Issue: # 7 July 30th, 2009
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Ryan After Qinks

Ryan, (pictured above) got his results in a matter of months!

Ryan (PJ's nephew) is a total crackup, as you can see from his "before" picture. He studied PJ's book, and from his home in California, got these amazing results just by following the principles he read about!
Would you like the X Gym boot camp to come to your own back yard?
Click here to contact Kailyn for more information!

Remember to come beat the heat with us in our cool, air conditioned Alki club next Wednesday, August 5th at our recipe tasting party from 5-9 pm! Receive your special beef jerky recipe (and sample) for coming, and get a free stainless steel water bottle for bringing a friend!

The inside of the Alki club is holding steady at 69 degrees in this blistering heat, so come see us for your cardio too - we just got a new rope climbing machine, so check that out while you are there!

Our new Kirkland and Alki online schedules are now up and running! Kirkland members can log in using their first initial and last name (no spaces) for both user name and password. Mine for instance, would be pglassey for both my user name and password. Once you get in, feel free to change them to what ever you want.

Alki members can log in with their first and last name (as one word) and the user name xgym as the password. Once you are in, be sure to reset your own user name and password too!

Anyone can still call in to have us change appointments as usual, or just do it at the club like always. This new online schedule merely gives you one more easy option to use at home or work if you prefer. It also eliminates the mistakes we had in the past with a paper schedule, so this solves the problems you expressed with the old system.

Our Alki outdoor boot camp program is still growing fast and will open in Kirkland next week! Contact jesse@xgym.com for more details on that one. Your contact for the Alki bootcamp is still Kailyn at k@xgym.com. Come join the fun!

Remember the 3 quick steps to squash emotional eating in the last newsletter? Well here's another brain training technique that will help keep you on track with your exercise and nutrition. This might sound corny, but if you try it, you will see how powerful it is: Find someone you trust to support you and simply say, "I am committed to becoming fitter and healthier today." Instruct them to say, "I believe in you and I support you." Do this every day and watch your attitude and habits change whether you are thinking about them or not!


PJ Glassey, CSCS
X Gym (www.xgym.com)
Author, Cracking Your Calorie Code (www.crackingyourcode.com)
Fitness blogger: www.pjfit.com
Fitness tweeter: www.twitter.com/xgym
Email: pj@xgym.com
P.S. Those who take these brain training techniques seriously and implement them with consistency (whether they feel like it or not), find that achieving fitness requires much less willpower, and the results are permanent as their brain becomes re-wired forever!

How hot can it get and still be safe to train?
Some of our afternoon boot camps were canceled recently during this heat wave because we keep up on that research too! If the outdoors are flirting with 90 degrees and you are not climatized to it, you're better off going inside to workout in an air conditioned environment.

Even small steps in better eating make a difference
It's tough for most people to make big steps in changing their nutrition. Well, the good news is that research proves that small steps work too! The most important part is that you are taking steps!

Today's Quote: "Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose." - Dr. Wayne Dyer

Next issue: More brain training tips and interesting news!
  • Do you have a friend who needs the X Gym?
  • Would you like your spouse to be healthier and fitter?
  • Are you mad at someone, and want to see them suffer through some really hard workouts?
Then forward this newsletter to them so they can receive the 3 Free Intro Sessions coupon below!
3 Free Intro  Sessions
Personal Training Gift Certificate

The X Gym is Washington's premier one-on-one training facility specializing in unique and exclusive exercise methods requiring only 20 minutes, twice a week for the best results in the industry. Come see how you can achieve 2-3 X the results in 1/4 of the time at the largest and most successful training center in the Northwest!

Alki: 206-938-XGYM (9496)
Kirkland: 425-822-XGYM 

$154.00 Value! (New members only. Not redeemable for cash)
Call before the X-piration date of 10/31/09 to set up your free visits!