Mosaic Acting Academy
Auditions, Announcements and More for
November 29, 2011

A few years back, while I was living in Hollywood pursuing my acting career, I was sitting at Ed Dibevic's Deli in Beverly Hills with a very talented actress friend named Vicki and my best friend Dave. She was at a low point in her career, living in LA, and apart from her family, while she was trying to "make it." Unfortunately, her husband wasn't at all supportive of her career and was pressuring her to "give up all that nonsense and come back to the Bay Area where you belong." She made the comment that maybe she should just give up on her dream and go home. "No don't do that." Dave said. "You have to hold on to your dream." Those words inspired me to write the following, which is dedicated to all of us who are blessed - or cursed - with talent.

Hold On To Your Dream 
There's a voice that calls to some of us
From somewhere deep inside
A voice that will not give us peace,
Until at least we've tried
To catch that bright elusive star,
Though foolish it may seem
To those not driven as we are
To hold on to a dream     
It's not just thoughts of fame or wealth
That keep us hanging on
When others would have given up,
When all but Hope is gone.
When sometimes even Hope grows dim
And casts its faintest beam,
We wonder if it's worth it all
To hold on to a dream.
And then that voice inside of us
That others cannot know
Tells us that our chance will come,
That we must not let go.
If we can only persevere
Someday our Star will gleam!
And they'll know why we had to try
To hold on to our dream.
Charlie Hollidayrlie
And now, a word from our sponsors . . .


In This Issue . . .
From Charlie's Desk
Mosaic Acting Academy
Rotating Reel
Film Auditions and News From . . . .

MCG new logo 

Are you listed with Media Casting Group?  
If not, go to and click on "Register" on the upper rightThe Basic Membership is only $35 for the first year and will automatically renew for $25 per year.  The Gold Membership alllows you to post more pictures and is $50 for the first year and $35 per year thereafter.  (There is no charge to members of the performer's unions.  Contact us at  for a coupon code.)
Film  Auditions:   ______________________________________________________________________________________


Casting for SAG short film . . . both union & non-union may submit

We are looking to cast two male parts... acting age range between 28-35 for both parts. One, clean cut dark hair "preacher" type... the other surfer type, blonde with shoulder length or longer hair (preferably no visible tatoos.


If interested email headshot and resume immediately to: 
Put "SAG Short" on the subject line. Include your best phone number in the body of your email.  




Date: December 3rd, 2011
Time: Industry Mixer (5-6pm) -
Panel and Q&A (6-9pm)
Fee: $20 SOC/CFAA Members - $30 Non-members
Location: The Studio Center,
915 Fee Drive, Sacramento 95815
Unless otherwise noted,
all CFAA monthly events are held at:
The Art Institute of Sacramento,
2850 Gateway Oaks Dr. Sacramento CA 95833
(I-5 to west El Camino)
Email news items to:
Weekly newsletter deadline: Wed at 5pm for Friday publication
Call for info: 916-600-6477
Mosaic Acting Academy
About Choosing a Class . . . .

Although tuition for Charlie's classes at the Mosaic Acting Studio is very reasonable,  when deciding whom you want to study with there are a lot more things to consider than just the price.   The first thing to do is look up the instructor on  That will tell you what they have actually done.   Do their credits consist of a couple of independent films that they wrote and/or directed?  Have they only been in "kid shows" on Nickelodeon or Disney?  Is their background only in theater?  I want to work with someone who has worked with major directors and has appeared with "A list" actors. There is a reason why Charlie Holliday has been voted Sacramento's Outstanding Training Resource for Actors time after time.   

Check all the classes at 


The Mosaic Acting Academy
(Voted Sacramento's Outstanding Training Resource for Actors)




MONDAYS FROM 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
(No class Dec. 26)
Charlie Holliday has had more than a hundred major movie and TV auditions. Come learn the techniques that have helped him land dozens of roles.


There are two skills and actor must learn in order to work in movies and TV - Cold Reading and Improvisation. Unlike Theater auditions, which often request monologues, Movie and TV auditions don't generally use prepared memorized material. In this class you will learn a technique of the Mosaic Acting System that allows you to use the subjective mind to quickly create a character with depth and substance, rather than just trying to "learn the words". These same tools can then be used to create a character for Screen, Stage or any type of performance. As the class progresses, we cover cold reading and audition techniques, as well as scene and monologue work. As the class size is limited to a minimum of 8 and maximum of 12 new students, pre-registration by the Monday before the class is required. This class will be presented on 6 Saturdays from 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Tuition is $250, and includes an audio CD. (Repeat fee for prior students of this class - $200)


To register, send your minimum $150 deposit to: Charlie Holliday, PO Box 1142, Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-1142, or to register with your Credit Card or PayPal account (3% service charge)
Or call 916-361-0952
For  schedules of other classes  at the MOSAIC ACTING STUDIO go to
Mosaic Acting Academy

  drama masks 2
Theater Audition Notices







 General Auditions on December 11 & 12

Sutter Street Theatre will holding General Auditions for our 2012 shows. These auditions allow us to see in who is interested in what shows and give us an advance look at the talent available. We still will be doing separate auditions for most of our shows, but the General Auditions give you a foot in the door.


You will need to reserve a time for the audition. Please call (916) 353-1001 to do so. 


