The Swine flu is back, and here are four little-known ways to fight it off: 1.) Exercise! This keeps your immune system strong, and your body healthy. We of course know how to do this best, in the shortest time at the X Gym, but if you are not a member, and aren't exercising, you'd better start today. Just going for a walk is better than nothing!
2.) Proper nutrition. This means eating good food and staying away from sugar! It also means drinking enough water. 80% of your immune system is your GI tract, so putting the right foods in it directly affects your ability to fight off bad bugs.
3.) Take a vitamin D3 supplement.
Click here to see current dosage recommendations. I've said this over and over in the past, but it sure is worth repeating!
4.) Consider a nano-silver supplement. I write about this more on my blog at so check it out ASAP! Don't worry, I'm not selling anything. It's just something I've learned about through my research that could be the most powerful weapon you can have in your arsenal against all kinds of virus and bacteria.
What a Great Brain Training Workshop Response! It looks like I might have to schedule an additional class! I am still taking applicants for the workshop on 10/3 though, so
click here to apply. Note: There was one person who didn't fill in his/her contact info, so if you applied and have not heard from me, this is probably you. Please let me know by sending me an email to
Vote For the X Gym! Click here to vote us #1 AGAIN for the BEST PERSONAL TRAINERS in the "Best of Western Washington" poll. As you may remember,
we won last year, and would love to repeat that experience! We can't do it without you!
High Intensity Exercise Alleviates Depression. All exercise helps to relieve depression symptoms, but the more intense the exercise, the better it works, and the longer it lasts afterward! The X Gym is of course the most intense workout anywhere, so we are the best at busting depression.
Brain Training: Remember my suggestion last week to use the phrase, "
This always happens to me" every time something good happens? How did that go? Did you notice more good things happening to you? When you open up your subconscious to notice these moments, it makes you see more, and even makes more happen, so keep it up!
Crack Your Emotional Eating Code with this week's brain training exercise: We eat junk most often when we are in a state that feels impossible
to get out of. To break this pattern quickly, just say out loud, "Cancel"
to the thoughts of despair and throw your hands down to your sides and and behind you.
combination of the verbal statement and physical motion will change
your physiology and allow for the 2nd step in this process which is to
simply tell yourself, "It will be interesting to see how I get through this situation." This will open your subconscious brain to
constructive possibilities, and will make those happen instead of the usual downward
PJ Glassey, CSCS
X Gym (
Author, Cracking Your Calorie Code (
Fitness blogger:
www.pjfit.comFitness tweeter: