Navy Seals ain't got nothin' on the X Gym! Remember how we always stomp the competition in running, strength, endurance and stair climb races? Well, it turns out we are fit enough to be Navy Seals too. Our own "special forces" team went to the
Navy Seal Fitness Challenge last Saturday, and received 3 medals in addition to their highest award: The blue shirt!
Mike won the blue shirt for exceeding the highest set of fitness standards for the competition. Mike and I also won medals for the fastest run, the most pushups, and the most situps. Greg (Alki X Gym member) and I received brown shirts for exceeding the requirements to be considered as a navy seal candidate. Roby (Last year's Biggest Loser winner) got the white shirt since had to pass on the swim and the run due to a knee injury in a recent soccer game. He did however exceed blue shirt standards for the pushups, situps and pullups! For more details on the contest,
click here.
Thanks for your help in making the recipe tasting party a huge success last Wednesday! It was a blast, and we had such a great turnout, we even ran out of my beef jerky! Luckily, Donna showed up with her special secret blend and saved the day. Hers was better than mine anyway, and we are trying to talk her into making it available to all of us in the future. My recipe however, is now posted on the
Hard Bod Cafe page (scroll to the bottom when you get there), so check it out!
Kirkland Outdoor Boot Camp is Underway! We are going strong now with a 7 am class on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Come join us for 20 minutes of fun in the sun using our unique X Gym protocols and cardio methods. For more info or a free trial, contact Jesse at For Seattle boot camps, contact Kailyn through
Remember the suggestion in the last newsletter to stretch your comfort zone? Well, keep it up because this is a life skill that continues to pay huge rewards the more you do it! Remember that you can always go back to past newsletter issues using the archives link in the upper left corner for refreshers on past brain training tips to keep tuned up on them too.
Your brain training suggestion for this week is to focus on making failure your friend. When you reach muscle failure in exercise, congratulate yourself, and experience contentment for reaching that goal. When you reach failure in another part of your life, be grateful for that too, and celebrate the lesson you learned, as well as the growth you experienced because of it. You are a
better person and a
stronger person now from that experience! I know this first hand (and quite recently). Check out
my blog to see what I mean...
PJ Glassey, CSCS
X Gym (
Author, Cracking Your Calorie Code (
Fitness blogger:
www.pjfit.comFitness tweeter: