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Eurasian Theological Seminary
Dear ,

November is always a difficult month for students. Final exams are getting closer. Papers begin to be soon due. Ministry in local churches begins to develop thus taking more time. And getting around Moscow is an art for itself - and the key ingredient is... yep, you guessed it... lots of time! Yet despite the November doldrums, There are some really great things happening at ETSM. Below are a couple of reports about learning experiences that have taken place in the last month.
Missionary Week and Internships
The Perfect Balance to Textbooks, Papers and Exams
Dmitriy and Diana in Drug Rehab (in Ministry, that is!)
Dmitriy and Diana Duzhakov who went with their three-year old son Nikita to a rehab center in the Tula region of Russia. The center has four big buildings and several small shelters for utilities. They have a cow, pigs, chicken, and a military tank that was remolded into a civil vehicle. The center has two worship services a day. 21 people, two leaders and six children of the rehab center members live there. The term of rehabilitation is one year with no charge form the members.
Dmitriy and Diana were in this Center two years ago when they were first year students at the seminary. They saw a drastic change in those who come for the rehabilitation. Diana says: "We saw a new thing. Drug addicts are so much lower now! When I was on drugs we did not use any of medical substances. But now they use a medical pain reliever called sedalgin. We saw a girl who was almost dead. Her face was deformed, her weight was 30 kilos (66lb). She was walking backwards (direct effect from the drug that affects the brain to such a degree that the person's mind causes her to walk backward rather than straight), hands were twisted, body was deformed, bones became like a jello. People who use sedalgin do not feel pain, heat, or what they are missing."
Diana was in charge of providing food, cleaning supplies, electrical supplies, etc. for the center. The center's members had to eat what Diana was able to get form organizations in near by towns. She had to find out for herself - no one taught her - how to call, and whom to call, and what to ask on the phone, what to get, what words to use when calling on organizations. She didn't know when the last time was that the center contacted a particular organization.
Dmitriy was going by car (van) to get food in Tula and other towns around. He led prayer meetings and worship services in the Center. When Dmitriy was sharing in the evenings with with the young men, Diana was serving the girls when she was free of her duties. When Diana was praying for girls, she was calling on the Lord to let these girls be true wives, be able to bare children, to feel and experience love in life with their husbands.
When their practicum came to an end, the Duzhakovs came out and for 30 minutes were saying good-byes, hugging, kissing. It was hard emotionally for the members of the center and for Duzhakov family.
Please, pray for Duzhakovs' family as they search and hear from the Lord about their ministry upon completion of three years of training at the Seminary. They are praying for God's direction in their lives and ministry.
A Tale of Two Cities - Alexander's internship
Alexander Podobedov is a pastoral student who spent his practicum in two churches and cities: St.Petersburg and Novokuibishevsk.
In St. Petersburg, Bishop Valery.Gaidaichuk (Valery is a guy's name in Russia!) hosted Alexander to experience the various ministries of his church. On Sunday after morning church service, Alexander was taken by the Pastor Gaidachuk to people in the church who can not walk to the church. So if people do not walk in to the church - the pastor walks to them. These people can not physically walk or they are sick and can't come because of that, yet they are thirsty for the Word, for the Lord and for the fellowship of saints.
Alexander has learned and experienced this area of pastoral work he didn't have opportunity before, so he is so glad the Lord has used this missionary week to train Alexander in this area.
The second place Alexander Podobedov went was Novokuibashevsk under the leadership Pastor Agadjan Alexander taught three times in the Bible School on Friday and Saturday, rehearsed with the worship team, and preached in both a Russian-speaking and an Armenian-speaking church on Sunday. From Pastor Aghajan, Alex learned how to receive ministers who come to a church. Alexander said he will not have an excuse not to receive ministers the way he was treated by pastor Aghajan this time.
By observing the two pastors (one in St.Petersburg, another in Novokuibyshevsk) Alexander also learned how to dedicate oneself to ministry and use the time a pastor has effectively to touch people's lives. "This missionary week has been a very formational experience to me", Alexander says.
success in Moscow is not primarily dependent upon our efforts, but on
God's divine favor and guidance. We are so thankful to have such a
great team of partners in ministry that keep us in their thoughts and
prayers. May the Lord reward you for your endeavors to build His
Thomas Rosson, Ph.D.
Eurasian Theological Seminary Moscow |