Wow! Great feedback from the survey! Thanks so much. It really helps to get ideas straight from you, the member. We even had some responses from past members and "not-yet-members" too, so it was full of fantastic input.
Outdoor boot camp was the overwhelming biggest vote. Most of you know that we are already on this one due to previous feedback, and have even started classes already! So far the feedback is great, and one client said the following of the first class:
"It was so good to see you again Kailyn!!!! I'm so glad that it's
YOU leading the bootcamps. YAY! My legs are jello. I'll get some
protein asap. THANKS AGAIN!"To get in on these classes, just email Kailyn at
Another huge vote was for an online scheduling system, augmented by staff assistance whenever needed, so we are crunching away at this too!
I will release more survey results as the data keeps coming in. Please keep the comments and ideas coming. It's so great to be able to offer these wonderful improvements to your X Gym!
PJ Glassey, CSCS
X Gym (
Author, Cracking Your Calorie Code (
Fitness blogger:
www.pjfit.comFitness tweeter: