Issue: #18 October 20th, 2009
Quick Links

The brain training workshop is hosted in a private dining room (pictured top).
The view (pictured bottom) can't be beat either!

The X Gym manual on fitness, nutrition and brain training!
X Gym Biggest Loser after

Brain Training Workshop #2 is set for Saturday, November 21st at 6 pm!
Many people either missed the cutoff for the last workshop, or couldn't make that particular date and time, so I am putting on another one just like it in the same place! Learn how to crack the holiday weight gain code once and for all, right before Thanksgiving comes!

Don't miss out this time! The first 14 people who send me an email to pj@xgym.com get the first crack at signing up, so let me know today if you are interested. You can also click the following link for more details and info (just scroll down past the cooking class info): http://xgym.com/xtras/brain-training/

Cooking Class #1 Fills Up on the First Day!
It looks like we will need to schedule another cooking class, because the one announced in the last newsletter filled up that same day! We will be learning lots of useful information about food and how the "holiday brain" works in this class (set for next Wednesday the 28th), so stay tuned for info on the next class coming soon.

How would you like to burn tons of fat in LESS than 20 minutes?
One word: stairs. Stair climbing is the best fat burning workout I have found (besides the X Gym workout of course), in the least amount of time, so if you are interested in learning the best way to get started, just ask me. I will tell you what NOT to do as well (and this "step" is very important to avoid)!

The incline trainers at the X Gyms are also fantastic, because they introduce the same vertical component into the workout - the factor mostly responsible for the huge fat burn boost, so hop on one today! Besides, they are great trainers for the WAMU stair climb on December 3rd. Yep, it's time to start training for that too! I'll have more info available on that event shortly...
Brain Training: Remember my suggestion in the last newsletter to try "Cognizant Eating?" It really works, and you can learn it in real time at the brain training workshop on November 21st over a fat burning gourmet dinner. Keep doing it on your own though, and the patterns, increased metabolism, and improved digestion will all work together to help you lose fat fast!

Your suggestion for this issue is to think of your 15 favorite foods that are good for you. Focusing on these will have amazing results! I will let you know more about why in the next newsletter, but until then, check out the blog of the person who thought up this concept. She's an X Gymer too! I'm so proud! http://fifteenfavefoods.wordpress.com/


PJ Glassey, CSCS
X Gym (www.xgym.com)
Author, Cracking Your Calorie Code (www.crackingyourcode.com)
Fitness blogger: www.pjfit.com
Fitness tweeter: www.twitter.com/xgym
Email: pj@xgym.com
P.S. Brain Training Workshop #2 is limited to 14 people, so email me TODAY at pj@xgym.com for more info on how to get in!

Green Tea Helps With Mental Distress
Drinking green tea every day may reduce the incidence of psychological distress by 20 percent, says a new study from Japan. Other studies show that replacing your daily coffee with green tea can also help you burn more fat, help prevent Alzheimer's and certain cancers, and improve cardiovascular and oral health. I'm not much of a tea drinker myself, but I do take green tea extract capsules, because I am convinced of the many benefits green tea has to offer.

Is Wine Really Healthy?
It is well documented that even moderate alcohol consumption (beyond 1-2 drinks per week) is bad for your brain, but can it increase your likelyhood for cancer? Click the link above and draw your own conclusions.

Today's Quote: "What you want to be eventually, you must be every day. With practice, the quality of your deeds gets down to your soul."  ~ Frank Crane

Next issue: More brain training tips, interesting research, and more!
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