Issue: #17 October13th, 2009
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Taz's delicious cheesecake pictured above is guilt-free!
How about low-carb "mock" mashed potatoes? Learn this recipe too at the X Gym cooking class. Just email me at pj@xgym.com to see if you can grab one of the 7 spots available.

The X Gym manual on fitness, nutrition and brain training!
X Gym Biggest Loser after

Taz Creates X Gym Cheesecake Recipe! How would you like to offer your friends and family a cheesecake this holiday season that wouldn't make them (or you) fatter? Well, soon you can! This recipe has a whopping 28 grams of protein per slice, where a normal cheesecake has only 10. It also has about 1/4 the carbs and 4 times the fiber! Taz's version has already been taste-tested by the last workshop attendees, and it got amazing reviews! They were given the secret recipe at the workshop, but we are giving it out again on October 28th to the cooking class attendees, so read below for more details and how to sign up.
Learn how to make a fat burning holiday meal at the X Gym Holiday Cooking Class!
You don't have to succumb to fattening 4,000 calorie holiday meals anymore! Now you can learn how to cook a complete "traditional" meal and swap certain ingredients to make it a fat burner instead of a fat gainer. It tastes great too! Your guests won't even know the difference unless you tell them. Just go to the brain training page to learn how you can attend. Hurry though, there is only 7 slots available, and this one is first-come, first-served!

X Gym Workout DVD Getting Polishing Touches.
It coming soon!  Phase two
edits are being applied, and it's looking fantastic. Get ready for a great workout to take on the road, or for your friends and family who aren't able to join an X Gym.

How would you like to train your brain to lose body fat this holiday season instead of gain it like usual?
There is a very specific psychology behind the holiday sugar cycle, and understanding it is more than half the solution. Just email me at pj@xgym.com and ask for the PDF booklet, "Cracking Your Holiday Calorie Code." It's free just because you read this newsletter! Forward this to your friends and family so they can get their copy too!
Brain Training: Remember my suggestion in the last newsletter to think back to your most powerful moment and to give that person a name? Then when you are feeling unmotivated to eat right or workout, you can ask yourself, "What would ______ (your new name) do?"

How did that go? Did you find it easier to follow through? Remember that this is a skill, so the more you do it, the better it works! I know it sounds corny, but it is super effective, and permanently rewires your brain over time. Would you rather feel a little corny and get leaner, or feel normal and get fatter? I'll take corny and leaner any day!

For your next brain training technique, try eating more slowly, chewing completely, and savoring every bite by thinking about the taste, texture, smell, and emotion the food elicits. Also, make sure at least one meal per day is booked in your schedule so you can take your time and ONLY eat. This means no TV, computer, phone, or any other multitasking distraction. Enjoying the meal with others and talking about the food is the only thing you should be doing besides eating. This is called "cognizant eating" and the folks from the last workshop know how and why this works, because they got to practice it live in real time. I will let you in on more info about this technique in the next newsletter after you have tried it for a while.


PJ Glassey, CSCS
X Gym (www.xgym.com)
Author, Cracking Your Calorie Code (www.crackingyourcode.com)
Fitness blogger: www.pjfit.com
Fitness tweeter: www.twitter.com/xgym
Email: pj@xgym.com
P.S. The cooking class includes some brain training techniques like the cognizant eating method mentioned above, so reserve your slot today by emailing me at pj@xgym.com before it fills up!

This fish has as much bad fat as a donut!
Tilapia, a popular fish because of its low price and mild flavor, is also farm raised in unnatural habitats. This, combined with the fact that it's not a great food to start with, causes the omega 3 fats to get totally out of whack with the omega 6 fats, making it unhealthy for your body and your brain. Stick with wild fish from clean waters for maximum body and brain benefits, as well as optimal fat loss.

Train your brain to keep the fat off after you lose it.
Visualizing yourself thin now will not only make fat loss easier, but will also help you keep it off once you have lost it. People who don't do this keep their old mental picture of themselves, and then yo-yo back up to match what their brain sees. If you find it hard to visualize yourself thin, try downloading this MP3 file to help you with the process. The password to the page is xgym.

Today's Quote: "That which we persist in doing becomes easier, not that the nature of the task has changed, but our ability has increased.."  ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Next issue: More brain training tips, interesting research, and holiday fat busting tips!
  • Do you have a friend who needs the X Gym?
  • Would you like your spouse to be healthier and fitter?
  • Are you mad at someone, and want to see them suffer through some really hard workouts?
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