Dear ,
Greetings from Russia!
Still with lots of snow on the ground,
ETSM is in the middle of our spring semester and a
foray of different activities which we'll try to give you a taste of
It is only with the prayers and gifts from friends like
you that we are able to train the current and next generation of pastors
and church leaders in Russia and the former Soviet Union.
Thomas Rosson, Ph.D., President
Eurasian Theological Seminary Moscow |
An Intern's Perspective
 Vitalik Karatakh is a Ukrainian student at ETS. Desiring to become a hospital chaplain, Vatilik has spent 2 1/2 years in the classroom while doing his weekend practicum in a local cancer clinic in Moscow. This semester, Vitalik is completing his major internship in the area of St. Petersburg (also known as Leningrad). The following report is in his words.
"I recently went on a missionary trip with Finnish brothers from Helsinki. I had to practice my English because the Finns do not understand Russian. We with them went to the
city of Toksovo where prayed for patients in hospital. During our visit, one woman prayed to accept Christ Jesus. After our prayer, she cried and thanked the
Lord for our meeting. Many people in hospital
asked for us to pray for them, and I helped Finns with translation. During our time in this region, many professed Christ
as Lord (i.e., said a pray of a repentance). I can hardly believe how free our work has been here. While in Moscow, I was not
authorized as a volunteer at the cancer clinic to speak about God openly - only in private conversations.
"Recently, Slava (another ETSM intern) and I helped the Gideon's ministry since we had a little free time in our schedule. As a result, we helped them unload 18 tons of the New Testaments. I calculated that we loaded up 150,000 Bibles! These Bibles will be used throughout Russian territories. Even if one in ten people could become a believer through reading them we feel as though we are a part of the Lord's blessing to thousands people through our small labor. Praise be to the Lord! We plan to take their Bibles and use them when we witness and visit hospitals and other institutions."
Extension and Online Courses
 ETSM continues to expand its extension program using a mixture of CIMS courses and "live" courses. Two new extension were started in Belarus (Minsk, Zhodino), and a new extension in Russia (Izhevsk) in addition to the already existing extensions. A new extensions are planned to start in Ekatinburg, Samara, and Siberia (Russia) and Nova Kakhovka (Ukraine) in 2010. Additionally, we have almost completed translation of the second CIMS book (Old Testament) and will be used in the coming months.
Additionally, ETSM has begun an online program which is currently in the beta-phase. That is to say, we are offering one course in the spring semester with a limited number of students to see how it works out for both teachers, students and to see if technical glitches in the IT department have been worked out. To the best of our knowledge, this makes ETSM the first fully accredited Pentecostal school in the Russian speaking world to offer online courses. In total, ETSM is training 198 people throughout the former Soviet Union.
We Need Your Help
partially sponsored by the World Missions Department of the Church of
God - a Pentecostal fellowship of churches in 171 countries. Many of our students need adoptive sponsors.
you would like to donate to ETSM, please use our project number
(710-0072) when making contributions, either through your church or
directly through
Or call toll-free 1 (800)
If donating online through our secure server, by using the link provided, our project number should already be
listed in the form.
Eurasian Theological Seminary Moscow
Porechnaya St 15
Moscow, 109652