Issue: # 8 August 4th, 2009
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Ciji B4

Ciji After

Ciji, (pictured above) was a finalist in our Biggest Loser contest last year, losing over 21 lbs. of fat and gaining almost 7 lbs. of muscle! 

  Our 2009 Biggest Loser contest is almost over, so we will be announcing our new winners soon!
Would you like the X Gym boot camp to come to your own back yard?
Click here to contact Kailyn for more information!

Remember to come get your free dinner at the Alki X Gym tomorrow (Wednesday), August 5th at our recipe tasting party from 5-9 pm. Come taste how yummy "negative fat" recipes can be. Yep, the more you eat, the leaner you get! No more suffering through diet foods or restricting your calories. It doesn't get any better than this!

Thanks for your help in making the new online nutrition program and online schedule better! Your feedback has helped us tremendously, and we continue to make improvements based on your feedback, so keep it coming! Just let me know through pj@xgym.com whenever you think of something that will make either system better and easier for you to use.

Boot camper's clothes are falling off them! C.B. has burned off 15 lbs. and J.H. has lost 10 lbs. of pure fat in two weeks to name just a couple outdoor boot campers' incredible results! For more info or a free trial, contact Kailyn at k@xgym.com. You can also follow his blog at kailynelliott.blogspot.com.

Remember the daily phrase suggested in the last newsletter? How did it work? Did you do it? Most people start out strong and peter out quick because their subconscious brain sabotages progress as it begins to change. We all resist change - even our unconscious mind, but that is only a reminder that it is working, and to press on for permanent progress!

Your brain training suggestion for this week is to stretch your comfort zone at least once a day. This might mean pushing to new heights during your workout, or doing something outside the gym like finally completing that task you have been putting off. This will spill over into all areas of your life, and with regular practice, will turn you into your own expert with life experiences as well as your fitness results!


PJ Glassey, CSCS
X Gym (www.xgym.com)
Author, Cracking Your Calorie Code (www.crackingyourcode.com)
Fitness blogger: www.pjfit.com
Fitness tweeter: www.twitter.com/xgym
Email: pj@xgym.com
P.S. Remember that you will receive your special beef jerky recipe (and free sample) just for showing up to the tasting party. You will also get a free stainless steel water bottle for bringing a friend!

Can MSG make you fat?
I've always professed how toxic MSG is, but new research now confirms this and shows some alarming new links between MSG and obesity (and even brain damage to your fetus). Take this ingredient out of your life today!

Can your kids music make you fat?
Lots of talk about fat here - do you get the picture it's not just about willpower and exercise? That's right. We are very complicated organisms, and our brains, chemicals, hormones, anatomy and physiology must all work together to achieve the fastest fat loss possible. This is why we research it so much - so we know all the angles and the shortcuts to pass on to you!

Today's Quote: "Does my big fat butt make my big fat butt look fat?" - J.F. (past quote from an X Gym client who now has a little tiny butt).

Next issue: More brain training tips and interesting research!
  • Do you have a friend who needs the X Gym?
  • Would you like your spouse to be healthier and fitter?
  • Are you mad at someone, and want to see them suffer through some really hard workouts?
Then forward this newsletter to them so they can receive the 3 Free Intro Sessions coupon below!
3 Free Intro  Sessions
Personal Training Gift Certificate

The X Gym is Washington's premier one-on-one training facility specializing in unique and exclusive exercise methods requiring only 20 minutes, twice a week for the best results in the industry. Come see how you can achieve 2-3 X the results in 1/4 of the time at the largest and most successful training center in the Northwest!

Alki: 206-938-XGYM (9496)
Kirkland: 425-822-XGYM 

$154.00 Value! (New members only. Not redeemable for cash)
Call before the X-piration date of 10/31/09 to set up your free visits!