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Our mission is to empower people to awaken into a life they love!
January 2010
In This Issue
(all underlined items
 are links)

Holiday Schedule and Class Announcements

You Are Invited to a New Year's Intention Setting

Women's Circle

Private Yoga Sessions: Your Ticket to Confidence

Meet Our Newest Teachers

Quotation of the Month

Recipe of the Month

Book of the Month


thanksgivingscheduleHoliday Schedule Notice

(Please note there are some fairly significant changes in our schedule beginning in January, so visit our website to check them out.)

We will be closed Thursday through Saturday, December 31- January 2.

The following classes are canceled beginning January 4:
  • Amanda's noon class on Wednesday and Friday.
  • Heather's Saturday hot yoga from 4-5.

Beginning January 4

Tataya is back on the schedule and very excited to be back at YBB.

 "I can't wait to see everyone and start the year full on yoga!"

See the article in the right column announcing our two new teachers and be sure to check the website for our new schedule!

Check Out Our Sister Studio
one tree emblem

 in Omaha

Quotation of
the Month
"We spend January 1st  walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched.  Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives... not looking for flaws, but for potential."
 ~Ellen Goodman


bookofthemonth Book of the Month

Book seeking peace

Seeking Peace : Chronicles of the Worst Buddhist in
 the World
~Mary Pipher

"I wholeheartedly recommend this book. I've been a Pipher fan since Reviving Ophelia (on connecting with adolescent girls). Pipher's writing style is fluid and uplifting -- each sentence a joy to meet. In this personal account of her life, Pipher recounts emotions from childhood to her seemingly overnight success that left her struggling to find her own inner peace. Reading this made me want to read every book Pipher has ever written,  and I now have three on my night stand."
review by practitioner

conway communications

recipeofthemonth Recipe of the Month
poppy seeds

Opium Juice:  This is an original recipe from Tataya from her stay in India.  I love it and it is a perfect time of year for it. It is very satisfying and a taste sensation.
  • 1T poppy seeds
  • 1 1/2 C unrefined sugar (or jaggery)
  • 1/2 C milk (or milk replacement, nut, seed, hemp)
  • 1C coconut milk
  • 1t raw rice
  • 250 grams of almonds ( we think that is a cup)
  • 1/2 t cardamom
  • 3-4 strings of saffron (optional)tumeric provides similar color and is a health sensation.
Fry poppy seeds, dry, in  a pan with the rice until light brown, then cool.  Blend it well into a powder and add to coconut milk.  Blend almonds to a paste and add to coco mixture.  Add sugar, 1C water, milk, cardamom and saffron.  Boil all on a low flame. Watch carefully as it can easily burn .  If it's too thick, add a bit of water.   Turn off and stir throughout.  It can be enjoyed warm and is great with Christmas cookies if you have some left over.  I think I'll add a touch of cinnamon and nutmeg to give it that eggnog flare.  Cheers!


What a great time of  year! With all the snow, maybe you've had more time for personal reflection. Many of us are thinking about New Year's resolutions. and we're all looking to have the best year ever! We're all "hungry for greatness" as Nelson Mandela says in the movie Invictus -- that you must go see!Invictus

In the movie, Mandela shares a poem by William Ernest Henley that gave the movie its title and helped Mandela immensely through his years in prison:

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstanceNelson Mandela
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

The last two lines really stuck with me. Life truly is what we make  of it. We're either happy or unhappy; we choose to enjoy the weather or not, to love or not to love! We are the ones writing the lines of our stories every day, and we often don't realize it's all a matter of choice. Of course, that's the theory, but the trick is finding the practice that supports that theory, and sometimes it is: "Fake it until you make it."  It all starts with what we believe in, whether we believe life is easy or hard.

Do you believe working sucks or not? Do you believe you're beautiful or ugly?  Do you believe you are in charge of your own life? Ask yourself these questions and start the year being clear with your belief system so things can blossom for you when and how you want them to. It's your time to act and create the life you've been dreaming of. Now the time to fall in love with yourself and your life because we believe in you, and it's time you believe in yourself!

With warm wishes,

Yours in yoga,

Tataya & Thomas

You Are Invited  -- a New Year's Intention Setting
Now is the time!

candles and statue

We invite you to join us at YBB at noon on Thursday, December 31, for a centering and meditation celebration. We'll discuss creating an intention and provide a setting for its blossoming!

Women's Circle -- Lakshmi yantra
a nurturing place
to be
with Lisa and Tataya
Sunday, January 17th from 2:30 - 4 p.m. at YBB
No charge
If you plan to attend, please email Lisa at
[email protected] , so we know how many to expect.

See you in January!


yoga womanPrivate Yoga Sessions -- Your ticket to confidence

When people new to yoga call the studio wanting to start classes, my first suggestion is to do a private yoga session with me or Thomas. Why? Because it creates the grounds for their entire yoga experience. When you attend a public yoga class for the first time it's like going to a fancy party but not knowing what the dress code is, and you're wishing someone had told you! In a private session we first try to learn about you and any specific needs or issues you have. Then we go through basic principles of alignment that you will be using and learning in the public yoga classes. We also offer variations of basic yoga postures according to your needs and establish the areas  you need to focus on first. Normally in one or two sessions people are ready to go, and when they start attending public classes they already feel a part of it like fish in the water!

If you or your friend are among those who think yoga is not for them,  if either of you feel  too intimidated to show up to a group class ,  if you want an amazing experience of yourself, I say a Private Yoga session is it! So no more excuses -- let us guide you through the journey of finding the power within yourself. What better moment than the beginning of the year? Take a step towards the way you want your life to look, and most important, how you want to feel and who you want to be. We welcome you with all our love & knowledge to join the path of yoga.

I look forward to hearing from you.

In Joy,

Tataya (^_^)

Meet Our Newest Teachers! --
Seth and Lorene
Seth Liddy will be teaching some basic and hot
classes. Because you asked for it, we're bringing back two late evening classes Tues. and Thurs. at 7:30pm. which Seth will be teaching. Seth did his teacher training with Teresa Murphy in Omaha and has the most
amazing fun personality bringing playfulness to the practice.

Lorene just moved to Lincoln and has been teaching Kundalini Yoga for 20 years. She will be teaching her style of yoga on Mondays 8-9am. We are excited to
have both of these new teachers at YBB and hope all of you can welcome them and enjoy the


Seth Liddy
Seth Liddy"I am not what some might consider the stereotypical yoga instructor.  A former offensive lineman in college, I am generally always the big guy in class.  My first yoga experience was the night before my first 14er (Mt Belford in Colorado).  My cousin showed me some pranayama breathing to prepare for the big hike.  Through Yoga I have found greater strength than I have ever found in the weight room. I am living proof you don't have to touch your toes to do yoga."

"I will be teaching  Eclectic Yoga -- an all levels class that integrates postures, pranayama (breathing) and meditation techniques from various styles of
yoga such as Iyengar, Restorative, and Kundalini yoga traditions.  Most classes will be themed  i.e. "Grounding," "Core," and "Balance" and will
incorporate principles of Ayurveda. This approach allows us to play with various styles of yoga allowing us to discover something new and different each time."

May you realize your potential in 2010!
Tataya and Thomas Radtke
Yoga Body and Balance