If you are a vocalist, please prepare a short excerpt from a song that shows your potential. Bring a CD or printed piano music. No acappella please! Also prepare a monologue of no longer than two minutes. If you are not singing you may do two contrasting monologues of under two minutes each. 


Bring a headshot or photo and a resume.
Audition Notice - California Stage 
CASTING: "The Idea Man" by Kevin King

Produced by Ray Tatar for California Stage-- Directed by Penny Kline.

Dates and Times: Wednesday, November 30 at 7:30 pm and Thursday, December 1 at 7:30 pm. Callbacks will be held on Saturday, December 3 at 10 am.

Place: Auditions will take place at R25 California Stage Complex (look for signs).

Bring: If available, please bring a headshot and a resume.

Actors will be asked to read from the script. Actors may pick up scenes before the audition at The Alliance Fran�aise Office in the R25 Complex between 10 am and noon and 2 to 4 pm during the weekdays at 1725 25th street, Sacramento, CA 95816.

Contact: For additional information, contact Ray Tatar -- or Penny at

Production dates: "The Idea Man" will run Feb 18 - Mar 17, 2012 at the California Stage Theater in Midtown Sacramento.

The play: Kevin King's "The Idea Man," received its world premiere with the Elephant Theatre Company in Hollywood immediately winning THE BEST PLAY OF THE YEAR award at the LA Ovation Awards.

The Story: concerns the conflict between labor and management that arises when a smart but underachieving worker puts a million-dollar idea into the company suggestion box and is awarded only a hundred dollars and a plaque. The suggestion involves improvements to one of the company's machines, and the machine's inventor and his boss decide to steal the idea for their own gain. Unfortunately for them, the worker has left out some vital information. A struggle of will and bargaining styles ensues, to sometimes hilarious results, as we see these worlds collide.

All Roles Open:

1. Al Carson: A skilled toolmaker, a guy with self-described "anger issues." He's an irrepressible skirt-chasing, beer-drinking, smart-mouthed know-it-all, father of six kids by two wives and an interim girlfriend. Al is also a mechanical savant with a head full of ideas, one gem of which, he drops in the factory suggestion box. He is also the Company union rep.

2. Francine Carson: Al's current wife is every bit Al's match. Her deadpan delivery nails him every time. Though not well educated, Francine recognizes Al's propensity to sabotage his own efforts.

3. Frank Thompson: The consummate white-collar resident engineer who originally designed the machine Al works on, instantly spots the simple brilliance in Al's new idea. He is also a man torn between loyalties, obligations, ambition, and an instinct for fairness; his is the pathos of the team player. Frank is unsatisfied with his life and longs for the "big idea" to make his mark.

4. Maureen Thompson: Frank's wife, canny, still hoping to climb the social ladder.

5. Jim Simmons: The factory's senior VP, smooth and calculating. He can be officious and demanding.

6. Doyle: Al's co-worker, a spot-welder and the sage of the plant.

7. Bobby: Al's co-worker and none too bright.

8. Gino: Al's co-worker. Jealous of Al's popularity and suspicious of Frank. He's out to prove everyone wrong in making Al the union rep.
Main Street Theatre Works Auditions

For: The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare
Directed by Susan McCandless

When: Sun. Dec. 11th and Mon. Dec. 12th at 6:30 pm
Where: The Grange
3823 V Street
Sacramento, CA 95817

Performance Dates: Fri. and Sat. June 22 thru July 21, 2012 - 8pm curtain
Performance Location: Kennedy Mine Amphitheatre, Jackson, CA
Rehearsals: In Sacramento until tech week and begin about the end of April.

Show Summary: - It's Taming of the Shrew with a contemporary twist! Think Jersey Shore meets The Sopranos. Definately a hint of
"The Mob" on this one. Lots of fun and creativity for all.

Cast Requirements: The parts of Kate and Petruchio are cast. All other parts are open.
4 Men - 55-70 (Baptista, Gremio, Vincentio, The Merchant)
6-7 Men - Late 20's to 45 (Lucentio, Tranio, Hortensio, Biondello, Grumio, Servants (may also double with other parts)
1 Woman - Late 20's to early 30's (Bianca)
1 Woman - 45-55 (the Widow - small part but will also double as one of Petruchio's Servants)

Special Requirements: Auditions will consist of a cold reading from the script. Although not required at auditions, actors will need to be able to do an east coast (New York-New Jersey) accent.

Contact: Susan McCandless

At the Sunday, December 4, Playwrights Collaborative Meeting (7:00 PM) we will reread and discuss Letha Dawson's "No Casino." Ken, a slick entrepreneur proposes a casino as the solution to a town's unemployment problems. Ravina, a single mother and factory worker/union steward, is recruited to advise the city council of the community's attitude toward this potential job-creating development. When Ken and Ravina realize they're on opposite sides of the development, life gets sticky since they've fallen for each other.
This workshop is at the California Stage Theatre, 2509 "R" Street (on "R" Street between 25th and 26th Streets), Sacramento.
The Playwrights Collaborative thanks the California Stage Theater Company for the use of its theater.
For further information or if you have a play you would like workshopped, contact Gary Agid, chairman, at (916-383-9267) . Please let me know if you would like to be removed from this list.
There are no dues, fees or other charges for participating.
Charlie Holliday
Mosaic Acting Studio

PO Box 1142
Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-1142
Directions to Studio provided upon enrollment 


Mosaic Acting Studio - Lodi
617 E. Pine St.
Lodi, CA  95240