Eurasian Theological Seminary in Moscow
Dear ,
Greetings from
Russia! Finally spring has arrived in Russia! And with the new season with sunshine and warmth, feelings of hope arise. Combined with the recent Easter holiday and looking forward to the Day of Pentecost (which observed very strongly in our churches), we are reminded of our mission - to develop leaders in building the Kingdom of God.
In this letter, we share with you one of the student teams reports from their "missionary week" internship. At ETSM, we heavily emphasize practical training in addition to their classroom studies.
It is only with the prayers and gifts from friends like
you that we are able to train the current and next generation of pastors
and church leaders in Russia and the former Soviet Union.
Sincerely, Thomas Rosson, Ph.D., President Eurasian Theological Seminary in Moscow |
Missionary Week in St. Petersburg and Vyburg Student Report from Elena, Polina, Lubov
The missioanry trip to St.Peterburg and Vyborg that took place April 6-12, 2010 has left an unforgettable impressions for us.
The very first day we had an opportunity to serve at the pastoral meeting, when we prepared the dinner and cleaned the apartment. At the evening we went to the cell group where we shared out testimonies and worshiped the Lord together with the belivers. Next day we participated in the social ministry of the local church and cleaned the apartment of the blind lady - church member. In the evening we went to the house group to the other church. On April 8th we participated in the prayer meeting and continued the fellowship during the tea.
At Friday our team went to Vyborg. Two students of the seminary Vitaly Karatach and Slava Shalgin are passing diploma practice there. While walking around the town together with brothers we shared the gospel with the people on the streets and presented Bibles (two pictures). Saturday morning we ministered to the teenagers and testifyed them about the wonderful work that the Lord has done in our lives. Later we conducted the worship and ministered with the Word on the service of the local church. Elena and Libov ministered with their gifts - sang songs.
The missionary trip to St.Peterburg became a big blessing. The bishop and the pastor of the church Gaydaychuk Valery Romanovich showed the pastoral care and support. Every day we thanked the Lord for such an attitude. The people from the church were very kind, hospitable and loving, which served a good example of ministry for the Lord.
Building Repairs
We Need Your Help
ETSM Building  | Although we are blessed to have a large, functional facility in one of the largest cities in the world, there are times when I cannot help but notice that our building does not up to the standards of the West. We have been in our building for seven years, but we now see toll that seven hard Russian winters has taken on the building.
This summer, ETSM needs to make major repairs to our roof (new insulation, sealing tar, etc), basement (sumps) and facade. And additionally, we have several secondary needs with our ventilation and heating systems, plumbing for dormitory restrooms and showers, and replacing old electrical units.
Although we have a budget for maintenance and repairs, no one estimated how severely the past winter would affect us. The heavy amounts of snow not only damaged our facade and roof, the melting of the snow has also given us problems in our basement.
Please consider helping us materially (finances, or man-power) and spiritually (prayer). The information for donating online is below. If anyone has questions about the details of our building needs, please feel free to contact me.
partially sponsored by the World Missions Department of the Church of
God - a Pentecostal fellowship of churches in 171 countries. Many of our
students need adoptive sponsors.
you would like to donate to ETSM, please use our project number
(710-0072) when making
contributions, either through your church or
directly through
Or call toll-free 1
If donating online through our secure server, by using the
link provided, our project number should already be
listed in the form.