Issue: #21 November 10th, 2009
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Burn Belly Fat With Your Brain?
Until recently, spot reduction was thought to be impossible. Recent discoveries have found however, that visualizing heat in your belly can burn fat from the area. Sound weird? I think so too, but the brain is more powerful than any of us realize. You can learn this technique for yourself (among other things) at the next brain training workshop on 11/21. Click here for more info on how to sign up, or just email me at pj@xgym.com.

What's the Big Deal About Protein?
Are you tired of hearing me talk about protein? Well, I'm not about to shut up, so get used to it. Protein builds your muscles as well as your metabolism, and if you really want to get lean, fit and strong, you're going to have to give in and go with it. To find out more, click here.

Kellogg's Immunity Scam

Can you believe that Kellogg's is getting away with claims that their sugar cereal Cocoa Krispies boosts kids immunity (see picture to left)? Even "vitamin fortified" cereals are toxic if they are made with sugar, because not only does sugar DEPRESS the immune system, it also cancels out most vitamins by competing with them for absorption. Don't fall for this con!

Calling All Climbers!
Please sign up with us for the WAMU climb and help the fight against cystic fibrosis! We have three teams this year: X Gym trainers, X Gym members, and X Gym friends and alumni. If you still don't want to participate, or can't make it that day (Thursday, 12/3 at 6 pm), please consider donating to the cause. Every little bit helps! In fact, if each newsletter reader gave just $5, we could raise thousands for this worthy cause. Please click here for more info.

Train Your Brain to Burn Off Belly Fat
How did it go with the last newsletter's suggestion to change your focus to action instead of worry? That technique is related to the one at the top of this page because it prevents a bad mood, and when your brain is upset, it tells your body to produce chemicals and hormones that increase belly fat! A happy and content attitude however, has the opposite effect.

Your brain training suggestion for this issue is simple. Just smile - a lot. If it's real, that's great, but if you don't feel like it, fake one, and pretty soon it will become real. Smiling puts you and others around you in a good mood and boosts your belly fat burning rate. More on this in the next issue...


PJ Glassey, CSCS
X Gym (www.xgym.com)
Author, Cracking Your Calorie Code (www.crackingyourcode.com)
Fitness blogger: www.pjfit.com
Fitness tweeter: www.twitter.com/xgym
Email: pj@xgym.com
P.S. There are still a couple seats left for Brain Training Workshop #2, so email me TODAY at pj@xgym.com for more info on how to get in! Also, be sure to let me know if you want Taz to make you a holiday cheesecake!

Walk Away From Cravings
Studies show that cravings are best avoided by taking a simple walk. Click above to read the details. Studies also show that satisfying a craving with "just a little bite" has the opposite effect, and often snowballs into a binge cycle.

Eating Out The Right Way
You can eat at restaurants without bulging your belly with some simple strategies. Click above to see some, and come to the brain training workshop to learn some. You can also hear some tips by listening to the new podcast interviews between FHR radio and PJ.

Today's Quote: "Decide that you want it, more than you are afraid of it."  ~ Bill Cosby

Next issue: More brain training tips, interesting research, and more!
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