMU climb again this year in a big way - we actually won every single award! It's nice to get such firm validation for our exercise methods. We train less than any other trainers or gyms, yet we keep beating them all (by huge margins too)! For the race details, click on THE BLOG link to the left, and for the videos, click here to visit our stair climbing blog.
Order Your X Gym DVD Next Week! Yep, it's at the printer and it should be available next week! You can get your copies at the Alki or Kirkland X Gyms, or just order it online next week! I'll be sure to announce it the day they are in stock.
I'm Eating Chocolate Again... That's right - back on the yummity goodness that is chocolate! I've been feasting on fudge, chocolate truffles covered in nuts or coconut, and more! It's some new recipes that Taz has cooked up. More updates after some final tweaking...
Give the Gift of Fitness This Season.Check
out the coupon at the bottom of this newsletter for a special bonus
edition to give to your friends and family as a stocking stuffer or
gift card! Normally we offer 3 free workouts, but this limited edition
coupon allows them four! Train Your Brain:Did you try the content scrambling method from the last newsletter? Remembering a past occurrence in a different way changes your experience. This in turn changes the things that are linked to that experience, like emotional eating patterns! For this issue's brain training tip, try saying " Today is a clean slate" out loud every morning. This little proclamation reminds you that yesterday is in the past and only today is controllable, making tomorrow changeable. More on this in the next newsletter... Thanks, PJ Glassey, CSCS X Gym ( Author, Cracking Your Calorie Code ( Fitness blogger: www.pjfit.comFitness tweeter: |
P.S. Remember to clip the coupon below as a stocking stuffer or gift card to your friends and family! This 4 workout offer is only available through this newsletter!
The Ultimate Remedy for Holiday Illness.
If it always seems like you manage to get sick around holidays,
semester breaks, and other pauses in your hectic schedule, you're not
imagining it. Use exercise to protect yourself from the "Let-Down
Effect". Click the title above to find out what Researchers at UCLA have discovered and how stress hormones interact with your immune system...
Cola-Induce Paralysis? Doctors are warning that excessive cola consumption can even lead to profound muscle paralysis. This is
because the drink can cause your blood potassium levels to drop dangerously
low. One Australian farmer needed emergency care after drinking large amounts of cola. Click the title link above to read more.
Today's Quote: "Nothing tastes as good as lean feels"
~ Fit People
Next issue: New brain training tips, interesting research, and more! _________________________________________________________
Give your friends and family the gift of fitness this year with the bonus workout coupon below! The usual 3 free workouts coupon has been expanded to 4 free for this month only! This only happens once a year, so make sure you take advantage now! Just print it and give it out to as many people as you would like.
- Do you have a friend who needs the X Gym?
- Would you like your spouse to be healthier and fitter?
- Are you mad at someone, and want to see them suffer through some really hard workouts?
Then forward this newsletter to them so they can receive the 4 Free Intro Sessions coupon below!