ABC Computers Masthead

ABC Computers eNewsletter                                                                                                   November 2010

In This Issue
11/17 Webcast: Sales Tax Compliance for Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Microsoft Big Easy Offer 5.0!
Consider This Before Installing Apps on Your Phone
Microsoft Dynamics ERP Holiday Season Offer
5 Tips for Balancing Business Travel with Your Personal Life
Tax Breaks Offered by Small Business Jobs Act
Tips for a Paperless Office

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Complimentary Report


Quick Quiz

  What does the word "modem" abbreviate?
October Quick Quiz Answer & Winner
On average, how many trees does it take to make the newsprint for the Sunday edition of The New York Times?
  Answer:  Various universities and recyling authorities estimate it takes 63,000 - 75,000 trees.
 Winner: Diana Shebel  
Diana won an 8GB 2.0 USB  Flash Drive!
ABC Customer Comment
"We have worked with ABC Computers for over 15 years.  The team at ABC, they're terrific to work with.  They provide the IT help we need on a level we understand."

Terri Schulz, President
Waupaca Area Chamber of Commerce
Shiny New Gadget of the Month
In the wilderness and need to charge your cell phone or GPS? Get powered up with the Pico Solar Charger.

Tips & Tricks

Security Alert
ABC Computers

Offices in Waupaca, Rhinelander and
La Crosse, WI.

Staff located throughout the Midwest including Milwaukee, Chicago, and South Bend.

1990 Godfrey Drive
Waupaca, WI 54981
Mailing Address
PO Box 546
Waupaca, WI  54981
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Each November Americans commemorate the bounty of our nation and our lives with a special day called Thanksgiving. For some, Thanksgiving is all about the feast and football. For others, it is about capitalizing on Black Friday retail sales. For me, the holiday marks a perfect opportunity to take pause, think about the things for which I am thankful, and express my gratitude.

During this time of thanks, I want to extend my sincere appreciation to our customers for their loyalty and confidence, and to our employees for their hard work and dedication to service excellence. Without you, ABC's success would not be possible. Together, we have achieved many amazing things this past year.  I feel very fortunate to work with, and provide services to, such great people.

Warm wishes for an abundant Thanksgiving and holiday season,
Donovan's Signature
Donavan Lane, CEO
ABC Computers, Inc. 
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November 17th Webcast: Sales Tax Compliance for Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Are you pulling your hair out trying to keep up with sales tax compliance?

ABC Computers and CCH understand that the burdensome task of filing sales and use tax returns can sometimes feel like an albatross around your neck. Let us show you how to break through the barriers that slow your people and data down.

Attend our Sales Tax Compliance webcast on Wednesday, November 17th at 10:00 am Central, and discover the powerful tools available to your business.

There is no cost to attend, but space is limited. Reserve your spot by registering online or calling 1-800-834-7700.
Big Easy Offer 5.0 from Microsoft

Get the comprehensive IT solutions you need now, and earn dollars towards deployment or future purchases!


The Big Easy Offer 5.0 gives you choices on Microsoft products and solutions that fit your needs. Now you can find the right solution for your organization while earning money back on your purchase in the form of a partner subsidy check, to help you implement the solution.For every qualifying product you purchase between October 25, 2010 and December 31, 2010, Microsoft pays you partner subsidy funds for additional purchases of hardware, software or services of your choice.


Visit for details, and then contact Tom Doran at 1-800-834-7700 x1112 or to take advantage of the offer.

Consider This Before Installing Apps on Your Phone
YourCellPhoneShould you really trust every app you install on your phone?

Nope - some of them are plundering your personal information and beaming it to potential bad guys.

Microsoft Dynamics ERP Holiday Season User Offer!
Effective November 1, 2010 through the end of the business day December 23, 2010 Microsoft Dynamics NAV and GP customers can receive up to a 20% discount off of Microsoft's standard list price for additional user licenses.

What's more, you only have to purchase a minimum of 2 licenses to be eligible for the discount and the discount can be applied on up to 20 additional users.

To take advantage of this limited time offer, contact Tom Doran at 1-800-834-7700 x1112 or

5 Tips for Balancing Business Travel with Your Personal Life
TravelerAn increasing number people who travel for a living are concluding that their lives are out of balance. More than half of all business travelers say the time they spent with family has been significantly reduced as a result of being on the road, and more than one-third said social time spent with friends suffered through the demands of traveling for their company.
How do you hit the "reset" button on your career? Learn five tips to finding the balance between your travel and your life.
Tax Breaks Offered by Small Business Jobs Act  for Software Purchased by December 31, 2010
On September 27th, President Obama signed the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 into law. The bill includes a series of provisions that benefit small businesses, most of which are effective immediately. 
For example, the bill includes an extension of the 50% bonus depreciation provision for all businesses, regardless of size, that is effective for qualifying assets purchased in 2010.  It also includes several other tax provisions targeted toward small businesses that would:
  1. Expand the one-year carry-back for general business credits to five years for sole proprietorships, partnerships, and non-publicly traded corporations with $50 million or less in gross receipts for the previous three years;
  2. Provide a 100% exclusion on gain from the sale of small business stock acquired after the date of enactment in 2010 and held for at least five years ; and
  3. Increase the Section 179 expensing limitation to $500,000 for 2010 and 2011.

For more information on the bill read about it here. Also consult your tax and legal advisors for specifics on how this bill might affect your business taxes in 2010.

6 Tips for a Paperless Office
TooMuchPaperMany people who use computers - whether it's for their home or business - are moving toward a "paperless" office. They are tired and overwhelmed by scraps of paper, clunky old file folders, envelopes - and they want to reduce the clutter.

Want to join the anti-paper campaign? Save a few trees along the way?  Here are 6 tips to help you go paperless.

About ABC Computers 
ABC Computers is a business technology solutions provider that specializes in the deployment of Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Microsoft Dynamics GP, network engineering, hardware and business consulting services. We are a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner with a team of certified engineers, developers, and application consultants. Over the last 25 years, ABC Computers has developed reputation for helping clients achieve their goals by first listening and learning about their business, and only then recommending a solution. 
Donavan Lane, as well as each team member of ABC, is totally dedicated to your complete satisfaction. Thus our commitment to setting up Business Solutions...Your Way.